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Component List

  • 2 Terrain Reference Sheets
  • 4 Survivor Figures
  • 2 Camp Tokens
  • 1 Compass Token
  • 4 Fire Tokens
  • 2 Dice
  • 34 Map Tiles
  • 10 Night Cards
  • 11 Quest Cards
  • 12 Combat Support Cards
  • 94-96 Exploration Cards
  • 30-32 Enemy Cards
  • 44 Crafted Item Cards
  • 11 Project Cards
  • 1 Tribe Leader Marker
  • 12 Character Cards
  • 24 Threat Cards
  • 4 Reference Cards
  • 20 Counters
  • 6 Water Source Tokens
  • 103-106 Feature Tokens
  • 16 Monster Tokens
  • 84 Resource Tokens
  • 2-5 Special Monster Tokens


To set up the game, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose Scenario: As a group, players choose which scenario they would like to play. For their first game, players should use "Scenario 1". Find all quest cards belonging to that scenario and return the others to the game box.

    Read the "Stage 1" card of the chosen scenario aloud. It provides the first objective that players need to complete to advance toward winning the game. Keep the other quest cards for this scenario facedown (they will be used later).

  2. Assign Tribe Leader: Each player rolls a die, and the player who rolls highest receives the tribe leader token. If there is a tie, tied players reroll.

  3. Create Night Deck: Shuffle the six tier-II night cards (red) to create a facedown deck. Then shuffle the four tier-I night cards (blue) and place them on top.

  4. Find Terrain Components: Find the reference sheet that belongs to this scenario; it shows which terrain- specific components are needed for this game. Set up these components as follows:

    1. Exploration, Enemy, and Crafted Item Decks: Sort the cards in these three decks facedown in numeric order. Do not shuffle these decks.

      The sheet will instruct players to return certain exploration cards to the game box. Be sure to do so at this time.

    2. Project Deck: Shuffle the project cards into a facedown deck and place it near the crafted item deck. If the reference sheet shows advanced project cards (red back), shuffle them into a separate deck.

    3. Threat Deck: Shuffle the threat cards (of the color shown on the reference sheet) into a facedown deck and place it near the night deck.

    4. Terrain-Specific Tokens: Gather the map tiles, water source tokens, camp token, monster tokens, and feature tokens shown on the reference sheet. Sort them into facedown piles by token back and randomize them.

    5. Common Tokens: Sort all the resource tokens, fire tokens, counters, and special monster tokens and place them in piles within reach of all players.

    Return all other map tiles, feature tokens, monster tokens, and camp tokens to the game box (they will not be used this game).

  5. Build Map: Find the map tile that has artwork on both sides, and place it in the center of the table. Then sort the other map tiles into piles according to the numbers on their backs. Shuffle each pile, and then build the map by placing tiles facedown in the configuration shown on the reference sheet.

    Place the compass token at the edge of the map as shown on the reference sheet. Then place the camp token on the camp space of map, lit side faceup.

    Note: The image on the right shows the island map. Other terrain types have different configurations shown on their terrain reference sheets.

  6. Assign Characters: Shuffle the character cards and deal two cards to each player. Each player secretly chooses one of their cards to keep; after all players have chosen, they simultaneously reveal their cards. Return all other character cards to the game box.

    If playing a solo game (i.e., only one player), that player draws four character cards and chooses one to keep.

  7. Survivor Setup: Each player receives the following and places them near their character card:

    1. One character tracker. Set the three health dials to the hearts and set the stamina dial based on the number of players:

      • Three or four players: 8 stamina
      • Two players: 10 stamina
      • One player: 12 stamina
    2. One food and one clean water resource token.

    3. The three combat support cards matching the color of their character tracker. If playing a solo game, these cards are not used (skip this step).

    4. Draw a number of cards from the top of the normal (blue) project deck based on the number of players (keeping these cards secret for now):

      • Three or four players: 1 card each
      • Two players: 2 cards each
      • One player: 3 cards
    5. One survivor figure matching the color of their character tracker. Place this figure at camp.

Players are now ready to begin playing the game!

Survivors and Players

The term survivor in this game refers to both a player and the player's in-game character.

Game Play

The game is played over a number of game rounds. There are two phases to each round:

  1. Day Phase: Survivors move about the map, gather resources, craft items, and more.
  2. Night Phase: Survivors resolve a night card. These cards have a wide range of positive and negative effects, such as requiring survivors to eat food or moving monster tokens on the map.

Each phase is described in detail in the sections below.

1. Day Phase

During the day, survivors gather resources (such as food and water), craft items, and move about the map as they search for a way home.

Starting with the tribe leader and proceeding clockwise, each survivor takes one turn. During a survivor's turn, that player can perform as many actions as he or she wishes, spending one stamina for each. Below is a summary of the game's actions:

  • Gather
  • Move and Gather
  • Scout
  • Cook Meat
  • Restart Fire
  • Craft
  • Trade
  • Investigate
  • Recover
  • Card Action

Click here to read all detailed information about the actions.

After all survivors have taken their turns, play proceeds to the night phase.

At Camp and at a Fire

Some effects require survivors to be at CaMp or at a fire. This means that the survivor's figure must be in the same space as the camp or a fire respectively.

Fire is either lit or unlit, which is represented by a double-sided fire token. A survivor is only at a fire if they are in a space with a lit fire token.

If a fire burns out, its token is flipped so its unlit side is faceup. Survivors can perform a "restart fire" action to flip a fire token so its lit side is faceup.

At the start of the game, the only fire is on the camp token. As long as this fire is lit, being at camp satisfies both being at camp and at a fire. Players may find ways to create new fires using certain item cards.

2. Night Phase

During the night phase, the tribe leader draws the top card of the night deck, resolves it from top to bottom, and then discards it.

These cards always allow survivors to gain at least six stamina. This stamina is added to each survivor's current stamina value (adjust the dial on the survivor's character tracker to reflect this new value).

Stamina is spent by survivors to perform actions (described later). A survivor cannot have less than zero stamina or more than 12 stamina.

Discard the night card after resolving it. The tribe leader then decides either to give the tribe leader token to another survivor or to keep it.

Survivors then begin a new round starting with the day phase. This process continues until every survivor has won or lost the game.

Threat Cards

Being away from fire at night can be dangerous. Some night cards instruct one or more survivors to resolve a threat card.

To do so, the survivor draws the top card of the threat deck, follows the instructions on the card, and then discards it.

Some threat cards have the word ongoing below the card title. When such a card is drawn, place it in front of the survivor. It remains in play until discarded by an effect (often times specified on the threat card itself).

If multiple survivors draw threat cards at the same time, they draw and resolve them one at a time, starting with the tribe leader and proceeding clockwise.


Some threat cards are labeled "Tribal". When a survivor draws a tribal threat card, if there are no other survivors on the map, they discard the card and draw a new threat card. This most often applies during solo games, but can also apply if all other survivors have won or been eliminated.

Discarding Cards

When a night or threat card is discarded, it is placed faceup next to its deck. When there are no cards in the night deck, shuffle all tier-II cards from the discard pile to create a new deck. When there are no cards in the threat deck, shuffle its discard pile to create a new deck.

When an exploration, enemy, or crafted item card is discarded, it is returned to its deck, keeping the deck in numerical order for easy referencing.


Some cards have traits listed above the card ability (such as Cold or Master Key). Traits usually have no gameplay effect, but are referred to by other cards.

Example of a Turn

1 It is Tammy's turn, and she has nine stamina to spend on actions.

2 For her first action, she decides to move to an adjacent space. That space's stamina cost is two (as shown on the reference sheet), so she spends two stamina to perform this action.

3 For her next action, she performs another move action. This space's stamina cost is one.

4 Tammy is adjacent to an unrevealed map tile, so she spends one stamina to scout this tile.

5 The tile is flipped faceup and feature tokens are placed on the spaces that have feature icons.

6 For her next action, she performs another move and gather action.

7 As the last part of her move action, she performs a gather action (without spending additional stamina) to gain the feature token in her space. It is a resource, so she keeps this in front of her.

8 For her next two actions, Tammy performs move actions to move to landmark #33.

9 Tammy performs an investigate action and resolves card #33 from the deck. It is an item, so she keeps the card by her character card.

Tammy has one stamina remaining and decides to save it. The survivor to her left now takes a turn.

Perils of the Wild

The wilderness is a dangerous place. In addition to needing food and water, survivors may encounter dangerous enemies, diseases, and violent weather.


When a survivor already has three damage and suffers a fourth damage of any type, the survivor is eliminated. Tip that survivor's figure on its side to indicate that it is now a casualty. If the survivor is the tribe leader, they must give the tribe leader token to the player to their left.

When a survivor is eliminated, that player loses the game. All other survivors continue playing the game, but the eliminated player no longer receives a turn. The eliminated player's card abilities cannot be used and they are not treated as a survivor for any cards or rules.


When a survivor is eliminated, their project and threat cards are removed from the game, but their resources and items remain near their character card. As an action, a survivor in the same space as a casualty can take one resource or one item from that casualty.

Monster Tokens

Some cards spawn monster tokens on the map. To spawn a monster, take a random monster token from the supply of unused tokens and place it facedown in the specified space. If there is a survivor in the space, flip the token faceup, and the survivor immediately resolves a combat against it.

If an ability spawns a monster on a space that is not on the map (for example, an unrevealed landmark), the monster is not spawned.

When a survivor moves into a space that contains a monster token, the survivor flips the token faceup and immediately resolves a combat against it.

If a survivor moves into a space that contains a monster token, the survivor must resolve combat against the monster before resolving the free gather action.

If there are multiple monster tokens in a survivor's space, that player resolves combat against one of them of his or her choice. Then, if there is still a monster in the survivor's space, the player resolves combat against another one. The survivor repeats this process until there are no monsters in his or her space or that survivor is eliminated.

Moving Monster Tokens

Some card abilities move monster tokens about the map. Monsters always move the specified number of spaces, ignoring terrain. When a monster token moves into a survivor's space, the token is flipped faceup and that enemy fights the survivor in combat.

If a monster moves into a space that contains multiple survivors, the survivors in that space must agree which one of them will fight the monster. If the survivors cannot agree, the tribe leader decides.

The tribe leader decides all other ties, including where a monster would move if instructed to move toward the nearest survivor when two survivors are equidistant.

This card instructs the survivor to move the nearest monster token two spaces toward them. Since the token did not enter a survivor's space, it remains facedown.

If a monster moves more than one space, it moves one space at a time and stops moving if it enters a space that contains a survivor.

Monster tokens cannot move off the map or onto unexplored tiles, and they instead navigate around the edge of the map. If multiple monster tokens move at the same time, they are all moved before any combats occur.

Special Monster Tokens

Some quest and exploration cards spawn speCial Monster toKens. These monster tokens have a gray background, have the same front and back, and are never mixed into the pool of normal monster tokens.

Special monster tokens do not move by night cards or threat cards, but retreat as normal. Otherwise, they follow all other rules for monsters unless an ability specifies "Normal monster".

Note: Special monster cards are sometimes found in the exploration deck instead of the enemy deck.

Enemies and Monsters

The term eneMy refers to any adversary that a survivor may fight in combat. Monsters are a specific kind of enemy, represented by monster tokens.

Abilities that move monster tokens do not move & feature tokens or special monster tokens. Faceup & feature tokens in a survivor's space do not automatically start combat; they are resolved using gather actions.


Enemy cards represent all adversaries that survivors fight against, including monsters and wildlife. When a survivor draws an enemy card, that player must immediately resolve combat. Each enemy card shows that enemy's combat stats and health.

The basic rules of combat are simple: the survivor rolls two dice, one gray and one red. If the result of the gray die is equal to or higher than the enemy's defense value, the enemy is dealt damage.

If the result of the red die is equal to or higher than the enemy's attack value, the survivor suffers damage. The specific steps of combat are described below.

Combat Steps

The survivor fighting the enemy is the CoMbatant. To resolve combat, perform the following steps:

  1. Roll Dice: The combatant rolls both dice. The gray die is referred to on cards as your die and the red die as the enemy die.

  2. Modify Dice: The combatant can use abilities to reroll dice or modify die results. This includes spending resources to modify dice as follows:

    • 1 Wood: Reroll the gray die.
    • 1 Stone: Reroll the red die.
    • 1 Poison: Apply +1 to the gray die.
    • 1 Salvage: Apply -1 to the red die.

    The combatant resolves effects that modify dice one at a time in the order of their choice, and they can resolve the same effect multiple times. For example, a survivor could spend one stone to reroll the enemy die and then spend one more stone to reroll it again.

    Likewise, if a survivor has multiple weapon items, they can use all of them. However, the combatant can only use each item once per combat.

  3. Deal Damage: The enemy and survivor may be dealt damage based on the die results.

    1. If the result of the gray die is equal to or greater than the enemy's defense value, the enemy is dealt one damage. Place one counter on the enemy card to track this damage.

      If the enemy has counters on it equal to its health, the enemy is defeated; the survivor gains the reward described on the enemy card (if any) and then discards the enemy card and token.

    2. If the result of the red die is equal to or greater than the enemy's attack value, the combatant suffers one (physical) damage. This happens even if the enemy was defeated in this step.

      Some enemies have "-" as their attack value. The survivor does not suffer damage from this enemy, and the number on the red die is only used for resolving retreats.

  4. Enemy Retreat: If enemy was not defeated, the enemy's token retreats as described below. Its card remains faceup in play, keeping any counters on it to track damage.

Combat ends after this step, even if the enemy was not defeated.


When a survivor fails to defeat an enemy in combat, the enemy retreats. When an enemy retreats, its token remains faceup and is moved to an adjacent space.

It moves in the direction on the compass token that matches the number showing on the red die, which was rolled during combat.

The token cannot retreat off the map, onto an unexplored map tile, or into a survivor's space. If this would happen, the combatant chooses a space that is adjacent to his or her space and does not contain another survivor; the enemy's token is moved to that space.

Escaping Combat

Some cards allow survivors to escape a combat. When a survivor escapes, they move their figure to the adjacent space of their choice that does not contain a monster token, and the combat ends immediately.

Any unresolved steps of combat are skipped, meaning that if the survivor escapes before the deal damage step, the survivor is not dealt damage and the enemy is not defeated and does not retreat. The enemy card remains faceup near the map.

Supporting Combat

Each other survivor within two spaces of the combat is a supporter.

Before dice are rolled, each supporter chooses to play one of their three combat support cards faceup on the table or to not play a card. Survivors make this choice one at a time, starting with the player to the left of the combatant. The combatant does not play a combat support card.

Each supporter can use the ability on their card during the modify dice step. Supporters must use the ability unless it uses the word "may". After use, the card returns to its owner and can be used in future combats.

If the enemy is defeated, the combatant can keep the rewards or give some (or all) of it to supporters.

Example of Combat:

1 A monster token moved into Ben's space, so he flips the token faceup and draws the card matching its number.

2 There are no survivors close enough to support, so Ben simply rolls the dice.

3 The gray die is less than the enemy's defense value, so Ben spends one wood to reroll the gray die.

4 Ben's die is now equal to the enemy's defense value, so he deals the enemy one damage. He places a counter on the enemy card. The enemy has two health, so it is not defeated.

5 The enemy die is equal to or exceeds to the enemy's attack value, so Ben suffers one (physical) damage.

6 The enemy retreats out of the survivor's space, in the compass direction that matches the enemy die, which is 12.

Lethal Enemies

Some enemy cards are labeled as lethal, which signifies that this enemy keeps fighting combats until it is defeated or all survivors in its space are defeated.

If a lethal enemy is not defeated in combat, it does not retreat. Instead, it starts a new combat against a different survivor in its space. It fights the survivor in its space that is sitting to the left of the previous combatant. If there are no other survivors in its space, it fights the previous combatant.

Abilities that allow a survivor to escape from combat do not allow the survivor to move away from a lethal enemy. Instead, the combat ends and the enemy starts a new combat against the survivor in its space sitting to the combatant's left. If there are no other survivors in its space, the enemy fights the same survivor again.

Exploring the World

To complete a scenario, survivors frequently need to travel to specific locations or find specific items. Rules for these locations and items are described below.

Objective Icons

Some spaces have red objective icons printed on them. These icons have no game effect, but may be referred to by card abilities.

Variable Effects

Quest cards often use the number-of-players M icon. When this appears, it signifies the number of players that started the game, which includes casualties and survivors who have already won the game. For example, "Roll M dice" in a four-player game would always be read as "Roll four dice".

Key Items

Some items have abilities that are resolved when drawing an exploration card. These items allow the survivor to resolve a different exploration card instead of the card they just drew. The survivor must decide which card to resolve before seeing the replacement card's ability.

Example: A survivor has a "Silver Key" card that reads, "When you would resolve a card that has the phrase 'door is locfihed' you may hesolve the card 1 number higher instead"

While performing an investigate action, the survivor draws card #1, which reads, "This door is locked". The survivor can choose to resolve card #3 as listed on card #1 or use their "Silver Key" to resolve card #2.

End of the Game

The survivors' main objective is to complete quest cards, and the final quest card in each scenario tells survivors how they can win the game.

The current quest card remains faceup on the table and contains the instructions needed to complete it, as well as what happens when completed.

When the card instructs survivors to advance to a new stage, they find the quest card of the specified stage for that scenario. That card is placed faceup on the table and becomes the current quest.

The final stage of each scenario describes how the survivors win the game. When a survivor wins the game, that player removes their figure from the map, discards all of their cards, tokens, and counters, and no longer participates in the game.

All other survivors remaining in the game continue playing. If a survivor suffers too much damage that survivor loses the game.

After a survivor loses the game, other survivors continue playing and can still win the game. The game ends as soon as there are no survivors left on the map.

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