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The board represents the New York Chinatown of the mid-60's. It is divided into 6 districts containing buildings numbered from 1 to 85.

A game is played over 6 rounds. In each round, the players receive income from the businesses they have managed to establish. To generate the maximum income, shops of the same type need to be built on adjacent buildings.

At the beginning of each round, players draw new Building cards and new Shop tiles. They must then use their negotiation skills to acquire adjacent buildings and establish businesses. …

Solo & Cooperative Mode

Solo Mode

This additional game mode was unlocked during the crowdfunding campaign. While Nemesis shines as a standard, semi-cooperative game, you can also try to survive alone.

This mode has its own special Objectives deck - solo/coop Objectives. At the start of the game, draw two cards from this deck, instead of the regular Objective cards.

Note: Once the first Encounter occurs, you must choose one of these two Objective cards.

Important: In this mode, the number of items available in each room is reduced by half, rounding up (if the exploration Tokens shows 1-2 items - set the Item Counter to 1, if 3-4 -set the Item Counter to ). …


  • 1 UNO Flash Game Unit
  • 19 Blue cards - 0 to 9
  • 19 Green cards - 0 to 9
  • 19 Red cards - 0 to 9
  • 19 Yellow cards - 0 to 9
  • 8 Draw Two cards - 2 each in blue, green, red and yellow
  • 8 Skip cards - 2 each in blue, green, red and yellow
  • 8 SLAP cards - 2 each in blue, green, red and yellow
  • 4 Wild cards
  • 4 Wild Draw Four Cards

Object of the Game

Race the timer and your opponents to be the first player to get rid of all of your cards in each round! …

Zendo is a game of inductive logic in which the Master creates a rule and the Students attempt to discover it by building and studying small arrangements of Looney Pyramids.

The first student to state the rule correctly wins.


  • 81 Pyramids (15 of each color)
  • 27 White Stones
  • 27 Black Stones
  • 27 Green Stones
  • 40 Rule Cards
  • 2 clips
  • 2 instruction booklets


Choose someone to be the Master. The other players are the Students. Give each Student a black and a white stone, to serve as "answering stones". …

America's industrial boom would have been unthinkable without the railroads. It was only possible to open up this huge country by transporting the necessary materials over long distances.

The industrial development of North America is therefore synonymous with the expansion of the railroad networks of individual companies, many of which were founded at the time with the help of investors who put up the necessary capital.

Names such as Cornelius Vanderbilt and Charles Morgan bear witness to this period, but the financing of the railroad was not the only thing these investors had in mind. The most important goal of all was to make as much profit as possible. …

  • While it's usually a good idea to set up interceptors to protect your leader, you don't always need to roll out an entire army on the first round.

    If you take time to draw a few times instead, you can form a much more cohesive and structured unit with the synergy to crush a band of hastily cobbled-together shock troops.

  • Each card has a particular theme to it. The summoner is very good at finding cards in your deck, while the Trapper can disrupt your opponent, and the Healer will revive allies. …

Designed by Bodo Malo. English translation by Ute Tabi and Timur Tabi.

Use the base rules from the U.S. edition. If preferred, the train stations of the Europe edition may be used; playing with the passengers and goods from the Germany edition is also possible.

There are 56 destination cards, which is a bit more than in the original game. Therefore, drawing more Destination Cards to facilitate the game is recommended.

Take six cards at the beginning of the game and keep at least three. Take four cards during the game and keep at least one. Discarded cards should be placed at the bottom of the deck. …

In Pentago, there are four ways to connect five marbles in a row for a win. Each one is illustrated on pages 7 and 8, with a few comments on its relative strength as a play, along with some inherit advantages and disadvantages.

The game board can get infinitely complexand provide a challenge to the most logically minded people. Because Pentago is so easy to learn, beginners can play the game right away and enjoy the simpler nuances of Pentago strategy and game play. …


Planet Type:Terra

Ability: During the Gaia phase, move the power tokens in your Gaia area to area II of your power cycle instead of to area I.

Planetary Institute: During the Gaia phase, when you move power tokens from your Gaia area to area II of your power cycle, you may gain resources as if you were spending that much power to take free actions.

Example: During the Gaia phase, you move four power from the Gaia area to area II, allowing you to gain one ore and one credit. …

The year is 1858 in Carson City, Nevada. You have rounded up a team of courageous cowboys, and your plan is to buy up the best parcels of land in this new town, then build them up with the most prosperous ranches, mines, saloons, etc.

You will need guts to challenge your opponents to duels in order to secure and hold the best properties. You will also need to recruit and use the help of the most interesting "personalities" in CarsonCity to aid your cause. The winner will be the most prominent citizen in Carson City, as measured by victory points that can be won both during and after the game. …