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Rating: 6.5 Good
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 60 minutes

Created by: Michael Kiesling, Harald Lieske, Michael Menzel

Published by: Hans im Glück Verlags-GmbH, Albi, Filosofia Éditions

Alternate Names: Vikingové, Wikinger, Wikingowie, Викинги


Vikings is a fast economic game. Despite the nominal "Viking" theme, no actual exploration or pillaging is involved.

The resources in the game consist of coins and several types of ship tiles, island tiles and meeples. In each of 6 rounds, a random set of 12 tiles and 12 meeples becomes available.

Players take turns buying and placing pairs of meeples and tiles. There is no direct player interaction, only indirect contention for resources during the buying phase.

The most unusual aspect of the game is the pricing wheel, which pairs meeples with tiles and sets their prices.

Retail Price:$34
Hra roku Nominee 2009
JoTa Best Light Board Game Nominee 2008
Hra roku Nominee 2008
Golden Geek Best Family Board Game Nominee 2008
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The players lead small groups of vikings to explore the islands near their homeland. Once discovered, craftsmen and nobles settle the islands to make their homes.

To protect these newly discovered islands from attacks, players can station viking warriors between their new islands and the approaching ships, which can also add to their fame and gold. After 6 rounds the most successful leader wins!


  • 1 game board with wheel
  • 8 player markers
  • 1 start player figure
  • 4 player bases (homeland)
  • 45 coins
  • 1 cloth sack
  • 4 Scoring Summaries
  • 78 vikings
  • 62 island tiles
  • 14 ship tiles
  • 25 special tiles
  • rulebook
  • Progress Rules


Each player takes and places in his play area (before him on the table): …

The rules for the progress version differ in the way Vikings are placed on the wheel and with the rules for boatsmen. In addition, the specal tiles are used in this version of the game. All other rules remain the same.

Auction for placing the Vikings

The start player first draws 13 Vikings at random from the cloth bag. He sorts them by color, but does not place them on the wheel. Now, the player to the right of the start player is the auctioneer. …

  • Coins are very important to the game, so players should try to have a supply of coins.

    Although both earn a player coins, repelled ships earn them every other round, while the goldsmith earns them every round, while ships every other round. Thus, goldsmiths earn a player a faster and more regular income.

  • Because of the turning of the wheel, sets that start the round expensively will become cheaper later on.

    Waiting until the wheel has turned can save a player several coins, but waiting too long can lose the player an important set. …

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