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Rating: 7.4 Good
Players: 1-4 players
Playing time: 90 minutes

Official Site:

Created by: Tim Fowers, Virginia Critchfield, Ryan Goldsberry, Heiko Günther

Published by: (Self-Published), (Web published)


Burgle Bros. is a cooperative game for 1-­4 players. Players are unique members of a crew trying to pull off a robbery of a highly secure building - without getting caught. The building has three floors (4x4 tiles), each with its own safe to crack. Players start on the first floor and have to escape to their helicopter waiting on the roof.

Players each have three stealth tokens. Whenever they are on the same tile with a guard, they lose one. If any player is caught without a stealth token, the game is over. If players can open all three safes, and escape through the stairs to the roof they win.

Retail Price:$66
Golden Geek Best Thematic Board Game Nominee 2015
Golden Geek Best Solo Board Game Nominee 2015
Golden Geek Best Family Board Game Nominee 2015

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