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Rating: 7.4 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-9 players
Playing time: 15-30 minutes

Created by: Luca Bellini, Erika Signini, Paolo Vallerga

Published by: Black Monk, Heidelberger Spieleverlag, IELLO

Alternate Names: Hocki Klocki


Are you better at building with plastic bricks...or explaining how to do it?

What if you have to build with your eyes closed or using only one hand?

Or if you must explain it without speaking?

Can you still be faster than your opponents?

Brick Party is a funny and frenzied game of crazy building! Reveal the special rule for the round, choose your teammate, and get ready.

Then grab the blocks and build the shape you choose faster than the others! And in the next round? A new special rule, new partners, and new shapes...for a game that's never boring!

Brick Party contains 36 plastic construction bricks and 165 cards with shapes that must be built by the players.

Retail Price:$0

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