The king tarries in a far-off land. In his absence, the kingdom falls into chaos and disorder. Each duke seeks to build up his own power and influence. Borders will be redrawn, the kingdom divided. Who will control the most valuable regions when the king returns?
Before your first game, you will have to remove all of the pieces from the cardboard frames.
- 4 Board Edge Pieces and connectors
- 9 Land Tiles
- 60 Action Cards
- 60 Knights and 16 Castles in 4 colors
- 100 Border Markers
- 47 Gold Ducats
- 4 Siegpunktanzelger
- 1 Crest Tokens (victory point markers) and one King Token
Object of the Game
Each player builds castles and encloses them with borders. When a castle is completely enclosed, the castle owner controls that Domaine. …