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Each Master has a special power and gives Victory Points at the end of the game.

Master cards can be played in 4 different ways:

  • If one of your Students finishes its movement on the Master space at the end of a path on the Technology track.
  • If your Marker finishes its movement on the Master space on the Work track.
  • By placing a Travel cube on the Master space on the Map.
  • By placing 9 Bookshelf tiles.

When you play a Master card, place it next to your Study board. If there is an immediate effect, shown by the lightning symbol, perform the effect immediately.

If the immediate effect is a Basic Action you must perform the action using the value shown (or an inferior value). You cannot add symbols of the same type visible on your desk, nor can you spend 2 Coins to increase its value.

Robert Boyle: Perform a Study action with a value of 4. With this action you can place more Bookshelf tiles and divide the value of the action (for example, by placing 1 bookshelf tile on shelf 1, and another on shelf 3; or 4 Bookshelf tiles on shelf 1, etc).. You must meet the requirements in each book space you wish to fill.

Tycho Brahe: Gives you 2 permanent blue Volumes.

Thomas Browne: Perform a Lessons action with a value of 4. With this action you can take more than one Action card by splitting the value of the action (for example, by taking a card with a value of 1 and a card with a value of 3, or 4 cards each with a value of 1, etc)..

Giordano Bruno: Receive 6 Coins.

Rene Descartes: Perform a Lessons action with a value of 1. Immediately perform the Basic Action of the Action card you choose to take as if you have played that card on your desk (the value of the Action is the total number of symbols visible on your desk plus 1).

Margaret Cavendish: Permanently remove from your supply the 2 topmost Bookshelf tiles.

Nicolaus Copernicus: Perform a Study action with a value of 3. Ignore the requirements of the book space you decide to fill.

Nicola Cusano: Receive 3 Potion tokens.

Daniel Fahrenheit: Gives you 1 permanent Volume. You may choose the color of the Volume each time that you use this Master's power.

Galileo Galilei: Perform a Travel action with a value of 3. You can place 1 Travel cube on each place you pass through.

William Gilbert: Place 1 Student at the bottom of the Technology track.

Edmond Halley: Perform a Technology action with a value of 4. With this action you can move more than 1 Student by splitting the value of the action (for ex am ple, by moving 1 Student by 1 space and another by 3 spaces, or by moving 4 Students by 1 space each).

Christiaan Huygens: Perform a Work action with a value of 3. If, by performing this action, you reach the Objective tile at the end of the track, ignore the requirements necessary to activate it.

Johannes Kepler: Perform a Work action with a value of 6. You do not receive Coins for this action.

Gottfried Leibniz: Gives you 2 permanent orange Volumes.

Isaac Newton: Gives you 2 permanent green Volumes.

Paracelsus: Perform an action of your choice with a value of 3.

Blaise Pascal: Perform a Travel action with a value of 5. You do not have to pay any Travel costs.

Evangelista Torricelli: Perform a Technology action with a value of 3. If, by performing this action, you reach an Objective tile, ignore the requirements necessary to activate it.

Maria Winkelmann: Place I Travel cube in a space of your choice on the map. You cannot place it on the Master space or on the Objective space.

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