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Rating: 7.3 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 45 minutes

Official Site: Publisher's Game Page

Created by: Cliff Bohm, Geoff Bottone, Cold FuZion Studios, Colleen Skadl, Kennon James, Doug Kovacs, Rhonda Libbey, Beth Trott

Published by: Pegasus Spiele, Redbox, SlugFest Games

Alternate Names: Zum Roten Drachen, 紅龍旅店


In Red Dragon Inn, you and your friends are a party of heroic, fantasy adventurers. You've raided the dungeon, killed the monsters, and taken their treasure.

Now you're back, and what better way to celebrate your most recent victory than to spend an evening at the Red Dragon Inn. You and your adventuring companions will spend the night drinking, gambling, and roughhousing.

The last person who is both sober enough to remain conscious and shrewd enough to hold onto his Gold Coins wins the game.

Retail Price:$25
The Red Dragon Inn: Allies – Brother Bastian
The Red Dragon Inn: Allies – Cormac the Mighty
The Red Dragon Inn: Allies – Erin the Ever-Changing
The Red Dragon Inn: Allies – Halden the Unhinged
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Golden Geek Best Party Board Game Nominee 2008
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