Ancient battles were fought in organized formations. The leaders of bath sides directed their forces along the battle line to gain tactical advantages. Overwhelm the opponent in the center, break through one of the flanks, or hold the position until the time has come for a decisive move. How will you muster the battle line?
60 Troop cards, in six colors each with the values 1 to 10:
- 10 = Elephants,
- 9 = Chariots,
- 8 = Heavy Cavalry
- 7 = Light Cavalry
- 6 = Hypaspists
- 5 = Phalangists
- 4 = Hoplites
- 3 = Javalineers
- 2 = Peltasts
- 1 = Skirmishers
Ten Tactics cards (white with different backs). …