- 36 plastic blocks in 4 colors
- 10 Rule cards
- 10 Score cards
- 144 Shape cards
- 1 sandtimer
- 1 "Your Rule" card
Brick party is a game played in teams of two players, which change from round to round. In each team, one player must explain how to build the structure on a card while the other player tries to build it.
Brick Party can also be played with the "SPRINT Rules", in which each player plays alone. The SPRINT rules can also be played by younger children. You can find the SPRINT rules at the end of this rulebook.
Shuffle the RULE CARDS deck and place it on the table, face down.
Place the SCORE CARDS on the table face up, divided into 3 decks according to their value. Divide the SHAPE CARDS into 4 decks, according to the values on the front. Shuffle each deck and deal 2 cards from each Shape deck (8 cards total) to each player, then put the remaining cards on the table, face up.
The youngest player takes the sandtimer and will be the first LEADER.
Place all the bricks in the middle of the table, so that all players can easily reach them.
Game Play
The game is played over a number of rounds, in which all teams play at the same time. Each round is divided into seven phases, played in this order:
1. Draw a Rule Card
The Leader turns over the top RULE CARD from the deck and places it face up on the table so that every player can easily see it.
2. Form Teams
Starting with the Leader and going clockwise, each player chooses a teammate. (I.e.: The Leader chooses first, then the next unchosen player clockwise chooses a teammate, and so on until all the teams are formed).
Example: Luca, Cinzia, Mario, Jessica, Matteo, Paolo, Roberto, and Erika are at the table. Luca is the Leader this round, and chooses Paolo. Now Cinzia must choose, and she chooses Mario.
It would be Mario's turn next, but he's already on a team so the next choice goes to Jessica, who picks Erika. Matteo and Roberto are the only two left, so they make up the last team.
Important: in a game with an odd number of players, the Leader does not participate during the round, so the player to his or her left will be the first to choose a partner.
3. Assign Roles
Once the teams are formed, the Leader starts the sandtimer.
Each team must decide which player will be the Architect (the player who will look at the SHAPE CARD to be built) and which will be the Builder. The Architect must also choose which SHAPE CARD from his or her hand to use this round.
If the Architect does not choose a card before the sandtimer runs out, he or she must pick one randomly. If a team cannot choose who will be the Architect before the sandtimer runs out, the player closest to the Leader clockwise will be the Architect.
Important: the Builder CANNOT look at the Architect's card until the beginning of PHASE 6: CHECK STRUCTURES for the round.
4. Start to Build
Once the sandtimer runs out, the Leader says "Go!!" WITHOUT restarting it, and all the Architects must start to explain to their Builders how to build the structure shown on their SHAPE CARD.
The value on the card shows the number of blocks needed to complete the structure, and more difficult structures are worth more points. The Architect can say anything he or she wants EXCEPT FOR THE VALUE ON THE SHAPE CARD.
The Architect cannot touch any of the blocks (but may indicate them with motions). The Builder can use blocks of any color.
Important: ALL teams play this phase at the same time!
5. Completing a Structure
When an Architect thinks that his or her team's structure is ready, he or she takes the sandtimer and turns it over. Now all the other teams only have 30 seconds to finish their structures!
6. Check Structures
When the sandtimer runs out, all Builders must stop. Each Architect reveals their SHAPE CARDS, and the Builders place their structures on the cards to see if it is correct. If it is, the team scores points as explained in the next section. If it's not, the team scores 0 points.
End of the Round
After scoring, the Leader gives the sandtimer to the player on his or her left, who becomes the new Leader.
After all the players have been Leader once, the game is over and the player with the highest score is the winner!
Important: players never draw new Shape cards during the game, so they must choose carefully which one to use each round.
EACH TEAM that correctly completed their structure in time scores the points shown on the SHAPE CARD they used during the round. In addition to this, the fastest team also scores the points shown on the current RULE CARD.
To keep track of points, the Architect keeps the SHAPE CARD used, while the Builder takes any other SHAPE CARD of the same value from the decks on the table.
The Architect of the fastest team also takes the current RULE CARD, and the Builder takes a SCORE CARD worth the same value.
Cards used for scoring must be kept FACE UP in front of the player in a single pile, so only the card on top is visible. In this way, the cards used for scoring will be clearly separated from the ones in the players' hands (which must be set face down when not being used), but a player's total score is not made public.
If a team does not complete their structure correctly, they score 0 points for the round: their SHAPE CARD is discarded.
Important: If the fastest team does not complete their structure correctly, the Rule card is not scored by anyone.
Rule Cards
Each RULE CARD shows a special rule that ALL TEAMS must follow for the current round. If a team does not follow the RULE CARD, their structure doesn't count and both players score 0 points.
The rules are:
To be valid, the structure MUST be built using at least one brick of each color. (WORTH 1 POINT)
To be valid, the structure CANNOT be built using all the colors. (WORTH 1 POINT)
The Builders can only use their " off hand". (WORTH 2 POINTS)
The Builders must keep the index and middle finger of each hand crossed. (WORTH 2 POINTS)
The Builders must keep their eyes closed. (WORTH 2 POINTS )
The Architects cannot speak. They can mime and indicate blocks. (WORTH 2 POINTS)
The Architects must sit with their backs toward the Builders, so that they can't see what they are building. (WORTH 3 POINTS)
The Builders can't use their thumbs . (WORTH 3 POINTS)
The Builders must hold the Shape card in one hand, pointed so that their Architect can see it but they cannot. In addition, they must keep it upside-down (i.e., the value must be at the bottom). They can use both hands to build (if they are able to..).. (WORTH 3 POINTS)
The Architects can only say YES or NO. They cannot mime or indicate blocks . The Builders can speak and ask anything they want , except for the value of the card. (WORTH 3 POINTS)
Hint: If the Architect keeps on saying "NO", we recommend that you ask if the block you have in hand is the correct one, or if all of the blocks you already placed are correct.
On the Rule cards, the Architect is always shown wearing a blue t-shirt, and the Builder always wearing a red one (or with a red bow).
Special Bonus: Included in the box is the " Your Rule!" card, which has a white front. You can use this to create your own rule for the game. If you do, you.
must remove a Rule card of your choice from the game with the same value
Brick Party Sprint
This version is designed so that also younger children can play. It's for 2-4 players, and everyone plays alone.
Each player takes a complete set of bricks (i.e. all the bricks of one color).
Shuffle the 10 SCORE CARDS, place them in a face down deck on the table, then reveal the top card.
Shuffle 3 SHAPE CARDS of each value and place them in a single face down deck on the table.
Reveal the top SHAPE CARD of the deck. All the players simultaneously start to build the structure shown on it. The first one who finishes takes the sandtimer and activates it. From now on, all the other players have only 30 seconds to complete their structure
When the sandtimer runs out, each player places his or her structure on the card to check if it's correct.
Each player with a correct structure scores the points shown on the SHAPE CARD by taking an unused card of the same value. The player who finished first (the one who activated the sandtimer) also takes the revealed SCORE CARD.
If the fastest player didn't build the structure correctly, nobody gets the SCORE CARD for that round, and it is discarded from play.
It there are still unrevealed SCORE CARDS, a new round begins from step 2.
The game ends after all ten Score cards have been revealed and taken (or discarded). Two SHAPE CARDS will be left unused. The player with the highest score is the winner.
The RULE CARDS are not used with the SPRINT Rules.
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