You will be working with the King, D. Jose I, with Manuel da Maia, the royal builder, and the Marquis de Pombal, the prime minister, to reconstruct a new Lisboa, and develop its economy. You need to build stores downtown to produce goods, and will earn wigs once appropriate Public
Buildings are opened to drive traffic to your stores. In order to open Public Buildings, you will need Plans from one of the two architects, and enough state officials to staff the building.
You will need Influence to convince the nobles to help you complete these tasks via Noble actions, but you could also trade with them, offering goods in exchange for State actions.
You can also meet with the Cardinal to acquire Clergy tiles, which give you permanent powers. Last, but by no means the least, you can persuade the Marquis to make decrees that favor you, granting you more wigs at the end of the game.

- Gameboard
- 4 player boards
- 68 Goods tokens
- 55 Real coins
- 20 Plans
- 16 double-sided Public Buildings
- 22 City tiles
- 5 small City tiles
- 4 Scoring tiles
- 12 Royal Favor tiles from 3 Nobles
- 37 Clergy tiles and 1 Cardinal meeple
- 82 Political cards in 4 decks
- 12 Ship cards in 4 colors
- 70 Decree cards
- 63 Rubble cubes in 3 colors
- 1 Treasury marker
- 4 Price markers in 4 colors
- 8 Discs in 4 player colors
- 20 Rubble Set markers in player colors
- 4 Courtier meeples in player colors
- 32 Official meeples in player colors
- 32 wooden houses in player colors
- 1 Starting Player marker
- Clergy Tile and Rubble bags
Put 1 Royal Favor tile of each character, per player, in the Rubble bag. Put all of the Clergy tiles in the Clergy Tile bag.
Player Board Setup:
Each player chooses a color and takes the following:
- 1 player board.
- 1 Player Aid book.
- 5 Rubble Set markers (cubes).
- 8 wooden houses.
- 8 Officials (meeples).
- 1 Good tile of each type (gold, books, cloth, tools).
- 10 reais
- 2 Clergy tiles from the Clergy Tile bag at random. Look at them and keep one; return the other to the bag.
- 1 random Royal Favor tile drawn from the bag.
- 1 random Starting Plan (the ones with the dark blue backs). Return the remaining Starting Plans to the box.

And On The Gameboard
1 Courtier meeple, which goes in one of the Royal Court spaces.
1 Wigs marker, which goes on space 5 of the Wigs score track.
Place 1 of your Officials in the office of the Marquis, the middle character (does not matter which space).
The player who visited Lisboa most recently is the starting player, and takes the Starting Player marker. Play goes clockwise from this player.
1 Influence disc: Put the first player's Influence disc on space 4 of the Influence Track; the second player's goes on space 5; third player, space 6; fourth player, space 7.
Board Setup:
The Public Buildings are blue on one side, green on the other. Flip all 16 Public Buildings blue-side-up, then shuffle them. Split the stack into two stacks of 8, and flip one stack green-side-up. Place each stack just off the board beside the plan space of the same-color architect.
Move the top tile of each architect's Public Building stack into the architect's plan space. This way, players can always see both the current and the next Public Building available.
Separate the Plan tiles into two face-up stacks, based on which architect is depicted: green or blue. Sort each stack by the number of officials depicted, such that the fewest officials are on top, and the most are on bottom. Place each stack on the appropriate space.
Place the 4 Price markers in the spaces marked with the goods' colors on the market track.
Place one City tile on each space (yellow, pink, brown, blue, small blue) on the board to form the City Building display. Leave the remaining tiles in stacks near the display.
Shuffle the 4 Scoring tiles depicting wigs, and place a random one in each space at the bottom of the downtown map.
In a 2-player game, cover row E with the 2-player overlay (see Variants and Add-ons sheet).
Draw 6 Clergy tiles from the Clergy Tile bag, and place them face-up (wigs-side-down) on the dark spaces of the Church track.
Place the Cardinal meeple on the space of the Church track with the Influence symbol (envelope).
Dump the remaining Royal Favor tiles from the Rubble bag, and stack the tiles for each character on the space on that character's portrait.
Place the big Treasury marker cube on space 3 of the Treasury track.
Place all the goods and all money next to the gameboard to form the general supply and the Royal Treasury.
Card Setup
Separate the Political cards into decks by color. Shuffle each deck and set them aside for now.
Deal 5 cards to each player from the blue deck (1755-1757) and return the remaining cards to the box.
Distribute all cards from the red deck (1758-1762) face-down in the Event display, separated by type (card back) on their respective spaces; this will make 4 different decks of 5 unique cards each. Then flip the top card of each deck face-up.
There are 3 copies of each Ship card. With 4 players, include 3 of each Ship card; with 3 players, include only 2 of each; with 2 players, only 1 of each. Return any remaining copies of the Ship cards to the box.
Stack the blue Ship cards atop the red Ship cards and place the stack face- up in the shipyard. Set the others aside for now. They will be used later in the game.
Shuffle the Decree deck and place it face-down next to the gameboard.
Lay out the top 8 cards of the Decree deck to form a face-up display next to the gameboard.
In a 2-player game, any Decree cards with this symbol on them must be immediately returned to the box when they come out, and replaced with a new card.
Simulate The Earthquake
The brown cubes represent destruction by the earthquake, the red cubes represent destruction from the 3 days of fires, and the blue cubes represent the destruction from the tsunami.
Place all Rubble cubes in the Rubble bag.
i. Place a random Rubble cube from the bag in each space at the bottom of the columns of the Downtown map, and at the right end of the rows (in a 2-player game, skip row E).
ii. Place 2 random Rubble cubes in each Public Building Site around the three edges of Downtown (in a 2-player game, skip row E); these represent neighboring sites.
iii. Place 6 random Rubble cubes in the Rubble pile next to the Rubble values (in a 2-player game, return the remaining Rubble cubes to the box).

Object of the Game
A game of Lisboa is divided into 2 time periods, each of which spans a variable number of rounds. On your turn, you will play one of the five Political cards in your hand to perform one of the four available actions or to get 1 gold; then you will take a new card into your hand from the Political card display. Finally, the turn passes to the player on your left.
When a player manages to complete 2 sets (brown, red, blue) of rubble, or 3 decks of Political cards are exhausted (whichever comes first), the first time period ends at the end of that player's turn.
After the change of period is resolved, the game continues until the end of the game is triggered by a player having 4 complete sets of rubble, or by 3 decks of Political cards being exhausted again.
At the end of the round in which that happens, players will take one more turn and then the final scoring occurs. The player with the most wigs wins the game.
Game Play
On your turn, you will:
- Dock Your Ships
- Get 1 Gold or Take an Action
- Take a Political Card
- basic upkeep for your End of Turn.

Dock Your Ships
If you have any Ships in your Portfolio that are "at sea" (i.e. the cargo hold is full, and thus the goods in the cargo hold are flipped face-down so they are all packed up in crates), return the goods from the cargo hold to the general supply. Your Ships at sea have returned from their voyage!

If the goods are face-down, the Ship is at sea.
Get 1 Gold
As an act of desperation, you can Get 1 Gold instead of taking an action, by performing the following steps:
- Discard a Political card from your hand.
- Take 1 gold from the general supply.
Note: Whenever a card is discarded, it is removed from the game.
Take An Action
Play a card from your hand to take 1 of the 4 actions described below (you must be able to perform the action in order to take it).

You play the card into your Portfolio in order to take action 1 or 2; you play the card into the Royal Court in order to take action 3 or 4.
Play Into Your Portfolio

1. Any card to Sell Goods.
2. Any card to Trade with the Nobles.
Play Into The Royal Court

3. A Noble card to Visit a Noble's Office.
4. A Treasury card to Sponsor an Event.
Your Portfolio
Adding Political cards to your Portfolio grows your Business and though it, the power and Influence you have on the Crown.
Your player board has 3 wide "slots" for cards at the top (docks), and 3 narrow slots at the bottom (your office). These 6 slots are called your Portfolio and each slot can hold only 1 card at a time. The top slots (docks) are reserved for Nobles and Ships, both of which give you cumulative Influence. The bottom slots (your office) are for Treasury cards, which give you money discounts or sales benefits.

In the beginning of the game, you can only have 2 cards in your Portfolio; both could be in the top slots, both in the bottom slots, or you could have one in the top and one in the bottom.
Playing a Card into Your Portfolio
When you add a card to your Portfolio, you tuck the arrow end of the card under your player board. Any benefit or penalty depicted on the portion of the card that goes under your board must be resolved before it is hidden.

Portfolio And Warehouse Size
The number of goods of each type you are allowed to have is equal to your Portfolio size and limited by the number of Rubble sets you have collected (see sidebar).
Your Warehouse can hold 2 goods of each kind. Each Rubble set you collect lets it hold 1 more good of each kind. (Excess goods are returned to the general stock). Your Portfolio can have 2 cards +1 card for each Rubble set you have collected (see sidebar).
If you want to play a card to your Portfolio when it is already at its capacity, you must first discard a card from your Portfolio. If you discard a Ship to make room for a Noble, discard the goods on the dock beneath the Ship.

Note: If you don't have a free space on your board to place a Rubble cube you take, just discard the cube. You can never have more than 5 Rubble cubes of one kind.
The gray arrow, with icon(s) on it, at the top or bottom of the cards shows you which end of the card you will tuck under your player board when you add it to your Portfolio.
Rubble Sets For Reconstruction, Or Gaiola Pombalina
By proportionate use of rubble from each of the three disasters, you can build new buildings from a wooden frame embedded in masonry, which is resistant to earthquake, fire, and tsunami.
Building stores (page 17) or opening Public Buildings (page 20) will reward you with rubble cubes.
Each set of 1 earthquake rubble, 1 fire rubble, and 1 tsunami rubble you complete immediately increases your Portfolio size and warehouse space.
When you complete a set, take the Rubble Set marker from the +1 space above the set to indicate that your Portfolio can hold 1 more card, and you can store 1 more of each type of good. Move the Rubble Set marker onto Marquis de Pombal's portrait on the gameboard. You will be able to discard it during the Take a Decree action to take another card. Decrees earn you wigs at the end of the game.

Playing A Noble Card Into Your Portfolio
Noble cards must be played in the top slots of your Portfolio. To play a Noble card into your Portfolio, perform the following steps:
Receive the reward / pay the penalty depicted at the bottom of the card. If the icon has a o over it, it is a penalty, and you must pay the depicted item instead of receiving it. If you cannot pay the penalty, you can still play the card. Cards with penalties provide you more Influence than the other cards from the same deck.
Select an empty slot at the top of your player board (it doesn't matter which one), or discard a card from one of the slots, then tuck the card under your player board, such that the reward/penalty icon on the bottom portion of the card is covered.
Then you must perform a Sell Goods action (action 1) or a Trade with the Nobles action (action 2).
Noble cards show the Influence the player may earn, and Treasury cards show a permanent money/sales benefit.

Playing a Treasury Card into Your Portfolio
Treasury cards must be played in the bottom slots of your Portfolio. To play a Treasury card into your Portfolio, perform the following steps:
Immediately receive a quantity of reis from the Royal Treasury equal to the Treasury value. This amount is indicated to the right of the Treasury marker.
Move the Treasury marker down 1 space, because you have taken money from the Royal Treasury. The treasury marker cannot go beyond the confines of its track.
Select an empty slot at the bottom of your player board (it doesn't matter which one), or discard a card from one of the slots, then tuck the card under your player board, such that the treasury icons are covered.
Then you must perform a Sell Goods action (action 1) or a Trade with the Nobles action (action 2).
Treasury cards also provide a money/sales benefit at the bottom of the card. This benefit remains active while the card is in your Portfolio, and it is cumulative with other Treasury cards you have in your Portfolio.
Before continuing with the rules of the game, you need to understand the concept of Influence. Influence is required to take some very important actions, and has great impact on many steps of the game.

Action 1: Sell Goods
Only Portugal's strong commerce with its colonies (especially Brazil) and Europe, made it possible to rebuild a completely wrecked city in a modern and enlightened way, and in such a short time.
When you take the Sell Goods action, you can sell one or more goods. Perform the following steps for each good you sell:
- Choose a docked Ship (a Ship card in any player's Portfolio that still has space for goods).
- Move a Good (Gold, Books, Cloth, or Tools) token from your warehouses onto an empty dock space below the Ship.
- Receive money from the Royal Treasury equal to the Good's current market price, plus any modifier depicted on the Ship card.
The goods' market prices are indicated on the market track at the bottom of the board.

If the number of goods on the dock spaces below the Ship is equal to the Ship's hull size, the Ship immediately "sets sail", and the Ship's owner does the following:
- Flip the goods tokens on the dock spaces below the Ship card face-down to show them packed up in crates.
- Earn 1 wig per newly packed crate, as indicated on the crates.
You can sell any number of goods to any Ships (up to their capacity, of course). The number of goods each Ship can carry is limited by the Ship's hull size. Goods sold to a Ship remain face-up on the dock below the Ship until the Ship is full and sails away.

Action 2: Trade With Nobles
Nobles are able to make things happen much more quickly without having to wait for an official visit, especially in exchange for certain goods...
When you take the Trade with Nobles action, you trade 1 or 2 goods. Perform the following steps for each good you trade:
Select one of the six State actions that is not currently covered with a good.
Identify which Noble performs this State action, then take 1 of the type of good this Noble seeks from your warehouses, and cover the action. The goods each Noble accepts are as follows:
Manuel da Maia (the Builder) accepts tools, which represent creation and construction, or gold.
Marquis de Pombal (the Minister) accepts books, which represent wisdom and laws, or gold.
Rei D. Jose I (the King) accepts cloth, which represents vanity and royalty, or gold.
Perform the State action.

Find the 6 State actions on the white banners in Nobles' offices.

Offer a tool in exchange for a Plan.
The State Actions
Office Of Manuel Da Maia (the Builder)
I. Recruit State Officials
State officials restored the order necessary for the Public Buildings to serve their function.
To recruit State Officials, move up to 2 State Officials of your color from your player board to 2 different Nobles' offices. If the office has no free space for your Official, determine which color has the most State Official meeples in that office, and move one of those to the plaza below the office. In a tie, move one of each tied color.
II. Acquire A Plan
Architects Carlos Mardel and Eugenio dos Santos drew up many plans for new buildings in an incredibly short time, like no others before or since, in the entire history of Portugal.
To acquire a Plan, perform the following steps:
- Take the top Plan from either architect's stack.
- Place it on the proper space on your player board, architect-side-up. You can have any number of Plans from both architects.
Office Of Marquis De Pombal (the Minister)
I. Build A Ship
Exporting the majority of produced goods to Flanders, Great Britain, and Brazil helped pay for most of the reconstruction of Lisboa.
To build a Ship, perform the following steps:
Pay a number of different goods equal to the hull size of the Ship visible in the shipyard (or the difference in size if you are replacing a Ship in your Portfolio). (Refer to the table above the shipyard).
Note: When you replace a Ship, leave the old ship's cargo where it is, so it is automatically "loaded" onto the new ship.
Select an empty slot at the top of your player board (it doesn't matter which one) or discard a card from one of the slots, then tuck the new card under your player board, such that Treasury and Influence icons on the bottom portion of the card are covered.
Move the Treasury marker up 1 space, because new Ships enable more commerce and increased revenue for the Crown. The Treasury marker cannot go beyond the confines of its track.
Earn the total Influence depicted at the tops of the Noble and Ship cards in your Portfolio (i.e. on the 1-3 cards at the top of your player board). Include the new Ship's Influence in this total.
II. Produce Goods
In old Lisboa, commerce had been somewhat unusual, mostly because of Portugal's great wealth from discoveries during the Renaissance. After the cataclysm, economic recovery was one of the Marquis' main political goals, so his initiative built factories and stores.
To produce goods, perform the following steps:
- From each store you own, take 1 good of its business type (i.e. the street it is facing) from the general supply. If you receive more goods than you can store of any particular type, simply return the excess to the general supply.
- Each type of good produced drops 1 real in price. Adjust its market price accordingly.
Remember: Each type of warehouse can hold a number of goods equal to 2 + the number of rubble sets you have completed.
Note: The price drops for each type of good produced, not for each good produced. If a type of warehouse was full before you produced, such that you receive 0 of that type of good, that type of good is considered as not having been produced, and thus its price does not drop. Prices never increase.
Office Of Rei D. Jose I (the King)
I. Meet The Cardinal
The Church had a lot of power through the Jesuits during this time. That power was a menace to the Marquis de Pombal, so during his mandate, he did everything he could to weaken the power of the Church. Some of his actions were indisputably good, like ending the Inquisition.
To meet the Cardinal and get a Clergy tile, perform the following steps:
Advance the Cardinal meeple clockwise 1 or 2 spaces on the Clergy track around the Church (his spaces are the gaps between the Clergy tiles).
Take either one of the two Clergy tiles adjacent to the Cardinal, and place it face- up on an empty Clergy space on your player board. If you already have 4 tiles, you cannot take this action!
Check to see if the Cardinal landed on or passed over an icon.
Clergy Tiles
You can only have 4 of these tiles at any given moment of the game. Most of the Clergy tiles give you permanent benefits while on your player board.
Cardinal Movement
There are two different icons that can move the Cardinal: As we just saw, the King's State action that lets you Meet the Cardinal has 2 arrows, which moves the Cardinal 1 or 2 spaces; however, some cards and land rewards depict this same icon with just a single arrow. This moves the Cardinal only 1 space.
Church Treasury Icon
If the Cardinal landed on or passed over the Treasury icon, move the Treasury marker up 1 space. The treasury marker cannot go beyond the confines of its track.
Church Influence Icon
If the Cardinal landed on or passed over the Influence icon, Church Scoring occurs at the end of the active player's turn. Lay the Cardinal down to remind you to do this.
Church Scoring
Church power is represented in the benefits of the Clergy tiles, and since the Marquis de Pombal sees that power as a threat to the Crown, you have the opportunity to show your support for the Marquis, and earn some Influence and wigs from the nobility, by renouncing one or more of those benefits.
Each player, starting with the player who moved the Cardinal, and going clockwise, decides whether to gain Influence. If you choose to gain Influence, perform the following steps to do so:
- Discard 1 or more of your Clergy tiles.
- Earn the wigs depicted on their backs.
- Gain Influence
At the end of the player's turn stand the Cardinal up on his current space.
II. Get A Royal Favor
Nothing is more powerful than a favor from King D. Jose himself: "I was a generous King and was aware of my power to speed up the rebuilding of the city". He also liked to give his friends extravagant gifts.
Each Royal Favor tile depicts one of the 3 Nobles, and allows you to take an extra action in that Noble's office during any other player's turn.
To get a Royal Favor, perform the following: Take any type of Royal Favor tile that you do not already have and place it on the appropriate space on your player board.
Note: You can have only 1 Royal Favor tile for each Noble at any given time.
Action 3: Visit A Noble

Visiting one of the 3 Nobles adds new paths to your strategy. Not only does it give you access to one of that Noble's State actions without trading a good, it also gives you access to his powerful Noble action. And nothing is more useful than aid from the most influential personalities of that time.
But beware: Anyone with the right favor from the King can follow you right through the door to take advantage of your visit!
To Visit a Noble, perform the following steps:
- Play a Noble card from your hand to the Royal Court on the gameboard.
- Place your Courtier meeple atop the card as a reminder that it is your turn, in case other players follow your visit.
- Spend Influence to Visit the Noble (see Spending Influence to Visit a Noble, next column).
- Optionally, you may take either one of this Noble's State actions without having to pay a good.
- And then, you must take the Noble action.
Remember: If you cannot fully perform the Noble action, you are not allowed to visit that Noble at all.
Follow a Visit
After you finish your Visit, each of your opponents (going clockwise from you) who has a Royal Favor tile corresponding to the Noble you visited may Follow that Visit. Anyone who decides to follow a visit must perform the following steps:
- Return their Royal Favor tile to its stack.
- Spend Influence to Visit the Noble (see below).
- Then take one of the three actions this Noble offers: i.e. either the Noble action, or one of the two State actions for this Noble (without having to pay a good).
After each of your opponents has had a chance to Follow, return your Courtier meeple to its space at the edge of the Royal Court and discard your Noble card from the Royal Court. (As usual, the player to your left goes next).
Spending Influence to Visit a Noble

In order to Visit a Noble or Follow a Visit, you must spend Influence by moving your Influence marker leftward on the Influence track. The amount of Influence you must spend is calculated as follows:
The Influence value to the left of the Treasury marker, plus the number of State Officials in that Noble's office (but not his office plaza) belonging to other players (including neutral ones in a 2-player game).
If the total is less than 0, treat it as 0.
If (and only if) you do not have enough Influence, you can pay the difference in wigs. 1 wig = 1 Influence.

Manuel Da Maia (the Builder)

Build A Store

To build a store, perform the following steps:
- Select an available City tile from the display. The space from which you take it dictates the type of business the store will be, and the street its entrance (notch) must face.
- Select an empty land space touching the street that matches the business color from Step 1.
- Get the reward depicted on the land space, then place the City tile on the space, with its entrance facing the appropriate street.
- Take 1 Rubble cube from either the row or the column of that space (if there are any), and put it at the leftmost matching empty space on your player board (if there's no room, remove the cube from the game).
- Pay for the land (see Calculating Land Price, at right) with reis.
- Move a wooden house from your player board onto the City tile, close to the entrance.
- Earn wigs for building the store.

Note: At the start of your turn, the display of available City tiles will have one tile on each space. Large City tiles are built on the square spaces of downtown. Small City tiles are built on the half-size spaces on the thin, rightmost column of the grid.
Calculating Land Price
The price of the land space on which you wish to build is equal to the current Treasury value to the right of the Treasury marker, plus the total cost of all remaining Rubble cubes in the land space's column and row of the city map (not on Public Building spaces).
Rubble costs are as follows:
- Earthquake (brown) rubble costs 3 reis.
- Fire (red) rubble costs 2 reis.
- Tsunami (blue) rubble costs 1 real.

This aid on the board reminds you of the rubble costs.
Note: Be sure to check the Treasury cards in your Portfolio and Clergy tiles on your player board for applicable money or sales benefits!
Choosing A Wooden House
On your player board, there are 3 groups of wooden houses, and each group grants you special abilities as you build the houses from it. Each group is completely independent of the other, and you must always take the bottom most house in whichever group you choose.
Once you unlock a special ability, it remains unlocked until you replace it by reaching the next special ability in that group, which supersedes the previous one.
Left Group: 2 Wooden Houses
No new ability.
Allows you to spend reis instead of Influence (1 real = 1 Influence) in order to Visit (or Follow a Visit to) a Noble.
Middle Group: 3 Wooden Houses
When you build a Ship, pay 1 fewer good.
No new ability. #1 is still in effect.
When you build a Ship, don't pay any of the required goods; that is, you always get the Ship for free.
Example: Green trades a book to the Marquis to get a size- 3 Ship. He has built 2 of the 3 houses from the middle group, so he pays 1 1 fewer good. Green only has to pay 2 different goods, instead of 3.
Right Group: 3 Wooden Houses

When you Produce Goods, take one additional good of a single type that you produced (only if you have space in your warehouse).
No new ability. #1 is still in effect.
When you Produce Goods, take 1 additional good of each type that you produced (only if you have space in your warehouse).
Earning Wigs For Your New Store
For this process, the only relevant Public Buildings are the Public Buildings (if any) with the matching color and either in the same row of your store, or on the same street that your store is facing; these are the ones driving traffic to your new store.
There can at most be 3 relevant Public Buildings. One at the top, one at the left and another one at the right.
Calculate the number of wigs you earn as follows:
Find the large number on the scoring tile at the bottom of the column in which you built your store.
Multiply that value by the number of relevant Public Buildings.
Marquis De Pombal (the Minister)

Take A Decree

Decrees earn you wigs at the end of the game, if you meet their criteria. Simply select one of the Decree cards from the display and place it face-up next to your player board.
If you have a Rubble Set marker on the marquis you may discard it to take an extra decree. You cannot discard more than one Rubble Set marker per turn.
- Your Decree cards are always visible to all players.
- Only you can score for your Decree cards;
- There is no limit to the number of Decrees you may own.
D. Jose I (the King)

Open A Public Building

Public Buildings determine which stores will score. Once opened, they score all stores matching one of their two colors in the same row, or all stores facing their same street.
To Open a Public Building, you must have a Plan from the architect who designed the Public Building you wish to open, and the number of State Officials indicated on the Plan in Nobles' offices (and/or plazas), or at least enough reis needed to hire the rest.
To open a Public Building, perform the following steps:
Select a Public Construction Site space at the west, north, or east side of downtown.
Note: A Public Building along the north side of downtown must have a color that matches the street on which it sits. The space itself is this color, too, so you can't miss it.
Take both Rubble cubes from the space, and place them at the leftmost matching empty spaces on your player board, then take the reward depicted on the construction site space.
Select and show the other players any one of your incomplete Plans, and then take the available Public Building tile matching that architect and place it on the space, (be careful not to flip it over to the other architect's side).
Return a number of your State Officials, indicated on the chosen Plan, from the Nobles' offices/plazas to your player board. If you don't have enough there, you can hire the rest (see Hiring State Officials, next page).
Flip the used Plan tile and place it on the Completed Plans space on your player board.
For an east or west Public Building, the owner of each store in the same row earns wigs if the store faces a street of any of the colors on the Public Building. For a north Public Building, the owner of each store facing its street earns wigs. The number of wigs a store earns its owner is the large number on the Scoring tile at the bottom of the store's column.
Finally, move the top tile from the architect's stack of Public Buildings to the newly empty space.
Hiring State Officials
After such a catastroph, many people lost their jobs, but the rebuilding of the city and the opening of a new Public nce of employment opportunities, which readily draws prospective workers. So don't rking for the Nobles: Surely you can hire the rest for the going wages...
Each Plan tile depicts the number of State Officials required to operate the building according to the architect's vision. You must reassign that many of your State Officials from the Nobles' offices/plazas to the new Public Building at the opening.
If (and only if) you do not have enough State Officials available among the Nobles' offices and plazas, then you may hire the rest of the State Officials at the last minute.
The price for each new hire is equal to the current Treasury value, which is to the right of the Treasury marker.
Action 4: Sponsor An Event

To Sponsor an Event depicted on a Treasury card in your hand, perform the following steps:
Play the Treasury card from your hand to the Royal Court.
Pay reis equal to the current Treasury value.
Perform the action / receive the reward depicted in the center of the Treasury card. (See Actions from Treasury Cards, page 7 of Player Aid book).

Take A Political Card

To finish your turn, take any face-up Political card from the Political card display. This brings your hand back up to 5 cards.
Remember: Each deck has only one type of cards. From left to right you will find the Manuel's deck, the Marquis' deck, the King's deck, and the Treasury deck.
End Of Turn
Reveal a New Political Card: If any, flip the top card of the deck face-up to reveal a replacement for the card you took.
Refill the City Tile Display: Refill any empty spaces in the City tile display.
Refill the Church Track: Refill any empty Clergy tile spaces on the Church track from the bag of Clergy tiles.
Refill the Decrees Display: Refill any empty spaces of the Decree card display with new cards from the deck. There should be 8 cards.
Remove Goods from the State Actions: Return any goods on the State actions to the general supply. There would be a good on 1-2 State actions if you took the Trade with Nobles action this turn.
Note: There are always 2 Public Buildings available, because you fill the Public Building space as soon as you take one. So, you never need to refill the Public Building display at the end of the turn.
End Of Period
As soon as anyone completes their 2nd set of rubble or 3 Political card decks in the display are empty, finish the current turn, discard all the remaining cards in the display, then perform the following steps:
Each player receives 3 wigs for each set of Rubble cubes on their player board.
Discard any Ship cards remaining in the shipyard. Replace them with the purple size-3 and brown size-4 Ship cards, with the purple size-3 Ship(s) on top.
Starting with the player who triggered the end of the period and following in clockwise order, each player may discard any number of cards from their hand. Each player earns the reward at the bottom of one of each type of Noble card discarded this way. (Ignore penalties).
Each player draws back up to a 5-card hand from the purple Political card deck (1763- 1768). Return the remaining cards to the box.
Prepare the brown Political card deck (1769- 1777) the same way you prepared the red Political card deck (1757-1763) at the start of the game.
If needed refill the Church track and Decrees display. Then continue play from the next player in turn order.
End of the Game
As soon as anyone completes 4 sets of Rubble, or once again 3 Political card decks in the display are empty, finish the current round, so all players have taken the same number of turns in the game.
Then, play a final round and perform the endgame scoring.
To your total wigs on the score track, add the following:
Wigs equal to the sum of the hull sizes of the Ships in your Portfolio.
3 Wigs for each completed set of Rubble cubes.
Wigs for having more stores of a type than your opponents, per the following table:
In a tie, add the tied places, then divide the points among the tied players, rounded down.
Cash out your Influence for reis, then earn 1 Wig for each 5 reis you have (rounded down). Do not move the Influence marker.
Wigs from your Decree cards that you fulfill. Nobody else can score from your Decree cards.
Wigs for having put more State Officials to work in Public Buildings than your opponents (simply count the total number of State Officials depicted on your completed Plans), per the following table:
If you have no completed Plans, you earn no wigs for this.
In a tie, add the tied places, then divide the points among the tied players, rounded down.
2 wigs for each Royal Favor tile you have on your board.
Use any marker on the icons in the bottom right corner of the gameboard to track the endgame scoring.
The player with the most sets of rubble.
The player with the most stores.
The player with the most completed Plans.
The player with the most money.
If it is still a tie after all that, the tied players must rest with the satisfaction that they rebuilt a devastated Lisboa into a great city.
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