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  • 1 Plastic game unit with POP-O-MATIC die roller
  • Gameboard
  • 16 Plastic playing pawns
  • 4 Rubber gameboard feet
  • Label sheet

Object of the Game

Golly y'all, Mater here! Are you ready for a race? All ya gotta do is be the first to get all four of your cars around this here racetrack and into your Victory Lane.

Other doggone racers are gonna get in your way, so you gotta rev up that engine and fly on by!


  1. Select a character and put one of your cars on the Start space. Put the other three in your Starting area. (See Figure 3). If two players are racing, they should sit opposite each other, (e.g., green against red or yellow against blue). …

This variant allows players to play a game of Welcome To while trying to achieve their best score.


Shuffle the Construction cards, effect side face up and randomly deal out two equal stacks. Shuffle the Solo card into one of these two stacks, then place this stack under the other without shuffling again.

Shuffle and randomly pick three City Plan cards. Place them "Project" side face up next to the Construction cards. Take a player sheet from the pad and a player aid. …

Players may use their citizen tokens on the following actions.

A. Board Actions

Players may send citizen tokens to action spaces on the board. Each action described below has an immediate effect, and some have special rules. Remember, when a player places a citizen on an action space, if there is already a citizen with a higher value, the player must pay an extra coin.

  • Labor

    The player collects two coins.

  • Build

    The player may pay to build one of the empire cards in the empire card row or any one of the cards from the empire C deck on the board. …

  • Development Lines

    In Shakespeare, there are 3 great development lines which are the rehearsal tracks, the set dressing, and the costumes. In addition, there are a few alternative sources of points which are non-negligible (the objectives, the gold, and the initial bid).

    The game is designed to allow the use of various successful strategies. We could, for example, do a bit of everything well, or push two of the lines as much as possible and deal only lightly with the third one. However, it's a bad idea to focus on exclusively one of the lines. …

Card Abilities

Empire/titan/district Cards

Card Action: On their turn, the player may place a Citizen token on this card to gain what follows the equals sign.

Army Limit: The player may have one army for each of these symbols they own. An army consists of 1 active military card and any retired military cards below it.

Attack (arrow): This symbol gives the player 1 extra arrow for each attack.

Attack (sword): This symbol gives the player 1 extra sword for each attack. …


  • For 2 or 3players

    Set up the village tiles and game boards as for 4 players. Game boards that are not assigned to players - called neutral game boards - receive 3 Qi token each.

    In addition to the Yin-Yang, Taoïst colored Tao token and black Tao token, give each player a Power token. Neutral boards are not assigned any Tao and Ying-Yang tokens.

    Note: in a 2-player game, the two players must face each other. Therefore, they each have a neutral board on their left and on their right. …

Each Master has a special power and gives Victory Points at the end of the game.

Master cards can be played in 4 different ways:

  • If one of your Students finishes its movement on the Master space at the end of a path on the Technology track.
  • If your Marker finishes its movement on the Master space on the Work track.
  • By placing a Travel cube on the Master space on the Map.
  • By placing 9 Bookshelf tiles.

When you play a Master card, place it next to your Study board. If there is an immediate effect, shown by the lightning symbol, perform the effect immediately. …

You are a Dreamwalker, lost in a mysterious labyrinth. Your goal is to find the eight oneiric doors! Onirim is a solo/cooperative game for two players. You play against the game, alone, or with a partner. The Locations are the magical places of the labyrinth you will explore in your search for the eight Doors.

The 8 oneiric Doors are the object of your quest: having all 8 Door cards on the table is the victory condition of the game. There are two ways to obtain a Door card : …

Cards ordered by number of players, quantity in parentheses.

Indicates action card

Chocolate Frosted (3)

When you take this card from the donut row, immediately draw the top card from the donut deck and place it face up in front of you.

Donut Holes (6)

Count the number of donut hole cards you have at the end of the game. Score 1 point if you have one, 3 for two, 6 for three, 10 for four, or 15 if you have five or more.

Eclair (3) ~

When you take this card from the donut row, immediately take the top card from the discard pile. …

When a player chooses an action on the Art Nouveau board, on which an opponent has built a Building tile, the opponent gets a secondary action, as defined by the main action.

He performs this secondary action immediately after the active player has performed his primary action. The different actions are:

Workshop Action

he player creates a black work of art. He takes a black work from those placed near the gameboard. He may sell this work through the Sale action of the Art Nouveau board. …