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  • 16 pawn cards
  • 59 number cards
  • 26 action cards
  • 8 SORRY! cards
  • 1 reminder card
  • Instructions

Object of the Game

Be the first player to flip all your pawn cards to HOME.


Each take all 4 pawn cards of one color. Lay them out in front of you with the START side showing. Put any spare pawn cards to one side.

Shuffle e the rest of the cards. Give each player 5 cards, facedown. You can look at your own cards, but keep them secret

Put the rest of the cards facedown in a pile in the middle. This is the draw pile. Once you're playing, start a faceup play pile next to it.

Game Play

  1. Decide who's going fi rst. Starting player, on your turn, play a card from your hand faceup onto the play pile and call out what it is. You must play a card on your turn.

  2. Take cards from the draw pile to bring your hand back up to 5. Important: You must NEVER have more than 7 cards at the end of your turn.

  3. Take turns to play a card. See over the page to learn what all the action cards do. When you play a number or slide card that makes the play pile add up to:

    • Exactly 21: You win the round! Flip one of your pawn cards over so the HOME side is faceup (unless someone plays a SORRY! card on you to steal your win).

    • Over 21: You bust! This round is over. Everyone except you fl ips one of their pawn cards to HOME.

  4. Move the play pile out of the way, but keep your hand! The next player starts the next round.

  5. If the draw pile runs out, shuffle the discarded play piles together to make a new draw pile.

Which card did you play

Here's what to do.

  • The first number card on the play pile.

    Call out the number.

  • Another number card.

    Call out the play pile's total.

  • An action card.

    Call out what it does, then do it.

  • A number card on top of an action card.

    Call out the play pile's total. If you're not sure what it is, look back through the pile to add it up.

  • A slide card.

    Call out what number the play pile slides to.

  • A SORRY! card.

    Say what the card does and do it.

  • A Don't be SORRY! card.

    Laugh at your opponent. Say what the card does and do it.


If it's your first game, take a moment to find out what each of the cards does.

  • Pawn Cards

    These cards are your pawns. Start the game with the START side showing. When you get the play pile to 21, flip a pawn card to HOME.

  • Number Cards

    Play a number card to add to the total of the play pile. Always call out the play pile's total as you play your card.

  • Action Cards

    Yellow action cards help you on your turn!

    • Slide

      Slide the play pile's total up or down to the number on the card

    • Take 2

      Take 2 cards from the draw pile to add to your hand, (but not if you'd have more than 7).

    • Switch

      Switch the order of play.

    • Play 2

      Play this card, then play another 2 number cards from your hand onto the play pile.

  • Sorry! Cards

    SORRY! cards are action cards that you play against other players.

    There are two types:

    • Play this on your turn.

      Pick another player and flip one of their pawn cards back to start, unless they can play a Don't Be SORRY! card.

    • Play this when another player plays the card that takes the total to 21.

      No need to wait for your turn. Say 'SORRY!' and flip one of your pawn cards to HOME instead of them, unless they can play a Don't be SORRY! card...

  • Don't Be Sorry! Cards

    Play these to block SORRY! cards played on you. You're saved! Nobody can play a SORRY! or Don't be SORRY! card onto your Don't be SORRY! card.

    Important: Draw a new card after you play a SORRY! or Don't Be SORRY! card, to bring your hand up to 5. Discard the play pile and start a new one.

End of the Game

Keep playing until someone flips their fourth pawn card to HOME. That player wins!

If more than one player flips their fourth pawn card to HOME at the same time, tied players play a tiebreaker.

In a pile in front of you, play any number of cards from your hand to get as close as you can to 21 without going bust. The closest player wins.

For a Longer Game

Once you have all 4 pawn cards flipped to HOME, simply flip one back to START every time you win another round. Get all 4 pawn cards flipped back to START and you win.

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