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The Code 777 cards have a diagram showing all the possible numbers in the game in the right color.

Diagrams are also printed on the notepad sheets. How to best use the Notepad is completely up to the players, since each player will want to take notes on the questions and their potential guesses in a different way.

However, as a general rule of thumb, you might consider using the Notepad as such:

  • In the Pyramid of numbers, scratch off any tiles you can see. You know you don't have any of the tiles you can see. …

Focus on one faction's area on the board when teaching/learning Euphoria to reduce the amount of initial information.

Basic Theme

You're a low-level manager in a dystopia, and you're trying to use your workers to take over. Workers are dice, and the numbers on those dice represents their knowledge. Because it's a dystopia, you want your workers to be dumb and happy.

Win Condition

Place all 10 of your authority stars on the board or on your cards, and you win. …

Fluxx is a game about change that changes as you play it - it's never the same game twice!

Just about everything in this game is in flux: the number of cards you draw and play each turn, how many times you move your pieces, and even the current arrangement of the ever-changing gameboard.

How do you win? That too is subject to change!


  • 9 x board tiles
  • 2 x peg boards
  • 100 x cards
  • 12 x pieces
  • 8 x pegs
  • rules

How Is This Different From The Card Game?

For those who already know how to play Fluxx, here are the key changes and new things you'll need to know about. Obviously, there's now a gameboard, made up of tiles that will change positions as the game proceeds. …

Each game board provides two different powers. For a game, the player will have one of the two powers only, because he will use either the front or the back of his board (selected randomly).

The 8 powers are described below: It may happen that a Taoist loses his power because of a ghost ability. He can recover it as soon as the responsible ghost is removed from his board.

Yellow Taoist

1. Enfeeblement Mantra

The yellow Taoist can bewitch Ghosts to hamper them. …

Alternate ways to play:

Beginner's Game

For a simpler game for younger players, make the following changes:

  • Do not auction off the cars. Instead, randomly deal the Speed-8 cards (and their matching driver plaques) to each player so that everyone has the same number of cars. Any leftover cards remain out of play, and their corresponding cars are not controlled by any player.

  • Do not use team powers.

  • Do not deal all the cards at the start of the game. Each player gets a hand of three cards. The rest go in a common draw pile. After a person plays a card, they draw a new card from the draw pile. …

Playing the Doomsday module, players can truly take humanity's fate into their hands. By conducting various Experiments, they can actively influence the event chain leading up to the Impact, which can potentially lead to mitigating its effects completely.

However, not all Paths share the vision of saving Earth from the second cataclysm - some rather see it as a way to overcome their rival Paths, once and for all...

Experiments and the Doomsday Track

Experiment cards are a major addition to the main game, and symbolize the Paths' efforts to influence the time and effect of the incoming Impact. Each Experiment card consists of a condition, a cost and a Victory Point reward. …

A dice game for many geniuses who wish to play at the same time. Recommended for those ages 10+. To win at Can't Stop Express you need the courage to take risks, but also the ability to predict and plan.


  • 5 dice
  • 1 giant score pad
  • 1 set of rules

Object of the Game

After each throw of the five dice you try to choose the best combination of two pairs, and make a good choice for the fifth die.

For this effort, you are awarded points. The player with the most points at the end (usually 24-25 rolls) wins the game. …

Easier Variants

If you want a game that is easier to explain and play (for example, when playing with younger children) you can choose among the following adjustments to the rules:

1. Ignore the tongue-changes-species rules. All players with ears are rabbits. They score points based on the rabbit cards and not on the moose cards. They move their rabbit figures. Similarly, all players with antlers are moose. The tongue only matters for tongue scoring cards.

2. Remove the score multiplying cards (x2). …

In this magical land of heroes, villains, and adventurers, a fragile peace has been brokered between the Five Realms. Five years have passed since the evil Lord Dranor escaped from The Cavern Tavern. The Elf Princess Tabita Orestes has taken her rightful place as the High Queen of the Five Realms and has built a new capital: the white-walled city of Caveborn.

Caveborn is her one chance to make peace work-to heal the division Lord Dranor caused and to keep the unity among the races: the Halflings, Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Green Elves, and Trobits. So Queen Tabita formed the Stone Council and invited one representative from each race to sit on the Council. …

Bear Rider

A furious penguin mounted on a colossal white bear attacks you!

The player who revealed this card must take the pistol and shoot the Bear tar- get with a dart before the next Cry. You can take as many shots as you need.

If a Cry sounds before you shoot the target, you fail and lose 1 Life Point.

Space Penguin

The statue of these penguins' deity comes to life and lunges toward you! You can only fight it with a special weapon hidden in the wreckage of a pirate ship on the island. …