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Rating: 7.3 Good
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 1-4 players
Playing time: 25 minutes

Created by: Grzegorz Rejchtman, Nicolas Neubauer

Published by: Albi, Competo / Marektoy, Devir

Alternate Names: Expédition Pyramide, Pyramidens portar, Убонго, אובונגו, 우봉고


In Ubongo, players compete to solve individual puzzles as quickly as they can to get first crack at the gems on hand for the taking.

Original edition:

The game board consists of six rows, with twelve gems (of various colors) placed in these rows. At the start of play, each player places his pawn in front of one of those rows. Each player also takes twelve polyominoes - that is, pieces consisting of 2-5 squares in some configuration; players use these pieces each round to try to recreate shapes.

At the start of a round, each player receives a puzzle card that depicts a shape created by some number of squares; one side of this card depicts six rows of 3 pieces, the other side depicts six rows of 4 pieces, for a more difficult puzzle.

When everyone is ready, someone rolls a die to determine which row of pieces each player can use to recreate the shape on their individual card. The race is timed by a sand timer, and the outcome of this race determines the action on the main playing board.

Whoever first solves their puzzle in time gets to move their pawn up to three rows left or right, with the second player to finish moving two rows and the third player only one row.

Players then collect two gems from the front of the row where their pawn is located, which means that the more rows you can move, the more control you have over which color gems you can collect. After collecting gems, each player receives a new puzzle card, and a new round begins.

After nine rounds, the game ends and whoever has collected the most gems in a single color wins! If players tie, then those players compare who has the most gems in a second color, and so on.

Retail Price:$34
Ubongo: Die Erweiterung für 5-6 Spieler
Guldbrikken Best Family Game Nominee 2011
Årets Spel Best Family Game Winner 2009
Juego del Año Finalist 2008
Årets Spill Best Family Game Winner 2008
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Each player receives one set of 12 tiles. At the beginning of each round, each player also receives a new puzzle board. The task to be completed on each puzzle board is determined by rolling the die; immediately afterward, the hourglass is turned over.

All players simultaneously try to place a predetermined set of tiles on the light-colored placement area of their puzzle boards in such a way that the area is completely covered.

Each player who can complete his or her task before the hourglass runs out shouts "Ubongo!" and takes a gem from the bag - the two fastest players also receive a bonus gem from the game round track. …

Each player receives one set of ten tiles. At the beginning of each round, each player also receives a new puzzle card.

During a round, all of the players simultaneously try to cover the light-colored placement area of their puzzle cards completely with the specified tiles, with no part of any tile sticking outside of the placement area.

The first player to solve his or her puzzle yells "Ubongo!" Then, this player starts counting down from 20 to zero, while the other players continue trying to solve their puzzles. …

Players compete over 8 rounds to see who can solve the puzzles first. Each puzzle contains two different areas that must be completed each round.

The Cards

Each card has two sides with different levels of difficulty: An easier side that requires 4 game pieces to solve and a harder side that requires 6 game pieces to solve. The players decide together what difficulty they want to play.

Easier Side

Harder Side


  1. With 4 players, all 32 cards are used. With 3 players, 8 cards are randomly returned to the box. With 2 players, 16 cards are randomly returned to the box. …

Each player receives 9 game boards (in the same animal order) and the group decides which side they are going to use (3 or 4 shapes per puzzle).

The dice is rolled once each round to determine which puzzle number on the game board is played. Each player then takes the indicated game pieces associated with that puzzle.

The timer is turned over and all players simultaneously try to position their 3 or 4 game pieces so that they completely cover the white area at a 2-level height. …

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