Primary Resources Collection

The Lumberjack, the Hunter, the Blacksmith and the Fur Trader allow you to collect resources.
When you play one of these Characters, add up the number of relevant resource badges visible in the top corner of each card in your Playing Area (including the cards used to perform the Action) and also those in your left-hand and right-hand neighbors' Playing Areas (or your only neighbor if playing a 2-player game).

Multiply the number of badges you've just counted by the value of the Strength given to your Action. Take as many resources as you want from the corresponding Stock, up to the total number of badges you've worked out.
Place them on your Boats' free spaces. During a collection, previously held resources cannot be discarded from your Boats unless your Boats are already full. In this case, you can return to the Stocks the excess resources of your choice.
The resources can be reorganized as often as you want, but you can never have more resources than you can store (even temporarily).
Example: Karine (Blue) plays her Lumberjack, and gives him a total Strength of 2 from a Character card placed underneath. There are now 5 visible Wood badges in her own and her two neighbours' Playing Areas, Juliens (Orange) and Cedrick's (Green).
Karine can therefore take 2x5 =10 Wood from the Stock. She decides to keep only 7 which she places on her Boats. The remaining resources go back to the Stock.

Take Indians on board

The Interpreter allows you to welcome new Indians into your Expedition.
Gather on the Powwow area (in the center of the Village) all the Indians in the Village (including the Indian present on the Newcomer area).
Then take as many Indians as you want from the Powwow area. Place the Indian(s) you have taken in the Boats of your Expedition.
Discard the Character card situated on the last page (at the bottom) of the Journal of Encounters, and put it face-up in the discard deck. Now add the top card from the draw deck to the Journal (see «Add a new card to the Journal of Encounters page 5).
Finally, place an Indian figure, taken from the Stock, on the Newcomer area. Ignore this step if the Indian stock is empty.
If you activate the Interpreter action with a Strength of 2 or 3, repeat the process respectively 2 or 3 times, refilling the Journal and the Newcomer area each time. This will allow you to obtain 1 or 2 additional Indians.
The Interpreter Action is a key Action in this game. This is the only way to add Indians to your Expedition. It also:
makes available all the Village Actions once again,
reveals new cards in the Journal, which gives more options for recruiting.
Move Forward on the Route
The Route
The Route is composed of several parts :

- three River parts (in blue),
- two Mountain parts (in grey),
- two «Mountain-River» spaces, both of which are River and Mountain at the same time.
Variant: After you've played a few games, we suggest designing your own Route! You can add some Route Change tokens to some of the Route spaces on the board. This way, a different distribution of River and Mountain spaces will allow you to try some new strategies.

The Commander allows you to move your Scout forward on the Route. For each Strength that activates this card, choose one of the following options:
- Pay one Food from your Boats and move your Scout forward 2 River spaces.
- OR pay one Canoe from your Boats and move your Scout forward 4 River spaces.
- OR pay one Horse from your Boats and move your Scout forward 2 Mountain spaces.
There are 2 «Mountain-River» spaces, before and after the first Mountain area. In these spaces, you can move your Scout forward with any of the three resources.
A part of the move may be lost, however, if the land type changes to something that the resource normally can't handle (e.g., after moving through a Mountain-River with a Horse, movement would stop if a River space came next).
Scouts' Movement
A Scout movement can never end on the same space as an opponent's Scout because on the Route, only one Scout is permitted per space (except in Saint Louis, which is the starting space, and the first space of river).
If this happens, the Scout moves forward to the next available space (possibly moving backward during the Encampment phase). Players may pass through an occupied space, however.
Remember: when your Scout moves forward several times during the same Action (thanks to a card activated 2 or 3 times), do not take the positions of opposing Scouts into account while you're moving, but only the position of a Scout on the final space of your movement.
As two Scouts cannot stay on the same space, it is possible to end movement on a Mountain space after playing a card that allows you to move only on the River (and the other way around)!
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