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Rating: 7.2 Good
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 30-50 minutes

Official Site: Webpage at Lookout Publisher

Created by: Andreas Pelikan, Alexander Pfister, Klemens Franz

Published by: 999 Games, Funforge, GoKids 玩樂小子

Alternate Names: Isla de Skye: De Líder a Rey, Isle fo Skye: De Líder a Rei, Isle of Skye: Agli Albori del Regno, Isle of Skye: De Laird à Roi, Isle of Skye: Vom Häuptling zum König


Isle of Skye is one of the most beautiful places in the world, with soft sand beaches, gently sloping hills, and impressive mountains. The landscape of Isle of Skye is breathtaking and fascinates everyone.

In the tile-laying game Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King, 2-5 players are chieftains of famous clans and want to build their kingdoms to score as many points as possible - but in each game only four of the sixteen scoring tiles will be scored.

Thanks to the scoring tiles, each game is different and leads to different tactics and strategies, but having enough money is useful no matter what else is going on. Managing that money can be tricky, though. Each turn, each player places two area tiles in front of them and sets the selling price for the tiles.

Setting a high price is great, but only so long as someone actually pays the price because if no one opts to buy, then the seller must buy the tiles at the price they previously requested.

In the end, the player with the best kingdom - and not the richest player - becomes the sovereign of the island.

Retail Price:$31
Brettspiel Adventskalender 2015
Deutscher Spielepreis 2016 Goodie Box
Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King – Brettspiel Adventskalender Promo Tiles
Isle of Skye: From Chieftain to King – Kennerspiel des Jahres Promo Tile
UK Games Expo Best Boardgame Winner 2016
Kennerspiel des Jahres Winner 2016
Kennerspiel des Jahres Nominee 2016
International Gamers Award - General Strategy: Multi-player Nominee 2016
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Five clans are fighting for dominance over the island. Only the chieftain who best develops their clan territory and trades most cleverly will become king of the Isle of Skye. Next time everything will be different though, so play again and have revenge!


  • 1 double-side gameboard
  • 16 scoring tiles
  • 73 landscape tiles (green backs)
  • 73 gold coins
  • 1 starting player marker
  • 5 landscape tiles with a castle
  • 1 round token
  • 6 player screens
  • 5 scoring tokens (1 in each player color)
  • 1 cloth bag
  • 6 discard markers (1 spare)
  • 1 rule book

Object of the Game

Over 6 rounds (5 in a 5-player game), collect the most victory points and become the king of the Isle of Skye. …

2 VPs for each square of 4 landscape tiles. Landscape tiles can be part of multiple squares.

1 VP for each completed area in the clan territory.

1 VP for each sheep in the clan territory.

3 VPs for each completed area of at least 3 landscape tiles in the clan territory.

1/3/6 VPs for each mountain area in the clan territory with 1/2/3 brochs.

A single mountain area with more than 3 brochs is still only worth 6 VPs.

5 VPs for each set of broch, farm, and lighthouse in the clan territory. Each building can only be part of one set. …

One cannot win the struggle for dominance over the island without powerful allies. As every wise king knows, power is not measured in strength and gold alone ...

Having the support of the spiritual leaders of the country can be the decisive factor. Win the Druids over to your cause and harness the power of their mystical sacred sites for your benefit!


  • 1 Dolmen Board
  • 6 new Scoring Tiles
  • 9 Additional Gold Coins
  • 10 Stone Tablets
  • 5 "50/10 Victory Points" Tiles
  • 36 Druid Tiles

Important: Do not put the landscape tiles from this expansion into the bag; keep them separate from the base game tiles! …

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