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Each player may have ( at most ) one Friend card at a time. If you have a Friend card, it stays face up in front of you and provides a special benefit that repeats every round as long as you still have it. Each Friend card tells you when it activates and what it does. It is up to you to remember to activate your Friend at the appropriate moment.


Start of the Round Wish: Predict out loud whether you will end up Gathering alone or with other players. At the end of the Gather phase, gain 1 of each resource from the supply if you were correct. …

Location Cards: A-side

Reminder: Each Location Card is activated when you place the appropriate Character Card underneath it.

Your Characters only gain points for you, in your own realm. However, the Characters of the other players may gain them points on your turn, if you activate a Character with the black "all players" icon on it.

Also, only unwounded Characters are counted when activating any newly placed Characters. Those in the Infirmary, as well as the "bottom" side of split Character Cards, are not counted. …

In this version two players will compete to be the first to get their team of explorers to the lost city. To win, you will need to beat the other player in a race to the city, or to survive longest. These rules are broadly similar to the cooperative version, and those rules should be read first.


Before you set the game up, quickly run through the deck of adventure cards and remove any card with an exclamation mark in the title. There are six of these cards: 1, 8, 17, 33, 41, and 52. Set up two team areas, and choose a pawn each. Each player should take one explorer of each Expertise, three Ammunition tokens and three Food tokens for their team area. Place four Health tokens on each explorer. …

In this version you will work alone to keep your explorers alive and bring them glory. These rules are broadly similar to the cooperative version, and those rules should be read first.


Choose one explorer of each Expertise, then take three Ammunition tokens and three Food tokens to form your team area. Place three Health tokens on each explorer.

Lay out all nine expedition cards in the centre of the table, ending in the lost city, and place a pawn on the first expedition card. Shuffle the adventure cards and deal yourself six. In this version the rules for Morning and Evening are slightly different. …

Hippopotamus: this herbivore is related to pigs. It is the second largest land animal and can achieve the amazing speed of approximately 30 mph despite its weight, which can reach 10000 pounds and a length of up to 14 feet.

Dolphin: this pleasant mammal is considered by many the most intelligent animal and is particularly noted for its acrobatic ability and its social behavior. The dolphin can dive up to 1500 feet deep for as long as 15 minutes before returning to the surface to breathe. …

By Seth Brown.

The Corner

Flag in the corner

  • PRO: The corner flag placement has a few things to recommend it. Most obviously, your flag in the corner can only be approached from two sides, as opposed to three or four. The flag is thus very easy to defend without needing many of your bombs or power pieces, by occupying the two spaces adjacent to the corner space.

    Unless the enemy eliminates most of your back row, your corner flag is only vulnerable to a direct frontal assault, so it is easy to stack powerful defense there. …

Each fleet's special power is optional. However, if you don't use it, it is lost (it cannot be saved for future turns).

  • Take a bamboo boat (green) from the reserve.

  • This fleet has no special effect, but you are guaranteed to play fi rst on the next round.

  • Take a wood boat (brow n) from the reserve.

  • You can choose a building from the Building Row and reserve it for later. Place the tile face up next to your player mat. Now only you can construct this building. A penalty of 1 PP will be applied if you don't build it by the end of the game. …

Caylus is an evolutive game. Depending on the players' choices (which buildings should they build first? Will there be a lawyer? When will the mason arrive on the board?), the game will develop in different ways. Some games will see huge resources, others won't.

Some games will see the construction of prestige buildings, others won't. However, the players will have to take advantage of the tough situations they will face. Here is some advice to help them make the most of their first games. …


Doubles the value of your Prestige Point Tokens.


Receive 2 coins from any opponent that constructs a building next to at least one of your Standard Buildings. An opponent that cannot pay cannot place their building next to yours.


Receive Standard Building Bonuses even for Prestige Buildings.


Once per turn, when you clear islands to take Culture Tokens, take one extra token from any island of the board.

Fu Hsi

At game end, score 1 PP for every 3 coins (instead of 5) …

When playing Seikatsu solo, you will lay tiles similar to the regular game, and you will score flower sets from the perspective of your pagoda as usual.

However, you will compete against the combined score of the perspectives of the other two pagodas. Choose a difficulty setting: Easy, Medium, or Hard.

Depending on the difficulty setting you choose, you may count Flocks of birds for yourself, ignore Flocks, or add them to your opponent's score. If your score is higher than the sum of the other two perspectives you win the game. …