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Rating: 6.8 Good
Players: 2-4 players
Playing time: 90 minutes

Official Site: The Golden Ages by Quined - Homepage

Created by: Luigi Ferrini, Alexandre Roche

Published by: Quined Games, Ediciones MasQueOca, Ergo Ludo Editions

Alternate Names: Las Edades de Oro, Goldene Zeitalter


In The Golden Ages, you lead your civilizations through history. The game lasts four different eras, during which you develop technologies, create fine arts, erect buildings, and build wonders.

You'll send explorers to discover the continents, found cities in distant lands, and send your soldiers into battles.

The first player starting a Golden Age during an era chooses a "History Judgement" card that states the way all the players will score in that round. Each player who started a Golden Age continues taking money at his turns until all other players have passed.

There are many ways to score points - artists, the judgement of history, wonders, technologies, attacks, money, secret future technologies, etc. - as well as many different ways to achieve a victory. Will you succeed in evolving your civilization through history, overwhelming your opponents on the way to glory?

Retail Price:$46
The Golden Ages: Cults & Culture
The Golden Ages: Wonderpack
Nederlandse Spellenprijs Best Expert Game Nominee 2015
Goblin Magnifico Nominee 2015
Meeples' Choice Nominee 2014

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