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The Kraken

The Kraken is considered to be a Diver card of value 15. This card is played in the place and in the same way as a Diver card.

The Fishbone

The Fishbone is considered to be a Diver card of value 0. This card is played in the place and in the same way as a Diver card.

The Anchor

The Anchor is played when a Diver card is played, on that card or another Diver card already in play. The Anchor prevents any movement action on the targeted card. …

Play is as before except for when using the Ask the Audience and Phone a Friend Lifelines.

When a player requests to Ask the Audience, he or she hands their token to the host and shows one of their own Ask the Audience / Phone a Friend cards to the host. If the correct answer is shown, the player carries on to the next level.

If the answer is incorrect, the player has another chance and shows the host one of the remaining three Ask the Audience cards. If the correct answer is shown, the player carries on to the next level. …

In this section, you will find an overview of all of the market cards and a more detailed description of the way they work. Wait to read these explanations until a given market card comes into play.

Entrance, Sarcophagus, and Paved Path (2 of each)

When you get a market card like this, immediately place 1 of your stones from the quarry on the corresponding site. The stone is placed on the next available space, following the normal rules of building on that site. The card is then placed on the discard pile. …

Use any of these rules to spice up your game

Cubes as rewards for advice from other players

If you are having a hard time forming a word, reveal your hand and say that you're offering a bounty in exchange for some help. Other players can now suggest words for you to use.

If you use a word that someone suggested, the player who suggested the word receives a cube from supply. Players may cash in a cube on their turn for +1c. …

Don't forget the power points

Only when a nation builds factories, places flags, and in the end plays "taxation", can it advance with its power points. It may not be possible to avoid conflicts with other nations, but nations who set up troops and wage war all the time, will not be successful in collecting many power points.

Be careful when concentrating on one nation

It may be tempting to grant bonds exclusively to the nation in which the player has control, in order to stabilize the government and to enable the nation to build factories and pay interest. …


Shared Game Components
  • 1 Game board
  • 46 Tiles for construction of the Via Appia (9 large, 13 mid-sized, and 24 small)
  • 41 Bonus tokens (11 gray, 13 brown, and 17 beige)
  • 9 Victory point tokens (3x 6, 3, and 1 points)
  • 1 Quarry & assembly instruction
  • 9 City markers
  • 30 Sesterces
  • 1 Pusher for pushing stones into the quarry
  • 64 Stones, made from wood, to be pushed into the quarry
  • 16 Income cards
  • 4 Tokens push +1
  • 1 Start player token
  • 1 Rules booklet
Individual Components For The Players
  • 4 Transport carts
  • 4 Player pieces
  • 4 Scoring markers
  • 4 Markers 50+
  • 4 Screens

Object of the Game

Rome needs a connection to Brundisium, and the players have been tasked with building the Via Appia in order to allow for fast travel between the two cities. To create the road, they'll need to break off stone tiles in the …


  • 2 monkey launchers
  • 2 player boards
  • 9 cups (2 red, 7 yellow)
  • 10 special magic cards
  • 24 coconuts (brown / green X 12)
  • instructions


Each player takes a launcher, a player board, 2 special magic cards (shuffle the magic cards and deal 2 to each player) and distribute the coconuts roughly equally to the two players.

Put the remaining components back in the box (the remaining magic cards will not be used in this game).

Place the 9 cups and 2 player boards according to the following pictures.

Game Play

The younger player may begin by shooting one coconut with his launcher. …

Swish is a fun, fast-paced game of spatial thinking! Move the cards in your mind to see the matches. Then make a Swish!

A Swish is created by layering two or more cards so that every ball swishes into a hoop of the same color. The cards may be rotated and/or flipped but must lay on top of each other in the same orientation, and no hoop or ball can be left unmatched.

As you play, keep in mind that each card you collect is worth a point. Therefore, a Swish made up of more cards will earn you more points! …

Index Of Building Tiles

During setup, place the Small Houses on the four spaces at the top of the Game Board (indicated by their green color). All of the Small Houses have the same building costs and are each worth 1 Victory Point (VP).

For your first play, we recommend you use the light green Starter Houses. If you build more than one of these Houses, you may decide in which order you use them rig ht before the November Inventorying. The Small Houses in detail: …

All rules of the expert level apply, with the following exceptions:


Place the 6 Pantry tiles in front of you.

Game Play

From now on, you may choose to place a Pantry tile instead of drawing a Dream tile, and place it in your castle. The rules for placing Pantry tiles are the same as those for placing Defender tiles.

All other rules that apply to tiles (destroying, moving, etc). also apply to Pantry tiles. However, Pantry tiles may not be part of a defensive formation. …