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Rating: 4.9 Moderate
Difficulty:Very easy
Players: 2-6 players
Playing time: 15 minutes

Created by: Rosie Roberson, Michelle Barbera

Published by: Gamewright


Get hooked on this card game of big fish and even bigger fish tales. Cast a lure card from your tackle box, then pick from your opponents' cards in hopes of landing the big one.

Will you be able to see through their bluffs or will you get stuck with a soggy old boot? Reel in the most fish and you're the master angler. But catch only junk and you'll be left telling a story about the one that got away!

The story about the fisherman who nearly caught a fish that was this big is about as old as the sea. Now you get the chance to add to this classic tradition of embellishment with this clever card game.

As you cast lures and try to catch fish, youll have to read opponents poker faces and try to figure out whos playing the best fish and whos just bluffing with river rubbish!

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