- 91 ingredient cards
- 6 legend cards
- Instructions
Object of the Game
The first player to discard all his ingredient cards wins the round. The player with the fewest points after 3 rounds of play wins the game.
Shuffle the ingredient cards and place one ingredient card in the middle of the table well within everyone's reach. This will be the Voodoo pile. Then, deal out the remaining ingredient cards evenly among the players:
- 2 players = 45 ingredient cards
- 3 players = 30 ingredient cards
- 4 players = 22 ingredient cards
- 5 players = 18 ingredient cards
- 6 players =15 ingredient cards
Each player has his own pile of ingredient cards and forms his hand by picking up 3 ingredient cards from his pile. Each player also receives one legend card. Unused ingredients and legend cards are put back into the game box.

Ingredient Cards
There are 5 different ingredients (Voodoo doll, mask, magic potion, amulet, and top hat), and 5 different colors (red, yellow, green, blue, and purple). All ingredients and colors are shown on the legend cards.
Each ingredient card has only 4 different ingredients and 4 different colors per side. There is always one missing ingredient and color on every ingredient card!
Game Play
The youngest player calls out Voodoo Mania! Everyone begins to play at the same time and as fast as they can! Each player has to figure out which ingredient and color is missing on the ingredient card atop the Voodoo pile.
You have two options:
Everyone searches his hand for the gradient with the right color that is missing from the Voodoo pile ingredient card.
You're allowed to search both sides of the cards in your hand for the missing ingredient! As soon as a player has found the right combination of ingredients and color, he lays it down on top of the Voodoo pile and says what it is so everyone can hear him.
Then, he picks up the top card from his own pile of ingredient cards and adds it to his hand; the game continues on without any stops. Now there's a different ingredient card atop the Voodoo pile, and with it, a new combination of ingredients and color to find.
The magic potion and the color purple are missing from the ingredient card atop the Voodoo pile. Players
then search their hands for the purple magic potion, which Oliver happens to have in his hand. Now, when Oliver lays down his ingredient card on top of the Voodoo pile, he calls out "purple magic potion!"
Once he's laid his ingredient card down on the Voodoo pile, everyone has to look for the green mask.
Instead of looking for the missing combination of ingredient and color, you can also lay down an ingredient card that is also missing the same combination as the ingredient card atop the Voodoo pile!
If you lay this card down on the pile, call out, "Voodoo!" Play immediately stops and all players lay down their cards.
All players, except the player who just called out "Voodoo", have to pull out a card from the bottom of the Voodoo pile and slide it under their own pile of ingredient cards. The player to the left of the player who called out"Voodoo" is the first to pull out a card
Note: At least one card in the Voodoo pile must remain at the center of the table! If there are not enough ingredient cards in the Voodoo pile, each player who can pull out an ingredient card, does so.
Everyone else is off the hook. Once you're finished, everyone picks up his hand of cards again, the Voodoo player calls out, Voodoo Mania! and play continues.

The purple magic potion is missing on the ingredient card atop the Voodoo pile.
Leanne lays down an ingredient card on top of the Voodoo pile that is also missing the purple magic potion and calls out, "Voodoo!"
First Oliver, and then Nick, has to pull out the bottom card from the Voodoo pile and then slide it under their own pile of ingredient cards.
Whoever can't find the right combination - either an ingredient card with the missing ingredient and color, or an ingredient card that is also missing the same combination - can slide any of his 3 cards from his hand under his own pile of ingredient cards and replace it with the uppermost card from his pile. This can be done as often as necessary.
Note: You may never have more than 3 cards in your hand at once!
End of the Round
A round is over as soon as a player has no cards left in his hand and own pile of ingredient cards.
Recording Points
Each ingredient card in a player's hand and in his own pile counts as 1 point Points are recorded and carried over into the following rounds.
All cards are reshuffled and dealt out evenly among the players as described above. The next round begins.
End of the Game
The game is over after 3 rounds. The player with the fewest points wins. In the event of a tie, all players with the fewest points win the game.
Game Variation
Of course, you can also play more or fewer rounds..
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