To perform any Room Action , a Character must be in the corresponding Room (unless they possesses a special ability clearly saying otherwise).
You cannot perform a Room Action when you are in Combat. You cannot perform a Room Action in a Room with a Malfunction marker.
Rooms with a Computer

Some Rooms have a Computer icon, meaning that there is a Computer in that Room.
A Computer icon has no significance except when some rule refers to it (some Action cards, Item cards or Event cards). If there is a Malfunction marker in the Room, the Computer is unavailable - as if there was no Computer Icon.
Basic Rooms "1"
All the 11 Basic Rooms, indicated by the number "1" on their back, are present in each game.

Recharge your Energy Weapon: Add 2 Ammo tokens to 1 of your Energy Weapons.
Note: This Room Action does not reload Classic Weapons.
A Weapon can never exceed its Ammo capacity, shown on the Weapon card.
Comms Room

Send a Signal: Place a Status marker on the Signal space on your Character board.
Sending a Signal is a requirement for some Objectives and has no other game use than that.

Emergency Room
Treat your Wounds: Dress all your Serious Wounds OR Heal 1 of your Dressed Serious Wounds OR Heal all your Light Wounds.

Evacuation Section A
Try To Enter An Escape Pod: You may perform this Action only if any Escape Pod in Sec tion A is Unlocked and has at least 1 empty space.
Make a Noise roll. If any Intruder appears in this Room, your attempt to enter an Escape Pod fails.
After resolving your Noise roll, if no Intruder has reached the Room, place your Character in one of the Unlocked Escape Pods of Section A, if there's any free space (each Pod has two places and may accommodate up to 2 Characters).
See the Escape Pods section at the end of this Room sheet to determine what happens once the Character has entered a Pod.
You cannot enter an Escape Pod if any Intruder is present in its cor- responding Evacuation Section Room.
Evacuation Section B

As above, but applies to Section B.
Fire Control System

Initiate the Fire Control procedure: Choose any 1 Room. Discard a Fire marker from that Room (if there is one).
All the Intruders in that Room run away (in a random direction, determined by drawing an Event card - 1 Event card for each Intruder).
Hint: You can use Fire Control Procedure even if there is no Fire marker in the Room to make all the Intruders run away from that Room.

Initiate / stop self-destruct Sequence:
Self-destruct Sequence:
Place 1 Status marker on the first, green space of the Self-Destruct Track.
From now on, each time you move the Time marker on the Track, also move the marker on the Self-Destruct Track by 1 space.
When any Character stops the Self-Destruct sequence, remove the marker (it will be placed again on the green space if a new sequence starts).
When the marker reaches any yellow space on the Self-Destruct Track, the Self-Destruct Sequence cannot be aborted anymore and all Escape Pods are Unlocked instantly (but can be Locked again).
When the marker reaches the last space (with the "skull" icon), the ship explodes.
Note: You cannot start the Self-Destruct when any of the Characters are already hibernating.
If a hyperspace jump happens while the Self-Destruct Sequence is active, the ship is still considered destroyed.

Analyse 1 object: This Action may only be performed if one of the following Objects is in the Room (for example carried by the Character): Characters Corpse, Intruder Carcass or Egg.
Discover 1 corresponding Intruder Weakness card.
The Object is not discarded after Research. You may Drop it for free, though.

Take one Egg: Take 1 Egg token from the Intruder Board. After that, perform a Noise roll.
The Egg tokens placed on the Intruder board represent the Eggs in the Nest. When you take (or destroy) Eggs from the Nest, take them from the Intruder board.
When there are no more Eggs in the Nest (they have all been carried away or destroyed), the Nest is considered destroyed - place 1 Injury marker in the Nest to represent this.
If there is a Fire marker in a Room containing uncarried Eggs, destroy 1 uncarried Egg during the Fire Damage step of the Event Phase.
Note: You cannot perform any Search Action in this Room.
Destroying Eggs:
Whenever your Character is in a Room with any uncarried Eggs (not carried by any Character), you can try to destroy these Eggs. Resolve this Action as a Shoot Action or Melee Attack Action.
Each Injury (of any type) destroys 1 Egg. In the case of a Melee Attack Action, the Character does not draw a Contamination card or suffer Wounds if they miss.
You can also throw grenades into a Room with uncarried Eggs as if an Intruder were there. A Grenade destroys 2 Eggs, a Molotov Cocktail destroys 1 Egg.
After every single attempt to destroy an Egg, you must perform a Noise roll.

Search for an Item: Draw 2 cards from the Item deck of a chosen color (Red, Yellow or Green). Pick 1 card and put the other at the bottom of the deck.

Perform a Surgery procedure: Scan all Contamination cards (from your Action deck, hand and Discard). Remove all Infected cards.
If you have a Larva on your Character board, remove it.
After Scanning, your Character suffers 1 Light Wound and you automatically pass. Shuffle all your Action cards (including those in your hand) and place them in your Action deck.
Note: After a Surgery procedure you always pass your round, and your hand is empty until the start of the next turn.
Additional Rooms "2"
Each game, only 5 randomly chosen Additional Rooms are used, out of the 9 available. These Rooms are indicated by the number "2" on their back.

Airlock Control
Start Emergency Airlock procedure: Choose any 1 other Yellow Room. The Corridors connected to the Room you choose must not contain any Destroyed Doors.
Automatically close the Door in each Corridor connected to this Room. Place the Airlock Procedure token in this Room to represent the active Emergency Airlock Procedure. If any of the Doors in Corridors connected to this Room are opened before the current Player Phase ends, remove this token.
If all Doors in each Corridor connected to this Room are Closed at the end of the current Player Phase (after all players have passed), everything in that Room dies immediately (both Characters and Intruders). Then, remove this token.
If there was a Fire marker in this Room, remove it.
Yellow Room means a Room with a yellow background on the Action part.

Catch a breath: When your Character is in this Room at the start of a new turn, and there are no Intruders there, draw 1 additional Action card (up to 6 instead of 5).
The passive feature of this Room does not work if there is a Malfunction token in the Room.

Have a Snack... Heal 1 Light Wound. Additionally, you may choose to Scan all Contamination cards in your hand and to remove all Non Infected cards.
If at least one of those cards is Infected, place a Larva miniature on your Character board (and do not remove this Contamination card!). If there is already a Larva on your Character board, your Character dies - additionally, place 1 Creeper in the Room where you died.

Command Center
Open/close Doors: You can choose any 1 Room and Close/Open any Doors in Corridors connected to that Room.
You may choose which Doors to Close and which to Open. You do not have to Open or Close them all.

Engine Control Room
Check Engines Status: You can Check the Status of the 3 Engines.
You can check the status of the Engines even if there is a Malfunction marker in the Engine Room.
In the Engine Control Room you cannot change the Engines status.

Hatch Control System
Lock/unlock 1 Escape pod: Flip 1 Escape Pod token to its Locked or Unlocked side.

Monitoring Room
Check 1 room and Exploration token: Secretly look at any 1 unexplored Room tile and at its Exploration token.
After looking at them, place them back on the board. You don't have to tell the truth about what you saw.

Room Covered With Slime
You are Slimed: When you enter this Room, you automatically get a Slime marker.
Note: You cannot perform any Search Action in this Room.

Shower Room
Take a Shower: If you have a Slime marker on your Character board, discard it.
Additionally, you may choose to Scan all Contamination cards in your hand and to remove all Non Infected cards.
If at least one of those cards is Infected, place a Larva miniature on your Character board (and do not remove this Contamination card!). If there is already a Larva on your Character board, your Character dies - additionally, place 1 Creeper in the Room where you died.
Note: A Fire marker can be placed in the Shower Room in the normal way. The Take a Shower Action does not discard a Fire marker from the Shower Room.
Special Rooms
The 5 Special Rooms always occupy the same place on the board - these Rooms have their own specific shapes and are printed on the board. All are treated as explored at the start of the game.
Special Rooms are treated as normal Rooms, except that they are explored at the beginning of the game and that Characters cannot perform any Search Action in these Rooms. They can receive Fire or Malfunction markers normally.

Flight controls: Check Coordinates OR set Destination.
Check coordinates: Secretly look at the Coordinates card. After looking at it, place it back on the board. You don't need to tell the truth about what you saw.
Set destination: Move the Destination marker to the chosen space of the Destination Track.
Note: You cannot change the Destination when any of the Characters are already hibernating.
The player should remember the Coordinates they've checked. You may never Set Destination if there is an Intruder in the Cockpit.
Note: At the end of the game, if the ship was not destroyed earlier, the Coordinates card is revealed. The position of the Destination marker indicates the destination of the ship among the four available on the Coordinates card.
Note: You cannot perform a Search Action in this Room.
Engine #1

Check the engine: Check the Engine status in this Engine Room - secretly look at the top Engine token.
You don't need to tell the truth about what you saw. The top Engine token indicates the current state of the Engine!
Repair (or break) engine: Your Character can perform a Repair / Break Engine Action in this Room (using a Repairs Action or a Tools Item card): take both Engine tokens, secretly check their contents and place them back in the order of your choice.
You do not have to tell the truth if you have repaired the Engine or not, but you must tell if you have changed the order of the tokens.
You can Repair / Break Engine even if there is a Malfunction marker in the Room and even if you have not checked the status of the Engines.
Note: The ship has 3 Engines, two of which must be functional to safely journey back to Earth. At the start of the game, the players don't know which Engine is functional or not.
Players may check the Status of a given Engine during the game - for example in its corresponding Engine Room. At the end of the game, if the ship was not destroyed earlier, all the top Engine tokens are revealed to determine if the ship explodes or not during its attempt at a hyperspace jump.
Note: You cannot perform any Search Action in this Room.

Engine #2
As above, but applies to Engine #2.

Engine #3
As above, but applies to Engine #3.

Try To Hibernate: You may perform this Action only if the hibernation chambers are open - the token on the Time Track is on any blue space.
Perform a Noise roll. If any Intruder shows up in this Room, your attempt at entering the hibernation chamber has failed.
If no Intruder appears, remove your Character miniature from the game - you managed to hibernate safely. From now on, you do not take part in the game any longer. Whether your Character survives or dies along with the ship will be determined at the End of the Game.
You cannot change the Destination or start the Self-Destruct when any of the Characters are already hibernating.
You may never enter a hibernation chamber if there is any Intruder in the Hibernatorium.
Note: You cannot perform any Search Action in this Room.
The ship's AI is programmed to protect crew members in hibernation and prevents any maneuver that put their lives at risk
Escape Pods
At the beginning of the game, all Escape Pods are Locked. During play, players may unlock them manually (by using some of the Item cards or Room Actions), or the pods will unlock automatically when any Character dies during the game or when the Self-Destruct marker reaches any yellow space of the Self-Destruct Track.
If a given Escape Pod is Unlocked, a Character may enter it (performing a Noise roll first) through the corresponding Evacuation Section Room, as long as there are no Intruders and no Malfunction token in the Room.
After entering an Escape pod place the miniature of your Character on one of the two spaces of that Escape Pod token.
Afterwards, decide if you want to launch an Escape Pod immediately or wait (maybe for another Character who might want to enter the same Pod and take the second space in it).
If you launch immediately (or if you launch in one of the following turns) - remove the miniature of your Character and the Escape Pod token from the game. From now on, you do not take part in the game any longer. Will you end this game with a victory or not?
You'll find out during the Objectives Check at the End of the Game. Any Character in a launched Escape Pod is always treated as if they have arrived on Earth.
If you wait, you can decide to launch the Escape Pod at the start of your first round during each Player Phase. You can also, if you wish, exit the Escape Pod voluntarily, without performing any Action - during your round, just place your Character miniature back in the Escape Hatch corresponding to the Pod you are leaving.
However, if you do not launch the Escape Pod in your round, it means that you automatically pass this turn.
If (while you wait in the Escape Pod) an Intruder appears in this Evacuation Section Room, then all Characters in Escape Pods are automatically returned to that Evacuation Section Room. Once another Character enters the same Escape Pod as you, they can decide to launch the Escape Pod immediately.
Note : Heavy objects do not occupy any Character space in an Escape Pod.
Empty Escape Pods slots
Locked Escape Pods
Unlocked Escape Pods
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