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Rating: 6.8 Good
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 40 minutes

Official Site: Krysis website

Created by: Zoltán Aczél, Zoltán Ágó, Péter Zelei, Sándor Zubály

Published by: Gém Klub Kft., Heidelberger Spieleverlag, Rio Grande Games

Alternate Names: Krystal Krisis, Krystal Krysis


This game of tactics, strategy, and confrontation is set in a fantasy world after the Great Depression. Each player runs a company of special agents, and their agents become teams in threes.

The aim of the game is to transport the crystals and leftover artifacts (guns and transporting means!) from the mine to your own campsite and from the campsite to your home. The transport will succeed only if the team is strong and fast enough, and if you can use the transporting capacity of your men optimally.

However, nobody is left alone with their problems. The competition and the robbers ensure interaction and surprises…

The basic game consists of 5 rounds. Players try gaining crystals and artifacts from the central mining project (bidding for the best bunch of crystals), then in the tactically most important phase, they choose their 3-card "teams" to take actions in order of their speed.

On your turn you can go to the mine to take crystals to your camp; you can attack others' camps for crystals and you can transport your crystals home or to the bank from your camp.

You can also collect or use the artifacts found: they can help in increasing your transporting capacity or battle power, but if you don't use them they can mean lots of points at the end of the game. At the end of the game, whoever has the most points (from crystals and artifacts at home and points from the bank) wins.

Retail Price:$25

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