The Commanders
Move your Scout forward by paying Food, Canoe or Horse.

Meriwether Lewis (blue)
Captain of the U.S. Army and personal secretary to the President, he is chosen by President Jefferson to command the Expedition.

William Clark (orange)
Lieutenant during the Northwest Indian War, he is recruited by his friend Lewis when he is 33 to share command of the newly formed Corps of Discovery.

John Ordway (yellow)
Sergeant of the U.S. Army, he is the right-hand man of the captains. In charge of guard duties and issuing provisions, he keeps the most detailed journal of the Expedition.

Nathaniel Pryor (green)
Described by the captains as «a man of character and ability», he is one of the «Nine Young Men from Kentucky». He supervises the carpentry at Camp Dubois.

Charles Floyd (purple)
Quartermaster, he dies in August 1804 because of a fatal appendicitis. He is buried on a bluff overlooking the Missouri River in Iowa. He is he only person to die on the expedition.
The Interpreters
Take Indians from the Village and add them to your Expedition.

Pierre Cruzatte (blue)
Thanks to his French father and his Omaha mother he speaks 3 languages and is skilled in sign language. He is an expert riverman. He entertains the explorers with his fiddle-playing.

Francois Labiche (orange)
Recruited as an enlisted member of the Corps, he is an experienced boatman and Indian trader. He speaks English, French and several Indian

Robert Frazer (yellow)
He joins the Corps of Discovery belatedly, after Moses Reed's desertion. He keeps a diary and a valuable map.

George Gibson (green)
He enlists as one of the "Nine Young Men from Kentucky" in 1803 and is a fi ne hunter and horseman and also plays the fiddle. He has some skills in sign language.

J. Baptiste Lepage (purple)
He is a French-Canadian fur trader who is living among Minitari and Mandan Indians when the expedition arrives here in 1804. He replaces discharged Private John Newman.
The Lumberjacks
Collect Wood.

Hugh Mcneal (blue)
Almost killed by a Tillamook Indian during a romantic assignation. On the return trip, he surprises a grizzly and has to scurry up a willow tree and wait for the bear to leave.

John B. Thompson (orange)
He serves as a cook and creates maps. He goes out with several elk-hunting parties to "cure" meat in the fi eld--a nearly essential skill in a damp climate.

Thomas P. Howard (yellow)
He is a steady member of the expedition, despite having been court-martialed for scaling the Fort Mandan stockade wall when returning from a visit to the Mandan Indian village.

Patrick Gass (green)
e is elected Sergeant after Floyd's death. As a carpenter, he heads the construction of the Corps' winter quarters, hews dugout canoes, and builds wagons to portage the canoes.

Hugh Hall (purple)
He has a penchant for whiskey, which together with other army infractions result in court martial penalties that are not of sufficient severity to dismiss him from the party.
The Hunters
Collect Food.

Seaman (blue)
Lewis' black Newfoundland dog, he is the only animal to complete the entire trip. He hunts for food and provides warnings.

York (orange)
Clark's manservant, he plays a key role in diplomatic relations. Because of his appearance, the Indians suspect he has magical powers. He saves Lewis from a grizzly bear.

Silas Goodrich (yellow)
He is transferred from his army unit to Lewis and Clark's command in 1804. He is the principal fisherman for the corps, and provides other food when necessary.

John Colter (green)
He is one of the best hunters in the group, and is routinely sent out alone to scout the surrounding countryside for game. He is considered to be one of the first mountain men.

William Werner (purple)
He serves as a cook and was probably born in Kentucky. Before the expedition, he was disciplined for fi ghting with John Potts and is court-martialed in 1804 for mutiny.
The Blacksmiths
Collect Equipment.

Alexander H. Willard (blue)
He has a powerful physique and serves the expedition as blacksmith and gunsmith. He is able to repair equipment and make tools for trading with the Indians.

Joseph Whitehouse (orange)
He serves as a tailor and keeps a journal. He is almost killed on the Jefferson River.

John Shields (yellow)
He is from Virginia and the oldest man of the party, enlisting in 1803 at the age of 34. A talented man, he is head blacksmith, gunsmith, boat builder and general repairman.

William Bratton (green)
Skilled blacksmith from Kentucky, he is over six feet tall and square-built. He has been suffering an extreme pain in his lower back for months and is cured in an Indian sweat lodge.

John Potts (purple)
German immigrant and miller by trade, he is a trusted member of the party. He nearly drowns, almost bleeds to death when he cuts his leg, and is attacked by a grizzly bear.
The Fur Traders
Collect Fur.

Richard Windsor (blue)
He is a great hunter and woodsman. Crossing a bluff , he slips and starts to fall down its edge. Lewis runs and tells him to dig his knife in and climb up. He does so, and escapes death.

Joseph & Ruben Field (orange)
They are brothers, two of the «Nine Young Men from Kentucky». Healthy and lucky, they are two of the top hunters of the expedition.

George Shannon (yellow)
18 years old, one of the "Nine Young Men from Kentucky". He is a good singer, hunter and horseman. He gets lost occasionally, but always manages to find his way back.

Peter Weiser (green)
He serves as quartermaster, cook, and hunter. He is one of the Corps' best shots .While the expedition is at Fort Clatsop, he is part of the salt-making detail on the Oregon coast.

John Collins (purple)
Appointed cook for Sgt. Pryor's mess, his main contribution is as one of the expedition's best hunters. He captures specimens to scientifically document the Western wildlife.
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