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Rating: 7.9 Very Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 1-4 players
Playing time: 45-60 minutes

Official Site: Cottage Garden Overview

Created by: Uwe Rosenberg, Andrea Boekhoff

Published by: Edition Spielwiese, Blackrock Games, - Gamer Café Kft.

Alternate Names: Cottage Garden: Mi Pequeño Jardín, Ogródek, Virágoskert, コテージガーデン, 花舍物語


In Cottage Garden, you compete in the art of gardening and are working two beds with a variety of flowers. Whenever no unplanted box is visible on a bed, you have completed it, then you count your points and replace it with a fresh, unplanted bed. You gain points for all of the visible plant pots and planting bells.

In more detail, players select various polyomino tiles of flower beds from a central market grid, depending on the location of the "gardener", then place them on one of their two personal garden boards. Each board has several garden elements that are worth points when not planted over, and these are scored on two different tracks as soon as a garden has been finished. Crossing over a line on each track awards bonus tokens that can fill in empty spaces or give you a better selection of the flower bed tiles. Whenever a garden is finished, you receive a new one to complete. After the gardener completes her fifth lap around the market, the game enters its last round. The player with the most points from their completed gardens at the end of the game wins.

Cottage Garden is the first part of Uwe Rosenberg's puzzle trilogy.

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Cottage Garden: a colorful sea of flowers framed by walls, paths, and hedges. As ambitious gardeners, you face the challenge of filling the beds in every corner of your garden with plants, inspired by the limited spaces to create ever new compositions. You have a variety of plants available to design your gardens - as well as flowerpots and plant covers - until diversity blooms everywhere. Be kind to the cats!


  • 1 double-sided Nursery game board
  • 36 Flower Tiles (puzzle pieces)
  • 9 Flowerbeds, each with a light and a dark side
  • 1 green large Gardener die
  • 1 large round cardboard Parasol token
  • 30 round cardboard Cat tokens
  • 16 round cardboard Flowerpot tokens
  • 2 cardboard Beehive tokens
  • 4 Planting Tables with scoring tracks (1 each per player)
  • 12 orange Flowerpot Scoring Cubes (3 per player)
  • 12 blue Plant Cover Scoring Cubes (3 per player)
  • 1 cardboard "Wheelbarrow"
  • 1 Game rules

Before the First Game

Carefully remove the cardboard components from their punchboards. …

Planning Ahead In The Game

This is how you can better plan your moves:

These types of game situations are what give "COTTAGE Garden" its special appeal.

The Flower Tile on C3 looks attractive in this game situation, because in the next turn the tile on D2 will be available. However, this will only be available if the next player passes over this exact Flower Tile. If you are interested in the Flower Tile on C2, you could simply ignore it this turn, as this tile is sure to be available on your next turn. The tile on C4 can be ignored too, as an identical tile will be available next turn on A2. …

If you want to play alone, use the two-player rules with the following changes:

Additions To The Game Preparation

Turn the Game Board to the side for 1-3 players.

Set the Gardener die to the number "2" and place it on the starting space for 1-2 players.

For the whole game, you only need three Flowerbeds: you receive two Flowerbeds for yourself, one with the light side and one with the dark side up. Place the third in the middle with the light side showing. …

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