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Rating: 6.7 Good
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 30-75 minutes

Created by: Andreas Pelikan, Alexander Pfister, Vincent Dutrait

Published by: alea, Ravensburger Spieleverlag GmbH, Hobby World

Alternate Names: Верхом на метле


Score the most victory points by delivering potions via Broom Service throughout the magical realm.

Broom Service is a card-based game that combines luck and skill and balances timely bluffing with clever hand management.

Remake of award-winning Witch's Brew:

New theme! Now with 3 types of roles: witches, druids, and gatherers.

Drizzelda, the weather fairy, helps chase away the bad weather.

New illustrations and game pieces.

Same style of play, and by the same game designer as Witch's Brew.

New version also includes a 2-player version.

The game is played over 7 rounds, with 4 turns per round. Each round, players simultaneously select 4 of their 10 role cards, and then they take turns playing one role at a time. Each role has a brave action and a cowardly action; the brave action is stronger, but riskier, as another player could steal the action from you later; the cowardly action is safer, but not as robust. How well can you bluff your opponents?

Use the gatherer roles to collect ingredients to make potions, the witch roles to zoom around on your broom to different areas, and the witch or druid roles to deliver the potions, collecting victory points as you go. Chase away lightning clouds with the help of the weather fairy, and keep an eye on the event cards that change game play, one event per round.

The winner is the player with the most victory points after all 7 rounds are complete and end-of-game bonus points have been awarded.

Retail Price:$35
Broom Service Mini-Expansion
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  • 24 heavy clouds
  • 24 magic wands
  • 1 game summary
  • 15 amulets
  • 17 landscape tiles
  • 8 storm clouds
  • 1 game board (double-sided)
  • 60 potions
  • 10 pawns
  • 5 victory point markers
  • 60 playing cards:

Object of the Game

Players become witches, druids and gatherers, producing powerful potions and delivering them by Broom Service throughout the magi- cal realm. Round after round, enchanted rivals choose four of ten role cards. Each card has a brave and cowardly action.

The brave actions are most rewarding, but carry grave risk of being lost to opposing players. The cowardly actions are less profitable, but safer. …

The Roles


Gatherers help players receive new resources. Resources are always placed visibly in front of players, so that they can be counted by the other players at any time.

Depending on whether the role is played bravely or cowardly, the number of resources taken from the supply is 3 or 1.

Note: The supply piles for the potions or magic wands are not meant to run out. Use place-holders if necessary.


Witches (both brave and cowardly) help players move their pawns around the board. Brave witches also deliver potions to the towers, allowing players to earn victory points. …

Try the following variations, even combining some together! Introduce the storm clouds (with light blue star on the front), the land- scape tiles, and the amulets, as well as the back of the board, into play.

The Storm Clouds

... can be used on both sides of the board. At game start, mix the storm clouds with the heavy weather clouds. Then, as usual, place a random cloud tile on each of the corresponding areas. Return the remaining cloud tiles to the box. …

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