In the solo mode you will be playing against an automated opponent called Teotibot (or bot for short). It will simulate the interactions of a 2-player game.
Note on difficulty: the rules as written are tested against experienced players and provide a beatable challenge.
If it is your first game and you want a slightly less challenging experience, feel free to use any number of the difficulty adjustments listed at the end of the solo rules.
Additional Components
7 Action tiles
2 Direction tiles
Changes in Setup
Set up a normal 2-player game, except that the bot starts with 2 gold, 2 stone, 2 wood (and no cocoa).
The bot starts on the 0 step of the Pyramid track, but the first (not the bottom) step of each temple (without gaining their rewards), and on the first (not bottom) step of the Avenue of the Dead track.
The bot starts with a marker on the top right Technology tile (the top Technology of the green temple column), but does not gain an additional temple advancement.
Place the bot's workers on the following Action Boards, with the following powers:
- Gold Deposits (4) Action Board (general area): power 2.
- Nobles (6) Action Board (general area): power 2.
- Construction (8) Action Board (general area): power 2.
- Decorations (7) Action Board (Worship space): power 1.
Randomly select 6 Action tiles, and build the bot's action pyramid out of them. Place the seventh tile nearby.

Place both Direction tiles next to the action pyramid, one below the other with random sides face up.
Put two dice of an unused player color (dice that were not placed during setup) near the bot's action cards. It will use these during its turns to help determine its action.
The player starts the game (thus gaining 1 extra cocoa).
General Rules Change
When playing the solo mode, and either you or the bot builds a Pyramid tile (using the action of the Construction (8) Action Board) or a Decoration tile (using the Decorations (7) Action Board), instead of refilling its place, slide all tiles left/up and refill the rightmost/bottom space instead.
When you unlock the bot's worker from a Worship space, instead of moving the bot's worker to the general area of that Action Board, move it to the next empty Temple Worship space (ignoring the Palace (1) Action Board) clockwise around the Action Board.
The effect of the bot's new placement is not performed. In the extremely unlikely event of there not being an empty Temple Worship space, the bot's worker immediately unlocks your next (clockwise) worker locked on a Temple Worship space.
On Teotibot's turn:
Roll the two unused neutral dice and add them up. That selects a tile in the action pyramid according to the following:
Perform the action shown on the tile.
Remove the tile that was activated, and then shift the tiles below it (if any) that are selected by the Direction tiles one level up. Then place the previously unavailable set-aside tile in the empty space that opened up in the bottom row of the action pyramid.
Flip the top Direction tile to its reverse, and move it below the other Direction tile.
If the bot now has 10 or more cocoa, discard 10 cocoa from the bot back to the general supply, and score 3 Victory Points for the bot.
Advance the light disc on the Calendar track by one. This might trigger an Eclipse, the same way as in the multiplayer rules.
Description of Teotibot's Actions
General Note
The bot does not pay for performing actions. It only collects cocoa to be exchanged for Victory Points (or masks).
When a tile instructs the bot to power up a worker on an Action Board and there are multiple possible workers, it always powers up the one with a higher power.
When a tile instructs to find the bot's highest powered or lowest powered worker, and there are multiple workers of the same power, select the one:
Clockwise furthest from the Palace (1) Action Board for highest power.
Clockwise closest to the Palace (1) Action Board for lowest power.
When a tile instructs the hot to advance a worker, it is moved:
- Clockwise to the next Action Board, if the worker has a power of 3 or less.
- Clockwise to the second Action Board, if the worker has a power of 4 or 5 (so, the worker skips the nearest Action Board).
Either way, the worker ignores the Palace (1) Action Board and always moves past it.
When a tile instructs the hot to advance on any temple, advance it on whichever temple it is currently the highest on (ignoring temples where it has already reached the topmost step). When tied, choose the leftmost of the tied temples (blue, then red, then green).
When gaining resource rewards after moving up on the blue temple, the bot picks whichever resource it has the least of. If tied, Teotibot will prioritize taking gold before other resources, and taking stone before wood.
The bot always selects 5 Victory Points as the reward for Ascension, and advances on the Avenue of the Dead normally.
The bot never gains or uses Discovery tiles (other than the Mask collection action tile's effect). When reaching a major step on a temple, it always chooses the printed reward instead of a Discovery tile.

If the bot has 2 or more stone and at least one worker on the Construction (8) Action Board, it spends 2 stone and places the leftmost pyramid tile (rotated randomly) onto the top left, lowest level space available on the Pyramid grid of the Main Board, and then:
- Scores Victory Points for the level.
- Advances on the Pyramid track.
- Scores an additional 2 Victory Points and advances on any temple by one. (Note: This represents average points the bot would score by matching icons).
If the above step failed and the bot has at least one worker on the Stone Quarry (3) Action Board, gain 2 stone.
If either of the above steps were successfully performed, power up a worker on the relevant Action Board (this might trigger an Ascension, which is resolved normally). Then advance the powered-up worker (or the new worker, if the old one triggered Ascension).
If neither of the above steps were successful, the bot gains 5 cocoa instead, powers up its lowest powered worker, and then advances it.

If the bot has 2 or more gold and at least one worker on the Decorations (7) Action Board, it spends 2 gold and places the topmost Decoration tile onto an available Decorations space on the Pyramid grid on the Main Board (clockwise from the top). Then the bot:
- Scores 5 Victory Points.
- Advances on the Pyramid track.
- Advances on any temple by one.
If the above step failed and the bot has at least one worker on the Gold Deposits (4) Action Board, gain 2 gold.
If either of the above steps were successfully performed, power up a worker on the relevant Action Board (this might trigger an Ascension, which is resolved normally). Then advance the powered-up worker (or the new worker, if the old one triggered Ascension).
If neither of the above steps were successful, the bot gains 5 cocoa instead, powers up its lowest powered worker, and then advances it.

If the bot has 1 or more gold and at least one worker on the Alchemy (5) Action Board, it spends 1 gold and then gains the Technology of the lowest number that does not have any markers (yours or Teotibot's).
If all remaining tiles have your marker on, then the bot gains the lowest numbered Technology which it does not yet have, while you score the 3 Victory Points as normal.
Either way, advance on the temple matching the gained Technology and power up a worker on this Action Board (this might trigger an Ascension, which is resolved normally).
Then the bot advances the powered-up worker (or the new worker, if the old one triggered Ascension).
Note: the bot does not benefit from Technology tiles.
If the above step failed, power up its lowest unlocked worker by two, without carrying out any actions or advancing any workers.

If the bot has at least 2 wood and one worker on the Nobles (6) Action Board, it spends 2 wood and builds a Building.
- Before the first Eclipse, place it in the first (top) row.
- After the first Eclipse (but before the second), place it in the second (center) row.
- After the second Eclipse, place it in the third (bottom) row.
- If a row is full, place it into a space with the lowest printed Victory Point value of all three rows.
- Score the Victory Points shown on the space just covered, and advance the bot on the Avenue of the Dead (the same way an actual player would advance).
If the above step failed and the bot has at least one worker on the Forest (2) Action Board, it gains 2 wood.
If either of the above steps were successfully performed, the bot powers up a worker on the relevant Action Board (this might trigger Ascension, which is resolved normally). Then the bot advances the powered-up worker (or the new worker, if the old one triggered Ascension).
If neither of the above steps were successful, the bot gains 5 cocoa instead, powers up its lowest powered worker, and then advances it.

Find the bot's highest powered unlocked die.
Perform that Action Board's action if possible:
- Forest (2): see step 2 of the Nobles action tile.
- Stone Quarry (3): see step 2 of the Construction action tile.
- Gold Deposits (4): see step 2 of the Decorations action tile.
- Alchemy (5): see step 1 of the Alchemy action tile.
- Nobles (6): see step 1 of the Nobles action tile.
- Decorations (7): see step 1 of the Decorations action tile.
- Construction (8): see step 1 of the Construction action tile.
If the action failed, find the bot's next highest powered unlocked worker and repeat step 2 above.
If an action succeeds, power up the worker in question (this might trigger Ascension, which is resolved normally). Then the bot advances the powered-up worker (or the new worker, if the old one triggered Ascension).
In the extremely unlikely event of all workers failing to perform an action, the bot gains 5 cocoa instead, powers up its lowest powered worker, and then advances it.

Advance the bot's worker on a Worship space to the next clockwise Worship space on a temple sidebar (remember: Teotibot always ignores the Palace (1) Action Board).
If there is one of your workers on that space, the bot unlocks that worker.
The bot advances on the matching temple by 2 spaces, gaining rewards for both (and gaining printed bonuses instead of Discovery tiles as mentioned before).
If the activated space is on the Decorations (7) Action Board, the bot advances on any temple by 3 instead.
Discard the Discovery tile near the activated space, and immediately draw a replacement for it.
Mask Collection

If the bot does not yet have one of the masks available near one of the Worship actions (on the Palace (1) Action Board or on any of the 4 temple bands) and it can pay for its cost, it pays that cost and immediately gains that mask.
Draw a replacement for it immediately, and do not move any dice. If there are multiple masks it could take, it takes the one with the lowest number first. If tied between multiple masks of the same rarity, it picks the first one clockwise, starting from (and including) the Palace (1) Action Board.
If the above step yielded no masks, the bot gains 5 cocoa instead, powers up its lowest powered worker, and then advances it.
Changes in Eclipse
Teotibot does NOT pay cocoa salary.
Teotibot does score for masks, Pyramid and Avenue of the Dead tracks normally.
During the third Eclipse, it scores additional points:
- 1 Victory Point for each leftover resource and cocoa.
- 2 Victory Points for each Technology tile it has a marker on.
- The bot scores a flat 15 Victory Points for each Temple Bonus tile it has reached (instead of scoring them normally).
You beat the Teotibot if you have more Victory Points at the end of the game (after the third Eclipse). If you are tied, or if Teotibot has more points, you lose.
Changes in Difficulty
You can adjust Teotibot's difficulty using the following metrics (decreasing makes the bot easier to beat):
Increase or decrease up to 3 of Teotibot's starting unlocked workers' power by 1.
Increase or decrease the bot's starting resources by 1 gold, 1 wood, 1 stone.
Increase or decrease the Victory Points scored when cashing in 10 cocoa by 1 or 2.
Increase or decrease the number of steps taken on a temple when performing a Worship action by 1.
Increase or decrease the Victory Points awarded for the bot's Temple Bonus tiles by 5 or 10 Victory Points.
Increase or decrease the number of points scored for each Technology tile by 1 or 2 Victory Points.
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