You are a Dreamwalker, lost in a mysterious labyrinth. Your goal is to find the eight oneiric doors! Onirim is a solo/cooperative game for two players. You play against the game, alone, or with a partner. The Locations are the magical places of the labyrinth you will explore in your search for the eight Doors.
The 8 oneiric Doors are the object of your quest: having all 8 Door cards on the table is the victory condition of the game. There are two ways to obtain a Door card :
By playing three Location cards of the same color consecutively.
By discarding a Key card (it's the rarest and most powerful type of Location card) when you draw a Door card of the same color.
Beware: you are not alone in the labyrinth! Horrible nightmares dwell in the hallways, ready to thwart your quest by any means possible! Nightmare cards are also shuffled within the deck of cards that represents the labyrinth.
To draw such a card will force you to choose one penalty, which will compromise the success of your adventure.
Find the eight oneiric Doors before your dream runs out of time! You lose the game if the deck is exhausted before you manage to get the eight Door cards on the table.

The basic game contains 76 cards:
- 10 Dream cards: nightmare
- 2 Observatory Door cards
- 2 Aquarium Door cards
- 2 Garden Door cards
- 2 Library Door cards
- 16 Observatory cards
- 15 Aquarium cards
- 14 Garden cards
- 13 Library cards
Shuffle the 76 cards from the basic game (the cards without expansion symbols): this is the deck that represents the labyrinth to be explored.
Note: the expansion symbols are ... and are found in the lower right-hand corner of the cards. Once you have mastered the basic game, feel free to explore the various expansions. Add and combine them at will - they are all stand-alone and compatible with one another.
Draw your opening hand of cards: draw the top 5 cards from the top of the deck. If you draw any Door or Dream cards, set them aside, and replace them with the top card of the deck, until you have 5 Location cards in hand. Then, re-shuffle all cards set aside back into the deck.
Note: in the basic game, there is only one type of Dream cards: the Nightmare cards.
The Limbo Pile
During the game, some effects may cause you to shuffle cards back in the deck. Put these cards aside temporarily in an area called the Limbo pile; at the end of each turn, all cards in the Limbo pile are shuffled back into the deck.
Example: the player draws 5 cards: 3 Location cards, 1 Dream card, and 1 Door card. He sets aside the Dream and the Door cards into the Limbo pile, and draws 2 replacement cards: 1 Location card and another Door card.
He sets the other Door card aside, and draws another replacement card: it's a Location card. He now has 5 Location cards in hand; he shuffles the Limbo pile (i.e. the 3 cards set aside) into the deck.

Game Play
A turn is divided into three phases:
- Play or discard a card
- Fill your hand
- Shuffle the Limbo pile
A. Play or Discard a card
1. Play a Card
Initiate (if it's the first round) or continue (for the rest of the game) the row of cards which represents the part of the labyrinth you are exploring (the Labyrinth row), by playing one Location card from your hand face up in front of you.
The card should be played in such a way that the previously played card remains partly visible. There is one golden rule: the card played may not have any symbol in common with the last card played.
There are three symbols: Sun, Moon and Key.

Discovering a Door card
If the card just played is the third in a row of the same color, you obtain a Door card of that color: you may search this card in the deck, then place it on the table in front of you, and shuffle the deck.
If a card is the fourth in a row of the same color, it counts as the first card of a new series of that same color.

green Door card in the deck.
green card; in this case, she may not search for the brown Door card.
2. or Discard a Card
Choose a card from your hand and discard it onto the discard pile. If it is a Moon or Sun card, go to phase 2 "Complete your hand".
If the discarded card is a Key card, you trigger a Prophecy, after which you go to phase 2.
Prophecy: look at the top 5 cards of the deck, discard one of them (this is mandatory), and put the 4 remaining cards back on top of the deck in the order of your choice.
Note: if there are less than 5 cards remaining in the deck, reveal all those cards, discard one of them , and put the remaining cards back in the order of your choice.
B. Fill your Hand
You must replenish your hand to five cards, by drawing the top card from the deck.
There are three possibilities:
It is a Location card. This card simply replaces the card just played or discarded this turn.
It is a Door card. You may immediately discard from your hand a Key card of the same color. If you do, you obtain the Door card and place it in front of you.
If you do not have a Key of the same color or do not want to use the Key, place the Door card in the Limbo pile
It is a Dream card. You have to resolve the effect of this card immediately.

Resolve a Dream card
In the basic game, there is only one type of Dream card: the Nightmare.
When you draw a Nightmare card, you have to choose one of the following four options:
Discard a Key card from your hand.
Place one of your gained Door cards in the Limbo pile.
Reveal the top 5 cards from the deck: discard all those cards, except Door and/ or Dream cards, which are placed into the Limbo pile.
Discard your whole hand and draw a new hand of 5 cards, using the method described for the beginning of the game: draw cards until you have 5 Location cards in your hand, putting aside any Door and/or Dream card into the Limbo pile (the Dream cards are not resolved, and you cannot obtain a Door card by discarding a Key card).
Once the Nightmare card has been resolved, discard it.
If you have 5 cards in your hand, go to phase 3 "Shuffle the Limbo pile". Otherwise, continue to replenish your hand and draw the top card from the deck.
Note: if you have less than 4 cards, you draw - and, if necessary, resolve - one card after the other.
C. Shuffle the Limbo Pile
Shuffle all cards set aside in the Limbo pile back into the deck. If no cards were put in the Limbo this turn, skip this step: there is no phase 3 this turn.
The turn is then over. Play one turn after another until the end of the game.
End of the Game
You win if, at any point, all 8 Door cards are in play at the same time. The game ends immediately (you don't have to replenish your hand).
You lose if you must draw a card to fill you hand, and there is no card left in the deck.
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