Each player selects an army and counts out a number of single units based on the number of players (2 players/ 40 armies each, 3/35, 4/30, 5/25, 6/20) Each player randomly draws an Empire Castle Chip and places it and one army on a territory within its national borders.
Players take turns placing one army onto unoccupied territories until all are gone.
Then, players take turns placing 5 armies, divided in any way, onto territories they have.
Hidden armies: players secretly choose any territory on the board (except for those with castles) and write it down on a piece of paper.
Shuffle the cards and deal three to each player, who secretly look at them.
Randomly pick a player to go first, and clockwise order from there.
Special Notes About The Board
Dotted lines: can be crossed by armies without using an Admiral card.
Black Sea: does not connect with any other body of water.
Object of the Game

Each player captures all of his opponents' Empire Castle Chips. Last man standing wins.
Turn Actions
Hand Size: if you have fewer than 3 cards, draw up to three.
Draw One Card
Play Reinforcement and/or Diplomat cards (if you wish)
Attack (if you wish)
Collect Spoils and end your turn.
Rules That Differ From Regular Risk
Spoils: units come at the end of the turn (except for "Reinforcements" card).
Spoils collect 4 armies/Empire you control, 6/ if you control all Independent territories, and 8 for every Empire Castle Chip you control (including your own) Spoils distribute them any way you want on any territories you control.
No Mercenaries: if you run out of armies, you cannot use armies of a different color.
No "fortifying" of armies at the end of a player's turn.
Hidden Armies
Used only once at any time during the game to attack from, or defend, the spot secretly written down at the beginning of the game.
You must occupy the territory before you bring them out.
Reveal your paper with the territory written down to the other players, and then place on that territory armies equal to the number of the last Reinforcement card played.
Play as many as you want before your first attack, and place along the side of the board in the next available spot. Collect that many units to place anywhere on the board you control. Once used, cards are not recycled.
Used to look at another player's hand and to discard one card of your choice after revealing it to everyone. Or, use it to block another player's Spy card. May be played at any time during your turn.
Used to force a truce with another player before your first attack. Truce is in effect for one complete round of play. (do not use in 2-player game)
Play any time during your attack before rolling dice to add +1 to your highest die. Once used during your turn, it must remain in play throughout the entire turn until eliminated or your turn ends, when it returns to your hand. Lost if opponent ever rolls a die higher than or equal to your highest die roll +1. You can play more than one General card a turn, but not at the same time.
Play any time when defending before rolling dice to add +1 to your highest die. Once used during your turn, it must remain in play throughout the entire turn until eliminated or your opponent's turn ends, when it returns to your hand. Lost if opponent ever rolls a die higher than your highest die roll +1. He lives on ties. You can play more than one Marshall card a turn, but not at the same time.
Used to move from one territory on the sea to another. Play at any time during your turn but it must be part of an attack, not to relocate armies. Load armies onto card and slide to defending territory. Once committed, you cannot withdraw- you must either win or be eliminated. If you lose, you lose the card too, but if you win you keep the card. You may use multiple times on your turn as long as you win.
All discarded cards are shuffled and used again except Reinforcement cards.
Capturing A Castle

When attacking a castle, you can never use more than two dice.
When you defeat all armies on the castle territory, you capture the castle and eliminate the defending player from the game. Take that player's castle chip and place it on the same spot as your castle. Remove the defeated player's armies from the board and replace them with armies from territories you occupy, starting with the armies you attacked with.
If you don't want to occupy a territory, other players must use armies on the board.
The rules don't specify how the other players are selected.
Take the defeated players cards into your hand, and control of their hidden units if not used yet. (The rules don't say if they come out or remain hidden) Once you capture everyone else's Castle, you win the game.
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