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Rating: 7.5 Very Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 30-63 minutes

Created by: Christian Giove, Francesco Perticaroli

Published by: dV Giochi, Edge Entertainment, Rebel

Alternate Names: 摺摺稱奇


The greatest origami masters face off for the title, using their magic to make origami creations come to life!

Can your knowledge of the art of folding paper impress the judges and earn you the title of "Best Origami Artist"?

Origami is a fast, fun card game for everyone! You won't need to fold any paper, except for one: You can make your very own first player origami sculpture!

During the game, you collect folds to play origami cards, scoring additional points when you use special abilities.

Retail Price:$0
Origami: Promo Goal Cards

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