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Rating: 7.1 Good
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 60 minutes

Created by: Reiner Knizia, Damon S. Brown, Olivier Fagnère, Allison Kline, Doris Matthäus, Stéphane Poinsot

Published by: Competo / Marektoy, Egmont Polska, Filosofia Éditions

Alternate Names: Fabrik der Träume, Hollywood, Hollywood Blockbuster, Traumfabrik, Tytus, Romek i A'Tomek


Reiner Knizia's auction game about producing movies. In four rounds, players bid on chips representing genuine directors, actors, camera, effects, music, guest stars and agents. These all get placed on players' film-strips, to complete the movie production.

So one movie might need 2 actors, but no music or effects and so on. As films are completed, the points value is marked and another film-strip taken. There are two parties each round where players get to pick from offers without paying anything. There are bonus points for first films completed and best films, best directors, even worst film.

The auction is a basic rising offer with passing until one winning bid remains. Players pay into the pot with contracts as money, and the rest of the players share the pot each turn. So it's a closed economy with players trying to time to bid on what they really need to complete films.

See Movie Comparison - Traumfabrik for listings of movies and actors in each version.

Retail Price:$0
Årets Spel Best Adult Game Winner 2011
Årets Spel Best Adult Game Nominee 2011
International Gamers Awards - General Strategy; Multi-player Nominee 2001

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