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Rating: 6.8 Good
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 45-60 minutes

Official Site: Webpage at IELLO Publisher

Created by: Carl Chudyk, Cara Judd, Anders Olausson, Robin Olausson, Christophe Swal, Cyril Van Der Haegen

Published by: Asmadi Games, Asterion Press, Hobby Japan

Alternate Names: Innowacje, Инновация, חידושים והמצאות, イノベーション, 创世发明


This game by Carl Chudyk is a journey through innovations from the stone age through modern times. Each player builds a civilization based on various technologies, ideas, and cultural advancements, all represented by cards.

Each of these cards has a unique power which will allow further advancement, point scoring, or even attacking other civilizations. Be careful though, as other civilizations may be able to benefit from your ideas as well!

To win, you must score achievements, which you can attain by amassing points or by meeting certain criteria with the innovations you have built. Plan your civilization well, and outmaneuver your opponents, and with some luck you will achieve victory!

Retail Price:$24
Innovation: Artifacts of History
Innovation: Cities of Destiny
Innovation: Echoes of the Past
Innovation: Figures in the Sand
Meeples' Choice Award 2010
Golden Geek Best Innovative Board Game Nominee 2010
Golden Geek Best Card Game Winner 2010
Golden Geek Best Card Game Nominee 2010

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