With each Prestige card is a sample value assuming the player having the card at the end of the game has the following items:
- 2 Forests
- 1 Lake
- 0 Parks
- 0 Jester
- 2 Builders
- 1 Prestige cards
- 2 Freedoms
- 4 Profession cards and 1 Recruiting cards (on the table)
- 1 Profession card (in his hand)
- University, Workshop, Opera, Tower, Chapel
(Note: the Palazzo does not count as a Building!)

For the most Buildings you earn 6 (3) PP.
(Note: an opponent also has5 Buildings and the player is tied for the most: the player earns 3 PP).

For all three Landscape types (Forest, Lake, Park) you earn 8 PP (The player earns 0 PP, as he has no Park).

For the most Lakes you earn 6 (3) PP (Note: two opponents also have 1 Lake and the player is tied for the most: the player earns 3 PP).

For the most Jesters you earn 6 (3) PP (The player earns 0 PP, as he has no Jugglers). This is true even if no player has Jugglers ... see Prestige card "Park".

For at least 1 Builder +1 Jester + 2 Landscapes you earn 7 PP (The player earns 0 PP, as he has no Jugglers).

For at least two large Buildings you earn 5 PP.
(The player earns 5 PP).
This does not change if another player also has at least two large Buildings.

For the most Landscapes you earn 7 (4) PP (Note: an opponent also has 3 Landscapes and the player ties for the most: the player earns 4 PP).

For all three Freedoms you earn 8 PP (The player earns 0 PP, as he only has 2 Freedoms).

For the most Builders you earn 6 (3) PP (Note: the player is the only player with the most: he earns 6 PP).

For the most Works (= Profession and Recruiting cards on the table) you earn 7 (4) PP (Note: an opponent also has 5 Works and the player is tied for the most: the player earns 4 PP).

For the fewest empty spaces you earn 8 (4) PP (Note: an opponent has fewer empty spaces: the player earns 0 PP).

For the most Forests you earn 7 (4) PP (Note: the player is the only player with the most: he earns 7 PP).

For at least 4 Buildings + 2 Freedoms + 4 Works (= Profession and Recruiting cards on the table) you earn 6 PP (The player earns 6 PP).

For the most Parks you earn 5 (3) PP.
(Note: all other players have no Parks: the player earns 0 PP). Players cannot score the most for having nothing. Therefore, the players do not tie for the most with none and do not score 3 PP.
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