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Action cards which are not Starting Action cards always have a special effect which is shown in their upper half.

  • Spend the amount shown on the left in order to receive that shown on the right.

  • 1 Volume of your choice.

  • Receive 1 VP for each Volume of the color shown, available to you (on your desk and on the Master cards you have played). You cannot use Potion tokens to replace Volumes required by this special effect.

  • Spend 3 Coins in order to place a second bookshelf tile in the same action. The value of the action must be split.

    Example: Alice performs a Study action at a value of 3 playing this card. She can place 2 Bookshelf tiles on the first line or 1 in the first and 1 in the second.

  • Double the effect of the Bonus tokens that you collect performing the Technology action of this card.

  • Spend 2 Coins to move your Scientist to any free Village (with a silver or gold border without Bonus tokens). You can apply this effect either before or after performing the Basic Travel action.

  • Apply the immediate special effect (with a lightning symbol) of an Action card which has already been placed on your desk.

  • Discard 1 Action card from your hand (remove it from the game) and receive 4 VPs and 2 Coins.

  • Receive 4 VPs for each set of 3 identical Volumes available to you (on your desk and on the Master cards you have played).

    You cannot use Potion tokens to replace Volumes required by this special effect.

  • Spend 4 Coins to ignore the requirements of the book space where you want to play a Study action.

  • Spend 2 Coins to place more than one Travel cube during this Travel action. (you can place a cube in a place you pass through and in the place where you finish your movement).

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