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Rating: 7.1 Good
Players: 2-2 players
Playing time: 60 minutes

Official Site: GMT's web page for CC:A

Created by: Richard Borg, Rodger B. MacGowan

Published by: GMT Games LLC, Wargames Club Publishing

Alternate Names: Commands and Colors: Ancients, 指挥与军旗:古代篇, 指揮與軍旗:古代篇


"Commands & Colors: Ancients depicts warfare from the Dawn of Military History (3000 BC) to the opening of the Middle Ages (400 AD). Quite an ambitious undertaking for one game, yet Commands & Colors by design is a unique historical game system which allows players to effectively portray stylized battles from this time in history.

The 15 battles, showcased in the scenario booklet, although stylized, focus on important terrain features and the historical deployment of forces in scale with the game system. The battles include Bagradas, Cannae, and Zama".

"The scale of the game fluctuates from battle to battle. For some scenarios, an infantry unit may represent a legion of fighters, while in other scenarios a unit may represent just a few brave warriors. But the tactics you need to execute conform remarkably well to the advantages and limitations inherent to the various units, their weapons, terrain and time".

"Unlike its older brother, Battle Cry by Avalon Hill (Hasbro), Commands & Colors: Ancients is moderately more complex and contains additional historical details without the battlefield clutter. Most scenarios will still play to a conclusion in less than an hour".

"The command card system, drives movement, creates a true fog of war and presents both challenges and opportunities. There are four types of command cards: Leadership cards, Section cards, Troop cards and Tactic cards".

"The battle dice system resolves all combat efficiently and quickly. Each battle die has one Light, one Medium, one Heavy, one Leader, one Flag and one Swords symbol".

"The game mechanics, although simple, will still require strategic card play, historical tactics, timely dice rolling, and an aggressive yet flexible battle plan, to achieve victory".

Retail Price:$55
Commands & Colors: Ancients Expansion Pack #1 – Greece & Eastern Kingdoms
Commands & Colors: Ancients Expansion Pack #2 – Rome and the Barbarians
Commands & Colors: Ancients Expansion Pack #3 – The Roman Civil Wars
Commands & Colors: Ancients Expansion Pack #4 – Imperial Rome
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Golden Geek Best Wargame Nominee 2007
Golden Geek Best 2-Player Board Game Winner 2007
Golden Geek Best 2-Player Board Game Nominee 2007
Origins Awards Historical Board Game of the Year Winner 2006
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Check these Posts:

The Commands & Colors: Ancients game system allows players to portray important engagements of ancient history. The battles, included in the scenario booklet, focus on the historical deployment of forces and important terrain features on the scale of the game system. The scale of the game is flexible and varies from battle to battle. For some scenarios, an infantry unit may represent an entire legion of soldiers, while in other scenarios, a unit may represent just a few brave warriors.

The Command card system drives movement, creates "fog of war", and presents players with many interesting challenges and opportunities, while the battle dice resolve combat quickly and efficiently. The battlefield tactics you will need to execute to gain victory conform remarkably well to the strengths and limitations of the various ancient unit types, their weapons, the terrain, and history. …

Foot Unit Movement

The following unit types are all classified as foot units:

  • Light infantry units (light infantry, light sling infantry, light bow infantry) may move one or two hexes and battle.
  • Auxilia infantry units may move one hex and battle or move two hexes and not battle. Auxilia units are classed as Light foot units for the purposes of being ordered to move and taking hits.
  • Medium infantry units may move one hex and battle.
  • Warrior infantry units may move one hex and battle or move two hexes and battle if the second hex takes them adjacent to an enemy unit (warriors can only move two hexes in order to battle in Close Combat, and this Close Combat is compulsory after a two-hex "charge"). Warrior units are classed as Medium foot units for the purposes of being ordered to move and taking hits.
  • Heavy infantry units may move one hex and battle.
  • Heavy War machine units may move one hex but may not battle when they move. Heavy war machine units are classed as Heavy foot units for the purposes of being ordered to move and taking hits.

Mounted Unit Movement

The following unit types are all classified as mounted units: …

Ranged Combat (fire)

Only units armed with missile weapons may engage in this type of combat. Heavy war machine units are missile capable. Most green circle symbol units (whether or not they have a white border) have missile weapons. Only Light barbarian Chariots do not. Other types of units may be designated as capable of ranged fire in Scenario Special Rules.

A unit with missile weapons battling an enemy unit more than 1 hex away is said to conduct Ranged Combat (fire) at that enemy unit (the "target unit"). In Ranged Combat, the target unit must be within both range and line of sight of the firing unit. …

When being attacked in Close Combat, the defender may announce the unit is going to Evade instead of staying and fighting in Close Combat. Note: An attacking unit may not Evade if the defender Battles Back. If the die roll against the evading unit eliminates the evading unit one Victory Banner is gained.

The attacking unit determines and rolls the proper number of Close Combat battle dice against the evading unit before it Evades, but only symbols that match the evading unit will score a hit. All other unit symbols, leader, swords, and flags rolled are ignored. …

Leader Casualty Checks

There are a number of situations when a leader casualty check must be taken.

  • Attached Leaders

    When a leader is attached to a unit and the unit loses one or more blocks without being eliminated, there is a chance the leader may also be hit. Make a leader casualty check by rolling 2 battle dice. To hit the leader, you need to roll two leader symbols. A leader casualty check must be made when a unit loses a block from: …

Broken Ground

Movement: No movement restrictions for foot units except war machine units, which may not enter a broken ground hex. Any mounted unit or unattached leader must stop when it enters a broken ground hex and move no further on that turn.

Battle: A foot unit may battle on the turn it enters a hex with broken ground. A mounted unit may not battle on the turn it enters a broken ground hex. When battling an enemy unit on a broken ground hex or a unit on a broken ground hex battling out, will roll a maximum of 2 battle dice. A Command card that adds additional dice in battle will modify the maximum number of battle dice that may be rolled. …

Commands and Colors -Live Playthru

How to play Commands and Colors Ancients

Video Review

Behind the Theme: Cohesion and Leaders in Ancient Battles (C&C Ancients) (LU43)

Level Up 46: Behind the Theme of C&C: War Elephants and Chariots

LU47: Behind the Theme, C&C: Hannibal Barca, less known facts

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