Try the following variations, even combining some together! Introduce the storm clouds (with light blue star on the front), the land- scape tiles, and the amulets, as well as the back of the board, into play.
The Storm Clouds 
... can be used on both sides of the board. At game start, mix the storm clouds with the heavy weather clouds. Then, as usual, place a random cloud tile on each of the corresponding areas. Return the remaining cloud tiles to the box.
Those who wish may use fewer heavy weather clouds, to increase the likelihood that storm clouds are placed on the board.
(2x) If this cloud is on the board, players receive 2 additional victory points when delivering a potion with a pawn adjacent to the cloud. If both of these clouds are adjacent to the pawn delivering the potion, players receive 4 additional victory points.
If Emily, for example, has a pawn in an area adjacent to these two clouds and as a brave druid delivers to a 2-VP tower + 1 wand, she receives 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 9 victory points + 1 wand.
This is the only storm cloud that always works while it lies on the board. All other storm clouds will work only once, at the moment they are charmed away.

(2x) The player who charms away this cloud, may immediately move either pawn to any adjacent area, just as if the player had placed the appropriate cowardly witch.

(1x) The player who charms away this cloud may immediately deliver any potion, with either pawn, just as if the player had played the appropriate cowardly druid.

(3x) The player who charms away this cloud, immediately takes the corresponding number of victory points if the player possesses at least as many potions of the matching color shown on the cloud, i.e. at least 3 orange, 4 green, or 4 purple potions (respectively).
These potions are not returned to the supply, but are kept by the player!
If a player does not have the required minimum number of potions when charming away this cloud, the player receives the cloud tile, but not the victory points.

The Mountain Tiles and Amulets
... can be used on the front side of the board and must be used on the back side. The five mountain tiles are shuffled at the beginning of the game, and then one tile is randomly placed face-up on the corresponding space of each of the three mountain areas.
Any towers covered lose their functions. The remaining two mountain tiles are returned to the box.
Each player places an amulet of their color next to each mountain tile.
When a player moves a pawn to one of these mountain areas, the player then - in any order - does the following:
Claims their amulet from the mountain area and keeps it, visible to the other players. The amulets bring players victory points at the end of the game: one amulet = 4 victory points, two amulets = 9 victory points, all three amulets = 15 victory points (see back of game summary).
Uses the complete function of the mountain tile, without removing the tile. If a player doesn´t want to use the tile, it expires immediately for that player, i.e. it cannot be used in a later turn (evident by the fact that this player's amulet has already been claimed)!
if acting as the brave mountain witch, delivers a potion here, if desired.
The individual tiles mean:

The player takes one potion per color from the general supply. One of these 3 new potions could be delivered immediately, if acting as the brave mountain witch.
The player takes two magic wands from the general supply.

With either pawn, the player delivers any type of potion, as if using the appropriate cowardly druid. Note: delivering to a square tower is allowed.

The player may do up to two movements with one of their pawns, or one movement with each pawn, as if placing the appropriate cowardly witches.

The player may charm away any cloud tile adjacent to either pawn, as if placing the cowardly weather fairy.
The Forest Tiles 
... must be used when playing the back side of the board. The six tiles are shuffled at beginning of the game and then randomly placed face-up on each of the spaces provided in the four corresponding forest areas. The remaining two forest tiles are placed back in the box.
A player who moves a pawn to one of these forest areas takes the forest tile from the board and keeps it, face-up, visible to everyone.
In a subsequent turn, the player can use it once, and then discard it face- down next to the board. A player may use a maximum of one tile per role card and one "+1 card" tile at the beginning of a round.
The individual tiles mean:

(2x) Any player who plays a role cowardly and uses one of these tiles is allowed to perform the brave action instead of the cowardly one. For the remaining rules, the player remains cowardly.
Thus, the player neither usurps the current brave player nor becomes the starting player of the next role card.
During the event "Brave Heart", the starting player of a role card cannot avoid the obligation to be "brave" by using this tile.

(2x) Any player who uses this tile at the beginning of a round may take one additional card to keep.
This tile can be used in the event "More or Less" even after all players have shown their hand size; the additional card is not taken into account when scoring victory points for this event.

(2x) Any player who plays a role card cowardly and uses this I tile takes 5 victory points instead of performing the action.
If this tile is used during the events "Black Market" or "Black Distillery", the player still gains only 5 victory points (and not another + 3 victory points or + any resource).
The Hill Tiles 
... must be used when playing the back side of the board. The six tiles are shuffled at beginning of the game, and then randomly placed face-up on each of the spaces provided in the four corresponding hill areas. The remaining two hill tiles are placed back in the box.
The individual tiles mean:

(5x) Any player who moves a pawn to one of these hill areas ignites the "turbo broom" feature, immediately jetting this pawn to one of the two stone circles specified on the tile. In the new area, the player may deliver a potion, if playing as the brave hill witch.

Note: It is possible that the stone circle "B" is not accessible, or that you can no longer leave that island after you arrive. It is never possible to leave the island with the stone circle "D".

(1x) In this area no "turbo broom" feature is ignited, but a player can deliver an orange potion to the supply for 7 victory points if playing the brave hill witch, just as if the tower was displayed on the board. The same applies if any player delivers a potion here as the peak druid.
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