Arikara chief, independent, friendly, he refuses to stop trading with the Teton Sioux.
Take as many different primary resources as there are face-up Characters in your Playing Area (including Hay), so up to 4 resources (each one different from the others).
The effect of this action can only apply once. Activating this card with a Strength greater than 1 is useless (but not forbidden!).

Little Raven
Mandan second chief of Matootonha village, met during the stay at Fort Mandan.
Choose one of the four primary resources. Take as many resources of this type as there are face-up Characters in your Playing Area (Little Raven included).
The effect of this action can only apply once. Activating this card with a Strength greater than 1 is useless (but not forbidden!).

Buffalo Medicine
Teton Sioux third chief, involved in a power struggle. He meets the Expedition on the Bad River in September,1804.
Pay 1 Food and take 1 Canoe.

Ebenezer Tuttle
Private, recruited for the first part of the expedition up to Fort Mandan. He is sent back to Saint Louis with Pierre Chouteau's party of fur traders.
Pay 1 Wood and take 1 Canoe.

Rene Jessaume
He lived with his Indian wife and children in the Mandan chief 's village. He helps the captains by providing them with information about the various chiefs and tribal politics.
Pay 3 Furs and take 1 Horse.

Big Horse
Missouri chief interested in trade, especially for whiskey. Lewis and Clark meet him on the way back from buff alo hunts in August, 1804.
Put 2 Indians from your Boats to the Powwow area and take 1 Horse.

Moses B. Reed
Private, discharged from the Corps for having deserted and stolen weapons.
Pay 2 Wood and move your Scout 2 spaces forward on the River.

John Robertson
Initially a corporal, Clark demotes him for having «no authority» over his men and failing to stop at Camp Dubois. He's probably the fi rst man to leave the expedition.
Pay 2 Equipment and move your Scout 3 spaces forward on the River.

Joseph Barter
Also known as La Liberte, a private in the U.S. Army before being assigned duties as a boatman. However, he deserts soon afterwards.
Pay 1 Canoe and move your Scout 5 spaces forward on the River.

J. Baptiste Deschamps
As a French boatman, he is appointed foreman of the French boatmen in the red pirogue. He is among the men who, in April, 1805, navigate the keelboat downriver to St. Louis.
Pay 1 Food and 1 Canoe and move your Scout 6 spaces forward on the River.

John Newman
Recruited at Fort Massac, he is expelled from the expedition following his court-martial for «having uttered repeated expressions of a highly criminal and mutinous nature.» Pay 1 Food and move your Scout 1 space forward on the River or in the Mountains.

Charles Mackenzie
Fur trader, he works for the North West Company. Along with Larocque, he is a frequent visitor to Fort Mandan during the winter of 1804-1805.
Pay 1 Fur and 1 Horse and move your Scout 3 spaces forward in the Mountains.

John Dame
Aged 19, fair-haired and blue-eyed, he joins the Corps for the 1rst part of the journey and comes back to Saint Louis in the spring of 1805. He has shot a white pelican.
Pay 2 Wood and move your Scout 1 space forward in the Mountains.

A Clatsop chief, he expects to trade goods with the expedition during the winter at Fort Clatsop. He gives presents and off ers women to Lewis and Clark.
For each Strength that activates this card, pay 1 Horse and take into your hand a Character card you choose from the Journal of Encounters. Then refill the Journal in the order drawn.

Toussaint Charbonneau
French-Canadian fur trader, violent and cowardly, he is known as the husband of Sacagawea. He serves as an interpreter. Lewis calls him «a man of no peculiar merit».
Pay 1 resource of your choice and perform the Action at the Village place of your choice, provided that there is a least one Indian in the chosen place.
If you activate this Character several times, you can perform the Actions of various places or the Action of a place several times. However, you are not allowed to use or to take into account the resources and Indians you get as a result of the first (or second) activation for the next activation.

F. Antoine Larocque
French-Canadian fur trader and explorer, he is employed by the North West Company. He wants to join the expedition but Lewis refuses because of his relations with Britain.
Th is Character has no effect when you activate him. But, if F. Antoine Larocque is face-up your Playing Area when your Scout moves (due to another Character), you "jump" the spaces where other Scouts are.
The effect of this action can only apply once.

Joseph Gravelines
He is a French-Canadian who has been living with the Arikara for 13 years. He is hired to conduct the keelboat as its pilot. Later he will conduct some of the Arikara chiefs to Washington.
This Character has no eff ect when you activate him. But, if Joseph Gravelines is face-up in your Playing Area when you recruit a new Character, you are given a 2 Furs discount on his price.

John Boley
He is one of the expedition's reliable journeymen. He is recruited for the first part of the expedition to Fort Mandan, and is assigned to the return party.
This Character has no effect when you activate him. If John Boley is face-up in your Playing Area when you set up Camp, decrease your Camp Time by 1. This card has no effect if your Camp Time is zero. A Camp Time can never be negative!

John Hay
As a merchant, fur trader, and Cahokia's postmaster, he provides information. Since he speaks French and English, he helps as an interpreter.
For each Strength that activates this card, choose one of the two resources: Fur or Wood, and collect it. (By activating this card three times, you can, for instance, collect Fur twice and Wood once).

Big White
He is the principal chief of the lower Mandan village, nicknamed this way because of his size and complexion. He meets President Jefferson in Washington after the expedition.
For each Strength that activates this card, choose one of the two resources: Equipment or Wood. Then collect it. (By activating this card three times, you can, for instance, collect Equipment twice and Wood once).

Dickson & Hancock
Fur trappers, they meet the expedition in September,1806, during its return to Washington. They invite John Colter to join them as a trapper.
For each Strength that activates this card, choose one of the two resources: Food or Fur. Then collect it. (By activating this card three times, you can, for instance, collect Food twice and Fur once).

Black Moccasin
Minitari chief, he captured Sacagawea from the Shoshone a few years earlier.
For each Strength that activates this card, choose one of the two resources: Equipment or Food. Then collect it. (By activating this card three times, you can, for instance, collect Equipment twice and Food once).

Walla Walla chief, he warmly welcomes the Corps of Discovery, and trades goods. Yellept gives Clark an elegant white horse. In return, Clark gives Yellept his sword.
Pay 1 resource of any kind and take 2 primary resources of your choice. If you activate this Character several times, you are not allowed to use the resources you get as a result of the first (or second) activation to trigger the next Action. You must use resources that had been previously held.

P. Antoine Tabeau
French-Canadian fur-trader and explorer; provides useful information about Arikara Indian tribes.
Pay 1 Wood and 1 Food and take 2 Canoes.

Three Eagles
Flathead chief, he meets the party in September, 1805, and welcomes, feeds, and swaps horses with the Corps of Discovery.
Pay 2 Equipment and take 1 Horse.

Hawk's Feather
Arikara chief, agrees to attempt peace with the Mandan.
Pay 1 Food and move your Scout 3 spaces forward on the River.

Man Crow
Arikara chief, challenger to Crow at Rest's civil authority.
Pay 3 Wood and move your Scout 4 spaces forward on the River.

Wanapam chief, he gives Lewis a map «of the rivers and Tribes above on the great river and its waters on which he puts great numbers of villages of his nation and friends.»
Pay 3 resources of any kind and move your Scout 5 spaces forward on the River. All the resources must be different from each other.

Black Buffalo
Teton Sioux chief, he has good character, although angry and fierce. He asks Lewis and Clark for and tobacco.
Pay 1 Food and move your Scout as many spaces forward on the River as there are visible Food badges on the cards of your Playing Area and your 2 neighbors' Playing Areas (or your only neighbor in a 2-player game).
In a solo game, take into account the Food badges of your Playing Area and those of the occupied Village places.

Half Man
Yankton Sioux chief, he warns the Expedition about powerful and hostile tribes.
Pay 1 resource of any kind and move your Scout as many spaces forward on the River as there are Scouts located on or farther ahead of your Camp (your own Scout included). In a solo game, Alexander Mackenzie is considered as a Scout.

Richard Warfington
As an efficient corporal, he leads the crew manning the white pirogue as it ascends the Missouri River and leads the return trip from Mandan villages.
Pay 2 resources of any kind and move your Scout as many spaces forward on the River as there are Indians in your Boats. Do not take into account the Indians placed on the cards of your Playing Area.

James Mackay
Fur trader, explorer, Scotsman, «perhaps the most widely travelled of the many traders met», he is the creator of the most complete Missouri River map used by Lewis & Clark.
Pay 1 Horse and move your Scout forward 3 spaces, either on the River or in the Mountains; not both! If activated more than once, each multiple of 3 can be either River or Mountains.

Yankton Nakota first chief, he speaks of his people's need for trading partners they could depend on, and of his people's poverty. He wants guns and ammunition to fully cooperate.
Pay 2 Equipment and move your Scout as many spaces forward in the Mountains as there are visible Equipment badges on the cards of your Playing Area and your 2 neighbors' Playing Areas (or your neighbor in a 2-player game).
In a solo game, count the Equipment badges in your Playing Area and those in the occupied Village places.

Pierre Dorion
Married to a Yankton woman, he joins the expedition as an interpreter. In April 1805, he is sent back to St.Louis with chiefs of the Yankton, Omaha, Oto & Missouri tribes.
Pay 3 Furs and move your Scout forward 2 spaces in the Mountains.

The Partisan
Teton Sioux chief, he is mercurial, and struggles for power with Black Buffalo. He meets Lewis and Clark in a tense situation on the Missouri in September 1804.
Pay 1 Food and activate one face-up Character, of your Playing Area or any players' Playing Area, once, regardless of the Strength originally used to activate that Character (same Action as Shamanism).
E.g.: If you give the Partisan 2 Strength, you can copy two face-up Characters' Actions, or copy the Action of one face-up Character twice. You are not allowed to use or to take into account the resources and Indians you get as a result of the first (or second) activation for the next activation.

Nicholas Jarrot
French citizen, he serves as an interpreter for Lewis when he meets the Spanish Governor. He off ers his land to build Camp Dubois and sells gear and supplies for the journey.
This Character has no effect when you activate him. But if Nicholas Jarrot is face-up in your Playing Area when you move your Scout forward on the River (thanks to another Character), add 2 spaces to one movement on the River (the Strength given to the other Character doesn't matter).

Regis Loisel
French-Canadian fur trader and explorer at La Charette, on the Missouri River.
For each Strength that activates this card, choose one of the three resources: Equipment, Food or Wood. Then collect it. (By activating this card three times, you can, for instance, collect Equipment once, Food once and Wood once).

Hugh Heney
Canadian fur trader, a «very sensible, intelligent man», he knows the Teton Sioux like no other white man. Heney sends some snakebite medicine to Lewis & Clark.
For each Strength that activates this card, choose one of the three resources: Fur, Food or Wood. Then collect it. (By activating this card three times, you can, for instance, collect Fur once, Food once and Wood once).

Black Cat
Grand Chief of the Mandan villages, he possesses «integrity, firmness and intelligence». He supplies the Americans with food during the winter at Fort Mandan.
Take 2 primary resources of your choice. They can be different or identical.

Twisted Hair
Nez Perce chief, a «cheerful man with apparent sincerity», helps build dugout canoes.
Pay 1 Canoe and take 2 Canoes. If you activate this Character several times, you are not allowed to use the resources you get as a result of the first (or second) activation to trigger the next Action. You must use Canoes that had been previously held.

Shoshone chief, he is Sacagawea's brother. He provides Lewis and Clark hospitality and horses to repay them for reuniting him with his long- lost sister.
Pay 1 Canoe and take 1 Horse or pay 1 Horse and take 1 Canoe.

Broken Arm
Nez Perce chief. Honest and generous, he gives the Corps horses and desires to make peace with the Shoshone.
Pay 1 Equipment and take 1 Horse.

Chinook chief, most powerful leader at the mouth of the Columbia, he is described as «a shrewd old savage with but one eye». He is friendly to the white explorers.
Pay 1 Equipment, 1 Food, 1 Fur and 1 Wood and move your Scout 7 spaces forward on the River.

Little Thief
As the Otoe's leading chief, he is a shrewd trader and a clever diplomat. In March 1805, he meets with President Jefferson, who promises trade goods and tells him he hopes for peace.

George Drouillard
The son of a French-Canadian and a Shawnee mother, he is known as a skillful scout, woodsman, and interpreter. He often conducts special missions for Lewis and Clark.
Put 1 Indian from your Boats to the Powwow area and move your Scout 1 space forward on the River per pair of resources of any kind you have on your Boats. The resources do not have to be identical. Do not pay your resources.

She is a Nez Perce woman who lived a long time with white traders, who treated her well. Seeing her tribe plotting to kill the Corps, she asks them to do «no hurt» to the explorers.
Pay 1 resource of your choice and move your Scout as many spaces forward on the River as there are face-up Characters in your Playing Area (Watkuweis included).

Daniel Boone
Legendary pioneer, he is the first White colonist of Kentucky. He has blazed his Wilderness Road through the Appalachian Mountains. He might have met the Expedition.
Pay 2 resources of any kind and move your Scout as many spaces forward on the River as there are Indians in the Village (on the game board).

Old Toby
Shoshone guide, he is sent by Cameahwait to lead the Expedition across the Rockies. He guides Clark's exploration of the Salmon River.
Pay 1 Canoe and 1 Horse and move your Scout 6 spaces forward, either on the River or in the Mountains; not both! If activated more than once, each multiple of 6 can be either River or Mountains.

He is the only Clatsop leader to make recorded contact with the Expedition. He exchanges some goods, including a sea otter pelt, for fi sh hooks and a small bag of Shoshone tobacco.
Pay 1 Equipment, 1 Food, 1 Fur and 1 Wood and move your Scout 4 spaces forward in the Mountains.

Crow At Rest
Grand Arikara chief, he is interested in trading buffalo skin. He assures the Corps that the Arikara would let them travel on in safety and that peace with the Mandan is desirable.
Pay 2 Furs and 2 Equipment and move your Scout 3 spaces forward in the Mountains.

George Drouillard
Th e son of a French-Canadian and a Shawnee mother, he is known as a skillful scout, woodsman, and interpreter. He often conducts special missions for Lewis and Clark.
Put 1 Indian from your Boats to the Powwow area and pay 1 resource of any kind. Then move your Scout 2 spaces forward in the Mountains.

Nez Perce Chief, he helps the Corps cross the Snake River. He acts as an advance man and translator and helps secure friendly relations with the Indians of the upper Columbia.
Put 1 Indian from your Boats to the Powwow area. Then move your Scout 1 space forward in the Mountains per group of 3 resources of any kind you have on your Boats. The resources do not have to be identical. Do not pay your resources.

One Eye
One Eye, a.k.a. Le Borgne, was the most notorious chief on the upper Missouri. Having an infamous reputation, he is described as cruel, lecherous, and ill-tempered.
Pay 2 resources of any kind and move your Scout as many spaces forward in the Mountains as there are of Scouts located on or farther ahead of your Camp (your own Scout included). In a solo game, Alexander Mackenzie is considered as a Scout.

Shoshone Indian, she joins the expedition with her husband Toussaint Charbonneau and gives birth during the journey. She is the guide and the interpreter of the party.
Perform one of the Village Actions, whether the Action location is occupied by Indians or not.
You are not allowed to use or to take into account the resources and Indians you get as a result of the first (or second) activation for the next activation (For instance, by activating it twice, you cannot collect 2 Wood using the Crafts and then make a Canoe with these 2 Wood).

Cut Nose
Nez Perce chief, he provides three guides to the expedition to cross the mountains.
This Character has no effect when you activate him. But if Cut Nose is an Active Character of your Playing Area when you move your Scout forward in the Mountains (thanks to another Character), add 1 space to one movement in the Mountains (the Strength given to the other Character doesn't matter).
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