The spells from the spell book cards are described in detail in this section.

Copia: The warlock, who uses this spell, takes any three drops from the supply, which he places in his play area.
For example, 1 of each color or 2 red plus 1 white drop.

Magus: The warlock, who uses this spell, can acquire the top-most copper cauldron. To do so, the warlock pays the number of ingredients shown on the card, but need not match the types shown. He may not pay an extra ingredient to also take a potion vial.
Example: the top-most cauldron requires 2 snake venom drops and 2 wolf blood drops. The player gives instead 3 herb juice drops and 1 snake venom drops to acquire the cauldron

Optio: The warlock, who uses this spell, can acquire any one of the three top-most cauldrons (copper, iron, or silver). To do so, the warlock pays the indicated amount of ingredients to the supply from his play area. He may not pay an extra ingredient to also take a potion vial.

Sanatio and Strix work exactly the same as MAGUS, except that and iron or a silver cauldron is acquired.

Herba: The warlock, who uses this spell, places one green drop back into the supply and takes for it from the supply two potion vials, which he places in his play area.

Lupus and Serpens work exactly the same as HERBA, except that here one red or one white drop must be used.
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