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Each tile that you place impacts your city in some way. Tiles fall into one of four categories:

Residential , Industrial , Commercial and Civic .

Most tiles give bonuses or penalties to Income , Reputation or Population , while others give you special abilities.

Each tile has four or five main elements, as shown in the example below:

Tiles must always be placed so that at least one edge is adjacent to another tile (face up or face down). Tiles can be placed so that they go around (but not rest on top of) the Borough Board. …

New players should maybe not spend too much time in learning the numerous gambits, defenses, attacks and variations of chess openings. For them, trying to learn detailed opening lines is probably even counterproductive. Beginners should first learn the basic principle of chess openings:

  • Control The Center

    The center (the squares e4, d4, e5 and d5) is the most important area of the chessboard.

    The control of this area allows more mobility for the pieces, as well as easy access to all parts of the board while attacks in the center are more effective. …

The Flamingo

Their most memorable feature is their crooked beaks, used to filter food out of fresh water. This pink bird prefers to stand on only one leg to minimize heat loss.

The Camel

This inhabitant of the dry regions of Asia and North Africa has developed several features that make it easier to conserve water. It is said that a camel can drink 200 liters of water in only 15 minutes.

The Leopard

Along with tremendous climbing ability, the leopard boasts excellent hearing and especially good eyesight. They can hear very high tones that are beyond a person's hearing capacity and see five to six times better than us at night. …

Game Components

  • 1 Population Board
  • 1 Stacks Board
  • 1 Supply Board
  • 1 Real Estate Market
  • 4 Borough Boards
  • 8 Suburbs
  • 8 Heavy Factories
  • 8 Community Parks
  • 1 "1 More Round"
  • 32 A Tiles
  • 36 B Tiles
  • 32 C Tiles
  • 20 Goal Tiles
  • 4 player aids
  • 1 Start Player Marker
  • 60 coins
  • 4 Reputation Cubes
  • 4 Population Squares
  • 12 Investment Markers
  • 4 Income Cylinders


Shue 3 stacks of face down tiles, each stack with a letter on the back (A, B, and C). Each stack has the same number of tiles: 15 for 2 players, 18 for 3 players, and 21 for 4 players.

Place unused tiles back in the box. …

Poker Tells that Say:

I Have a Good Hand

  • Acting Uninterested in a Hand While Still in It

    This is usually a sign of a strong hand. The player is pretending that he's not excited about his cards while he is.

  • Sighing and Shrugging

    If a player makes a show of sighing or shrugging and says things like "Oh, I guess I'll call" or even "Why am I calling?" he probably is overacting and is trying to hide a big hand. …


Nigiri are an essential part of any great sushi meal. Each egg nigiri is worth 1 point.

Each salmon nigiri is worth 2. Each squid nigiri is worth 3.

An egg nigiri on a wasabi card is worth 3.

A salmon nigiri on a wasabi is worth 6. A squid nigiri on a wasabi is worth 9.


Maki Rolls

Small and tasty, can you eat more maki than anyone else?

End of the round: Compare how many maki roll icons you have at the top of your played maki roll cards. Whoever has the most scores 6 points. Whoever has second most scores 3. …

Game Components


Players split up into two teams of similar size and skill. You need at least four players (two teams of two) for a standard game.

Each team chooses one player to be their spymaster. Both spymasters sit on the same side of the table. The other players sit across from their spymasters.

They are field operatives.

Randomly choose 25 codenames and place them on the table in a 5-by-5 grid.

Note: While shuffling the codename cards, be sure to flip over half the deck once in a while. This will mix the words more thoroughly. …

General Rule: When hands tie on the rank of a pair, three of a kind, etc, the cards outside break ties following the High Card rules.

Royal Flush

An Ace high straight-flush is called a Royal Flush and is the highest natural hand.

Straight Flush

A straight flush is the best natural hand. A straight flush is a straight (5 cards in order) that are all of the same suit. An ace may either be high low (5-4-3-2-1) but a straight may not 'wraparound' such as e.g. K-A-2-3-4. …

In the solo game, you play against a virtual player. The virtual player: does not choose a Faction, does not take a Faction board, does not receive any Goods, does not place a Faction marker on the Score Board.

Goal of the Game

Your goal in a solo game is to build more Faction Locations in your Empire than the virtual player collects cards during the 5 rounds of play. During the game, track your Victory Points scored just like in a normal game. …


This Location has no building cost so you can build it for free, but it still requires you spend your turn taking the Build Location action. The Ruins card has no type (color), nor can it be razed.


When you activate its Action you immediately build a Faction Location. You still have to pay the building cost of the Location, except that you do not discard a Location from your Empire if it's required.


According to the rules when you activate an Action Location you place the Goods spent on the Location card, but covering the Location with another card would be very inconvenient, so we recommend to discard the card and take a Worker from the general supply to indicate that the Action was executed. …