Players use the 3 green role cards to get new ingredients.

Wolf keeper, Snake hunter, and Herb collector: depending on the role card won, the player with the full action right, takes either three red (wolf blood), three white (snake venom), or three green (herb juice) drops from the supply in the middle of the table and places them in his play area.
The player(s) who choose the favor by saying, "So be it!", can take either a red, white, or green drop from the supply, depending on the role card played.
General note: we intend for there to be sufficient red, white, and green drops and gold nuggets for the game.
Should you run out, please use substitutes for the missing items. These components are not limited in their numbers for game purposes.
Players use the 3 gold role cards to take or use gold nuggets. Gold is used for the favor of the light blue role cards.
Alchemist: the player with the full action right, can convert any one ingredient (represented on the card by a gray, neutral drop) into five gold nuggets.
Thus, he places any one of the drops from his play area back into the supply and takes from the supply 5 gold nuggets, placing them in his play area. The player(s) who choose the favor of the Alchemist, can convert any one ingredient into two gold nuggets.
Fortune teller: the player with the full action right, can trade one of his gold nuggets for two potion vials (which he may "hide" under his potion cards).
Thus, he places a gold nugget from his play area back in the supply and takes 2 potion vials from the supply, which he places in his play area.
The player(s) who choose the favor of the Fortune teller, can trade one gold nugget for one potion vial.
Assistant: the player with the full action right, can trade one of his gold nuggets for any three ingredients.
Thus, he places one gold nugget from his play area back in the supply and takes three drops from the supply, which he places in his play area (2 red and 1 green or 3 white, etc)..
The player(s) who choose the favor of the assistant, can trade one gold nugget for any one drop.
Players use the 3 light blue role cards to acquire cauldrons for brewing potions. Each of these three roles can acquire a specific cauldron, which can brew a specific potion:

- the Wizard gets a copper cauldron to brew a charm potion
- the Witch gets an iron cauldron to brew a witch potion
- the Druid gets a silver cauldron to brew a healing potion

Druid, Witch, and Wizard: the player with the full action right can acquire a cauldron of the indicated type by placing all ingredients shown at the top of the top-most cauldron card in the indicated stack from his play area back into the supply.
He then takes the top-most cauldron from the indicated stack, which he places in his play area. If the cauldron taken has a raven pictured on it, he leaves it face up in his play area (so players will know when the game ends, see above). Otherwise, he places it face down in his play area.
The player(s), who choose the favor of the card, can acquire a cauldron of the indicated type by placing 2 gold nuggets plus all ingredients shown at the top of the top-most cauldron card in the indicated stack from his play area back into the supply.
He then takes the top-most cauldron from the indicated stack, which he places in his play area.
If the cauldron taken has a raven pictured on it, he leaves it face up in his play area (so players will know when the game ends, see above). Otherwise, he places it face down in his play area.
Whenever a player acquires a caldron (regardless whether by full action or favor), he can place any one additional ingredient from his play area back into the supply to take one potion vial from the supply, which he places in his play area. The player may use this ability only to covert one additional ingredient to one potion vial!
Note: because the players who choose the favor acquire their cauldrons before the player who wins the full action, it can happen that the player with the full action does not have sufficient ingredients to acquire a cauldron (or, perhaps, there are none left of the indicated type).
This is intended! For this reason, players may look at the cards in the cauldron stacks at any time (but not change their order).
Players use the gray role cards to cast the spells shown on the spell book cards (see last page: "spells").

Warlock: the player with the full action right, can cast the spell shown on the top-most spell book card.
The player(s), who choose the favor, can take one gold nugget from the supply, which they place in their play areas.
At the end of each set, place the top-most spell card face up at the bottom of the stack. This is done in every case, even if the spell book was not used in this set.
When a warlock uses a spell book to acquire a cauldron, he may not pay an additional ingredient to take a potion vial.
Players use the 2 red role cards to acquire potion shelves predominately at the expense of their fellow players.
Cutpurse: the player with the full action right "relieves" each fellow player of one third of his gold nuggets (rounded down).
However, the cutpurse does not place these gold nuggets in his play area, but places them on the top-most gold potion shelf card.
After all his fellow players have been relieved of their gold nuggets, the cutpurse may choose to place one or more gold nuggets from his play area onto the top-most gold potion shelf card.
If there are now at least as many gold nuggets on the top-most gold potion shelf card as are pictured at the top of the card, the cutpurse places all the gold nuggets on the card in the supply and takes the card, placing it in his play area.
If the potion shelf taken has a raven pictured on it, he leaves it face up in his play area (so players will know when the game ends, see above). Otherwise, he places it face down in his play area.
If there are not as many gold nuggets on the top-most gold potion shelf card as are pictured at the top of the card, the card and the nuggets remain for the next cutpurse to come along.
The player(s), who choose the favor of the cutpurse, lose one less gold nugget to the cutpurse than they otherwise would have.
Begging monk: this role works exactly the same as the cutpurse, except that ingredients instead of gold are used to satisfy the begging monk and the fellow players only give up 1/4 of their ingredients (rounded down) to the cause.
Each player chooses which ingredients he loses when he must lose some.
Note: unlike the cauldrons, when a player takes a potion shelf, he does not have the option of placing an ingredient in the supply to take a potion vial.
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