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You are a cop. You and your fellow officers have gathered to discuss the growing corruption within the district.

One of you is secretly leading the crooked cops as the Kingpin, while someone else is secretly leading the honest cops as an Agent.

Work to discover the opposing leader and take them out before the other team eliminates your leader.


  • 24 Integrity cards
  • 16 equipment cards
  • 4 guns
  • 2 wounded tokens
  • 1 lead investigator
  • 5 stands


Each Gun, Integrity card, and Equipment card has a number in the corner to indicate whether it will be used during this game. Before playing, remove any Guns and cards that show a number in the top right corner that is greater than the number of players in the game. …

VP Tokens

These tokens can be gained by card abilities. Each token is equal to 1 VP. The number of tokens is not limited to those provided in this set. If you need more, use some other counter to keep track.

VP Token

Public Knowledge

The following items are public knowledge:

  • Quantity of cards in hand (but not names)
  • Names and colors of all cards in a player's guildhall
  • Quantity (but not profession) of completed chapters
  • A player's total VP
  • The top card of the discard pile

Discard Pile

Only the top card of the discard pile is public knowledge. You can only look through the discard pile if a card's ability allows it. You cannot rearrange the discard pile when searching it. …

Cooperative games are pure fun to play with friends and family because they allow you to compete together against the board. It's all about teamwork and problem-solving as a team.

Here is our list of 10 of the best cooperative board games ever made. This list is made based on our experiences and user feedback.

10. Mechs vs. Minions

2016 2-4 Players Age 14+ Easy 60-90 minutes 9 Get your copy

This League of Legends board game is a fully cooperative story-driven tabletop game of programmed movement and action that sees for 2-4 players blowing up hundreds of adorable little League minions. There are 10 missions and each mission takes about 60-90 minutes to play. …

The strategy of Edge of Darkness is largely about managing the balance between short term challenges while keeping longer term goals on target.

Here are some things to think about. These are not hard-and-fast rules, and depending on the set of 10 locations in your particular game and what advancements you observe other players choosing, you should consider adjusting your strategy.

  1. Sleeving

    Always sleeve advancements on your own cards if possible rather than Neutral cards or other players' cards.

  2. Drafting

    Early in the game, when drafting, try to get exactly 1 of your own cards in your hand so that you can sleeve on it. Skip other cards that are yours so that you will get them next turn. …

Object of the Game

Being shareholders, the players build the rail network of the individual cable car companies and buy their shares. For each completed line the respective cable car company gains profit points. Who will have the most valuable shares and win the game?

Setting up and preparing game play


When playing with this expansion, the players do not own any cable car companies. Instead of establishing their own com- panies, players are buying shares of several of the 8 cable car companies. Regardless of the number of players all 8 companies are used always. …

The Commanders

Move your Scout forward by paying Food, Canoe or Horse.

Meriwether Lewis (blue)

Captain of the U.S. Army and personal secretary to the President, he is chosen by President Jefferson to command the Expedition.

William Clark (orange)

Lieutenant during the Northwest Indian War, he is recruited by his friend Lewis when he is 33 to share command of the newly formed Corps of Discovery.

John Ordway (yellow)

Sergeant of the U.S. Army, he is the right-hand man of the captains. In charge of guard duties and issuing provisions, he keeps the most detailed journal of the Expedition. …

  1. The beetle can be easily underestimated but if moved on top of your opponents queen bee, it can be a devastating piece as you can then place directly around it.

  2. Keep hoppers in reserve for end moves, to get into positions that are surrounded.

  3. Bring out spiders early on in the game as they are very good as short runners when the hive is still small.

  4. Keep an eye on your opponents holding set, even if it looks like you're in a losing position, you can turn the game around by blocking spaces if they have no hoppers or beetles to place. …

The spells from the spell book cards are described in detail in this section.

Copia: The warlock, who uses this spell, takes any three drops from the supply, which he places in his play area.

For example, 1 of each color or 2 red plus 1 white drop.

Magus: The warlock, who uses this spell, can acquire the top-most copper cauldron. To do so, the warlock pays the number of ingredients shown on the card, but need not match the types shown. He may not pay an extra ingredient to also take a potion vial. …

Below, the 60 cards are grouped by card type and explained.

Note: The player trays are die cut in such a way that some space remains between the spheres of the bottom level - however, all spheres directly adjacent to each other "touch" each other.

1. There must be exactly this many spheres

These task cards indicate exactly how many spheres in the quantity and color shown on the card must be placed on the tray. Where you place the spheres and whether or not the spheres touch each other is irrelevant. …

Card Descriptions

5, 30. Life Insurance - Play this card to avoid losing a card from misfortune.

11. Zoo trip - Play this card to throw 2 more dice during a turn. The card can be played during any of the 3 dice rolls in a turn, and its effect lasts for the rest of that turn.

12. Bicycle - The player who starts with this card reveals it face up and is the starting player. It is that player's first possession.

28. Job at Dad's company - As an active job card, this generates a symbol of bad luck each turn. Therefore rolling even just 2 more bad luck symbols on the dice will cause misfortune (loss of a card). …