- 91 ingredient cards
- 6 legend cards
- Instructions
Object of the Game
The first player to discard all his ingredient cards wins the round. The player with the fewest points after 3 rounds of play wins the game.
Shuffle the ingredient cards and place one ingredient card in the middle of the table well within everyone's reach. This will be the Voodoo pile. Then, deal out the remaining ingredient cards evenly among the players:
- 2 players = 45 ingredient cards
- 3 players = 30 ingredient cards
- 4 players = 22 ingredient cards
- 5 players = 18 ingredient cards
- 6 players =15 ingredient cards
Each player has his own pile of ingredient cards and forms his hand by picking up 3 ingredient cards from his pile. Each player also receives one legend card. Unused ingredients and legend cards are put back into the game box. …