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  • Two 12-sided Dice
  • Three 6-sided Dice
  • Travel Bag
  • Instruction Booklet

Object of the Game

Use your math skills to combine three numbers to match, or come closest to, the Target Number.

Game Play

Start by rolling the two 12-sided Target Dice. Multiply them together to establish a Target Number. In the example below, when you roll a 7 and a 4 the Target Number is 28.

Then roll the three 6-sided Scoring Dice to establish three Scoring Numbers. In the example below, a 5, 2, and 3 are your Scoring Numbers. …

Bring the puny people of Earth under heel - in true invader fashion! Destroy the human cities! Destroy anyone who gets in your way! Take pictures of famous monuments for your trophy wall. . . and then destroy the monuments!


  • 10 Mars Attacks dice
  • 30 cards
  • 24 player tokens
  • 1 first-player marker
  • Rulebook


Each player takes four player tokens of one color.

Figure 1: Player tokens

Choose a first player. Place the first- player marker in front of the first player and keep it there for the duration of the game. This is important at the end of the game. …

You haven't bought anything for 6 months, its 8:59am on the morning of the biggest sale of the year. You and the shoppers are standing around outside, shopping lists ready, eager to begin the battle for the hottest clothing on the market.

And now, the store s heavy metal shutters are beginning to rise...


  • 85 Clothing Cards
  • 15 Objective Cards with 1 Shopping Bag
  • 10 Objective Cards with 2 Shopping Bags
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

Race to be the first player (or team of players) to complete your shopping list by sorting through piles of clothes to find the items that match your list! …

Hero Cards

Each Hero card shows one of the mystic heroes you can evoke to fight for you in the Arena. Each Hero card shows:

  • Die Type: The type of die you must roll during the Duel (d8 or d10).
  • Cost: The value of the Hero when using the Constructed Deck Variant.
  • Illustration and Name: The likeness of the Hero and his title.
  • Text: A special ability you may use during the Duel, and some flavor text in some cases.

Duel Cards

  • Artifacts: Valuable and useful ancient items that your Hero may use. …


  • 4 Wooden Snails
  • 18 Pieces of Track
  • 1 Cardboard Podium
  • 12 Trinket Tokens
  • 4 Colored Dice
  • 4 Snail Cards
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

Push your snail around the track and collect trinkets along the way. Cross the finish line first to win the race!


  1. Take a snail in the color of your choice and its matching snail card.

  2. Build the race track. The piece with the flag is used as the starting line.

  3. Randomly place the trinkets on the track. Use enough trinkets so that each player is able to collect one of each type during the race. (6 trinkets in a 2 player game, 9 trinkets in a 3 player game, all 12 trinkets in a 4 player game). …

The Gates District (Takanawa Okido)

Here your Disciple can take one of the following actions:

  • Recruit One Disciple

    Pay 7 Mon to the bank, take one of your Disciples from the Reserve and place it onto your Clan House. If you already own all 4 Disciples, you cannot take this action.

  • Beg

    • Give up 1 Prestige Point (by mov- ing your Marker on the Score Track backwards) to receive 3 Mon from the bank OR

    • give up 2 Prestige Points to receive 5 Mon from the bank (you cannot give up points that you do not have). …

Play it risky or play it safe.. .either way you just gotta stack it! Roll your dice and stack higher or lower numbers on the dice tower.

Just don't knock down the tower because you'll score a big fat zero! But if you get all of your dice on the tower before it falls, everyone else loses out!


  • 20 Dice (4 Different Color Sets of 5 Dice)
  • Quake Plate,
  • 4 Dice Cups
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

Be the first player to score 20 points by rolling the right numbers and steadily adding them to the single tower! …


  • 84 animal cards
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

The object of the game is to be the first player out of cards, by correctly matching animals and/or colors and not making a mistake when discarding.


The first time you play, look through the deck to get familiar with the cards. There are seven different animals - sheep, donkey, lion, frog, cuckoo, pig and monkey in four different colors - red, green, blue and yellow.

There are also four wild peacock cards. Note the cuckoo, donkey and peacock cards, as they have special powers, described below. Also, take some time to practice the sound that each animal makes. …


  • 42 city tiles (21 green, 21 orange)
  • 21 shape cards
  • 4 cityscape starter tiles
  • 2 city grids
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

Go head-to-head with your opponent and see who can grow their city without going over the limits. Take turns drawing shape cards and simultaneously place the matching tiles into your city grids.

Whoever is able to fit their tiles without going over the edge of their grid wins.


Each player takes a city grid and 21 city tiles of the same color . Lay out your tiles in front of you so that they are easily identifiable. …

Doodle Quest takes you on an aquatic adventure! Dive below the deep blue sea where there's fish to gobble, treasure to discover, and divers to save.

You will complete each quest with the power of your pen and earn points for every successful sketch. The bait of the challenge will hook you for hours of fun!


  • 18 Double-sided Quest Cards
  • 4 Transparent Doodle Sheets
  • 4 Drawing Boards
  • 4 Dry-erase Pens
  • 4 Erasers
  • 4 Fish Stencils
  • Erasable Scoring Sheet
  • Rulebook

Object of the Game

Score as many points as possible while completing 6 challenging deep sea quests! …