While it's usually a good idea to set up interceptors to protect your leader, you don't always need to roll out an entire army on the first round.
If you take time to draw a few times instead, you can form a much more cohesive and structured unit with the synergy to crush a band of hastily cobbled-together shock troops.
Each card has a particular theme to it. The summoner is very good at finding cards in your deck, while the Trapper can disrupt your opponent, and the Healer will revive allies.
You can supercharge these powers by appointing the card as a leader, but keep in mind that win or lose, the leader's card will be gone for the rest of the game. Don't waste someone in match one that you'll miss for the remaining matches!
It's almost always better to go second during a round, since you can respond to your opponent's attacks and plays. Save up healing orders for those rounds when you can use them most effectively and keep alive heroes which might otherwise die.
If you're going first during a round, you can utilize instant-kill orders and attack powers like the Assassin or Support Drone to make sure your opponent doesn't retaliate against you. These orders and attack powers don't wait for the end of a wave to cause casualties.
High power leaders can be lethal in melee, but opening them up to make melee attacks is often as much of a liability as a boon. Gauge your opponent's unit strength and see what you have to gain before letting your leader join as a dedicated fighter.
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