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Rating: 6.7 Good
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 30-45 minutes

Official Site: Fleet on Eggrules

Created by: Ben Pinchback, Matt Riddle, Eric J. Carter

Published by: Eagle-Gryphon Games, Swan Panasia Co., Ltd.

Alternate Names: 北洋船隊


In the northwest corner of Nunavut, Canada, a formerly inaccessible bay off of the Arctic Ocean has become reachable through a secret inlet. Untouched by the hands of time and fed by both the ocean and warm fresh water springs, Ridback Bay is teeming with sea life.

A remote, timeless bayside village is now being inundated by entrepreneurs awaiting the influx of the world's greatest fisherman to harvest this plentiful bounty.

The docks and warehouses are being revitalized, and now it is time to begin the real adventure. Go build your Fleet and become master of the high seas!

Fleet is an exciting, strategic card game with in-depth decisions and thrilling game play that new and experienced gamers can enjoy! In Fleet, you'll acquire licenses, launch boats, and fish the great briny blue.

The player who best manages his resources and acquires the most VP via fish, licenses, and boats will build the strongest fleet and lead his crew to victory!

Retail Price:$26
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