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Rating: 8.6 Excellent
Players: 2-5 players
Playing time: 90-120 minutes

Created by: Glenn Drover, Paul Niemeyer, Jacoby O'Connor, James Provenzale

Published by: ADC Blackfire Entertainment, Edge Entertainment, Idea Edizioni

Alternate Names: Age of Empires 3: The Age of Discovery, Age of Empires III: Das Zeitalter der Entdeckungen, Age of Empires III: L'âge des découvertes, Age of Empires III: L'Era delle Scoperte, Age of Empires III: La Era de los Descubrimientos


Designed by Glenn Drover, this boardgame allows you to revisit the age of exploration and discovery.

Take on the role of a colonial power seeking fame, glory, and riches in the New World. As you proceed through three ages, you can launch expeditions of discovery, colonize regions, expand your merchant fleet, build capitol buildings that give your nation distinct advantages, develop your economy, and, if necessary, declare war.

Though originally published for 5 players, the game is playable by 6 with the original components and board configuration with addition of a set of figures in another color. This was originally offered as an "expansion" and an incentive to pre-order the game.

A 6 player expansion is also in the Glenn Drover's Empires: Builder Expansion, along with new capital buildings and National Advantage tiles.

Retail Price:$126
Empires: Builder Expansion
Glenn Drover's Empires: Age of Discovery – Plague Promo
Nederlandse Spellenprijs Nominee 2009
Ludoteca Ideale Official Selection Winner 2009
JoTa Best Heavy Board Game Nominee 2008
Golden Geek Best Gamer's Board Game Nominee 2008
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