Rating: 4.2 Passable
Players: 2-10 players
Playing time: 60 minutes

Created by: Kevin Brougher, Lisa Santa Cruz

Published by: Missing Piece Press


Words, Wits, Whims & Woes!

First, download the FREE Whew! timer APP (You could use a sand timer or egg timer but, the WHEW! timer is fun!)

Then, lay out the board, pick your game pieces.

Next, someone grabs either a red or green card and rolls the die. The die determines which word to use for matching sounds AND how many moves the player that is "caught" has to move.

For green cards, you must match the sound of the front of a word (alliteration). For red cards, you match the back of the word (rhyme).

Now, start the timer, say and write a word that works and pass the pencil!

Try not get caught with the pencil when the timer goes off! And hope that the player that has to move doesn't land on a space that is the same color as your game piece! (You'll find out why).

Play until there is one loser or keep playing until just one player is left on the board! (The ultimate winner!)

Retail Price:$0

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