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Rating: 6 Fair
Players: 1-5 players
Playing time: 45 minutes

Official Site: Dexikon on Eggrules

Created by: Andrew Rowse, Simon Brewer

Published by: (Web published), Eagle-Gryphon Games


Dexikon is a deck-building word game, in which players each begin with a small deck of versatile letter cards, and use these to spell words, score points, and buy other letter cards.

More expensive letter cards are less versatile, but they are worth more points and have increasingly powerful bonus effects when played - including messing with other players.

Instead of spending points to buy new cards, points from words can be 'banked' - once a certain number of words have been banked, each player gets one last chance to spell a word using their entire deck, then the player with the most points wins.

Retail Price:$14

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Dexikon Review - with Tom Vasel

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