Setup Tiles
Advance a total of 3 steps on the Performance Tracks.
Place your setup rail (the one next to the Game Board) in an available rail space of your choice at no cost. Ignore the effect of any Deal or 'Difficult terrain' icons.
Gain 3 Shares.
Place your setup building (the one next to the Game Board at the start of the game) in one of the two Telegraph sections with the Deal icon. Place it in the 'First Office' slot. Do not gain any Shares, and do not resolve the Deal.
Exchange one of your Workers with a Worker of your choice from the common supply.
Place your setup building (the one next to the Game Board at the start of the game) in the 'First Station' slot of either Washington or Charlotte (your choice). Do not pay the cost and do not take any reward (primary or First Station bonus).
Take a Train tile, following the usual rules
Train Tiles
Promote 1 or 2 Workers.
Gain $600.
Advance up to a total of 3 steps on the Performance Tracks.
Gain 3 Shares.
Pay $100, take the leftmost rail from your Player Board, and place it in an available rail space of your choice at no further cost. Ignore the effect of any Deal or 'Difficult terrain' icons.
Telegraph Tiles
Take the leftmost rail from your Player Board, and place it in an available rail space of your choice at no cost. Ignore the effect of any Deal or 'Difficult terrain' icons.
Promote 1 or 2 Workers.
Take a Train tile, following usual rules.
Twice, flip a train following the usual rules. Each flip is performed separately, so you can flip 2 different trains or flip and re-flip the same train.
Gain $600.
Advance on the Performance Tracks up to a total number of steps as depicted.
Cities - First Station Rewards
Flip a train following the usual rules, paying the indicated cost, if any.
Take a Train tile, following the usual rules, paying the indicated cost.
Gain 2 Shares.
Advance on the Performance Tracks up to a total number of steps as depicted.
Pay $200 to gain a Worker of your choice from the common supply.
Exchange one of your Workers (from your Player Board or your supply) with a Worker of your choice from the common supply.
Gain 1 Share.
You may also Promote 1 Worker.
Pay $200 to Promote 1 or 2 Workers.
Advance 1 step on a Performance Track. You may also Promote 1 Worker.
Deal Tiles
Exchange one of your Workers (from your Player Board or your supply) with a Worker of your choice from the common supply.
Take the leftmost building from your Player Board, and place it in an available section of the Telegraph line. Do not gain any Shares, do not take the Telegraph tile reward, and do not resolve any Deal.
Take the leftmost rail from your Player Board, and place it in an available rail space of your choice at no cost. Ignore the effect of any Deal or 'Difficult terrain' icons.
Promote 1 or 2 Workers. Pay $100 each.
Take the leftmost building from your Player Board, and place it in an available City of your choice. You don't pay the cost and you don't take any reward (primary or First Station).
Twice, flip a train following the usual rules. Each flip is performed separately, so you can flip 2 different trains, or flip and then re-flip the same train.
Take a Train tile, following the usual rules, paying the indicated cost if any.
Gain the depicted Worker(s), paying the indicated cost, if any.
Advance on the Performance Tracks up to a total number of steps as depicted.
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